Imam, Syed Mehdi

The drama of prince Arjuna/ Syed Mehdi Imam - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1973. - 118p.

The dramatic approach. The two planes of the dramatic action of the Gita. The action of the Paramatma. The action of the Atma. The action of the Jiva-Atma. The action of the Not-Self. I'he Upper Sphere of the Will. The Lower Sphei'e of the Not-Self. The Laws of the illusory fields. The Law of Maya. The Law of Periodic Manifestations. The Law of the Gunas. 'I'he Law of Karma. The Law of Rebirth. The Law of the Releases. The
dramatic characters of the Gita. The external action of the Gita. The intcnnal action of the Gita. I'he dramatic defect of Arjuna. The dramatic action of the Gita. The dramatic crisis of the Gita. I'he dramatic reversal of the Gita. The dramatic finale. Trag^ pity and tragic terror. 'I'he ingredients of drama. The present drama. Prologue. Act I. Epilogue. The message.

I. The Pause Before The Battle. /
II. The Distress Of Prince Arjuna.
III. The Yoga Of Work.
IV. The Yoga Of Knowledge.
V. The Renunciation Of Works.
VI. The Yoga Of Meditation.
VII. The Yoga Of Realisation.
VIII. 'I'he Mystery Of Brahma.
IX. Raj Yoga.
X. The Supernal Manifestations.
XI. The Vision Of The Absolute Form.
XII. Bhakti Yoga.
XIII. The Field And Its Knower.
XIV. The Triple Strands Of The Not-Self.
XV. The Supi'eme Divine.
XVI. The Divine And The Undivine.
XVII. The Threefold Faith.
XVIII. The Last Release.


Arjuna -- (Hindu mythological character) -- Drama.
Bhagavadgītā -- Drama.

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