Peters, F.E

Jesus and muhammad: Parallel tracks,parallel lives/ F.E Peters - New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - 214 p.

1. The Settings
Jesus and First-Century Palestine
What Was on Jewish Minds in the First Century?
Sectarian Signals
The Context for Muhammad
The Silence of the Sources
Afterthoughts: The Prophets in Place
Palestine and the Hijaz
Galilee and Mecca
2. Opening the Files
The Dossier on Jesus
The Pagan Sources
The Jewish Sources
The Christian Sources
The Dossier on Muhammad
God Knows Best: The Quran
The Biographical Tradition
Bukhari and the "Prophetic Reports"
Western Historicism and Its Discontents
Tales of Wahb
Toward a Life
Muslim Patristics
AJierthoughts: The New Testament and the Quran
The Critic at Work: Coming of Age
Jesus' Infancy Narratives
Editorial Fingerprints on the Gospels
Jesus of Bethlehem
A Virginal Conception
The Nativity
In the Temple
Bar Mitzvah
One Man's Family
The Women in Jesus' Life
Afterthoughts: Editorial Opportunities
The "Infancy Gospel of Islam"
The Birth of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
"The Men Who Have the Elephant"
An Uncertain Chronology
Presentiments and Prodigies
The Opening of the Breast, the Cleansing
OF the Heart
An Arab Prophet
Coming of Age in Mecca
The Sinful Wars
Marriage to Khadija
Muhammad THE Trader
Afterthoughts: Where Do We Stand?
4- The Living Voice
Jesus Speaks
The Discovery of Q
The Making of Q.
Qand Mark
The QText
Looking under the Hood
Qand Jesus
Qand the Death of Jesus
Q as a Literary Work
The Themes of Q, and of Jesus
Whei?, Where, Who ?
The People of Q
Muhammad Speaks, or Sings
Qand Quran
Muhammad, Prophet and Poet
Revelation as Oral Composition
The Objective
The Poet and the Performer
The Revelations Memorized
A Singer of Tales
Story and Storytelling
Muhammad's Religious Repertoire
The Mantic Seer
The Miraculous Quran
Afterthoughts: Q^and the Hadith
S. The Message: Jesus in Galilee
The Shape of the Gospels
John the Baptist and Jesus
The Twelve
Spreading the Good News
An Itinerant Preacher
What Was the Good News?
The Kingdom
When Does the Kingdom Come?
A Dual Kingdom?
Messiahs and The Messiah
The Messianic Evidence
Reading the Scriptures
The Jesus Key
A Reluctant Messiah
Signs and Wonders
.. and more than a prophet"
Skepticism, Ancient and Modern
A Jewish Teacher
^ Jesus and the Torah
A Teacher with a Difference
Ajierthoughts: The Man and the Message
The Message: Muhammad at Mecca
A Preliminary Exercise
The Man Muhammad
The Call to Prophecy
An Experience of the Unseen World
A Heavenly Journey
Identification, Validation
Muhammad's Public Preaching
The Muslims Pray
Growing Pressures
The Satanic Verses
Threats ofthe Judgment
The Seal of the Prophets
Identifying the Prophet
What Was Muhammad Thinking?
A Jewish Christian Template for Muhammad?
Two Prophetic Reformers
The Plot against Muhammad
A Resort to Violence
The Migration
Afterthoughts: Two Versions of the Good News
7. Act Two: Tragedy and Triumph
Jesus in Jerusalem
A Two-Part Gospel
A Common Account?
A Triumphal Entry
The Temple Incident
A Priestly Plot
The Last Days
The Last Supper
The Arrest in the Garden
The Sanhedrin Trial
The Trial before Pilate
The Crucifixion
The Burial
Muhammad at Medina
The Medina Accords
The Medina Quran
Writing Down the Quran?
Muhammad and the Jews of Medina
Badr Wells
A Failed Response
The Wives of the Prophet
The Establishment of Islam
Ajierthoughts: Politics and Piety
8. A New Dawn: The Aftermath, the Legacy
Jesus, the Ajiermath
The Empty Tomb
The Resurrection Accounts
The Witnesses
Appended Thoughts
Empowerment and Commission
The End
Muhammad, the Legacy
A Prophet without Miracles
The Miracle of Badr Wells
The Death of the Prophet
A Man without Sin
"A Beautiful Pattern"
The Prophetic Reports
Th-e Adab of the Prophet
Muhammad the Man
Afterthoughts: Portraits from Life
9. Epilogue: Spreading the Word
Without the Lord
How the Message Spread
Making Christians
Without the Prophet
The Missionary Impulse
Conversion and Assimilation
Making Muslims


Christianity and other religions -- Islam.
Islam -- Relations -- Christianity.

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