Health communication/ edited by Gary L. Kreps - Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2010. - 311p.

Volume V: Health Communication
and the Health Care System
Introduction: Health Communication and the Health Care System vii
Gary L. Kreps
96. Information Giving in Medical Care 1
Howard Waitzkin
97. Communication Practices in the Social Construction of Health
in an AIDS Residence 29
Lawrence R. Frey, Mara B. Adelman and Jim L. Query, Jr
98. Tailoring Communications for Primary Care Settings 51
B.K. Rimer and B. Classman
99. Helping Patients Access High Quality Health Information 65
Sasha Shepperd, Deborah Chamock and Bob Gann
100. Entertainment-Education and Social Change; An Analysis
of Parasocial Interaction, Social Learning, Collective Efficacy,
and Paradoxical Communication 69
Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal, Sweety Law, Sautnya Pant,
Suruchi Sood, Everett M. Rogers and Corinne L. Shefner-Rogers
101. Participatory Design for Better Interactive Health Communication:
A Statewide Model in the USA 95
Linda Neuhauser
102. A Theoretical Agenda for Entertainment-Education 111
Arvind Singhal and Everett M. Rogers
103. A Strategy to Reduce Cross-Cultural Miscommunication
and Increase the Likelihood of Improving Health Outcomes 131
Marjorie Kagawa-Singer and Shaheen Kassim-Lakha
104. Bridging the Digital Divide: Reaching Vulnerable Populations 151
Betty L. Chang, Suzanne Bakken, S. Scott Brown, Thomas K. Houston,
Gary L. Kreps, Rita Kukafka, Charles Safran and P Zoe Stavri
105. The Internet as a Vehicle to Communicate Health Information
during a Public Health Emergency: A Survey Analysis Involving
the Anthrax Scare of 2001
Anne E Kittler, John Hobbs, Lynn A. Volk, Gary L. Kreps and
David W. Bates
106. The Contributions of Health Communication to Eliminating
Health Disparities
Vicki S. Freimuth and Sandra Grouse Quinn
107. An Ecological Framework for Cancer Communication:
Implications for Research
Kevin Patrick, Stephen S. Intille and Marion F. Zabinski
108. Family Communication and Genetic Health: A Research Note 197
Judith L. Weiner, Kami J. Silk and Roxanne L. Parrott
109. On Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: The Potential
Role of Patient Communication Skills Interventions 209
Donald J. Cegala and Douglas M. Post
110. Communication and Racial Inequities in Health Care
Gary L. Kreps
111. Tailored Interventions in Public Health: Where Does Tailoring
Fit in Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities? 24
Marci Kramish Campbell and Lisa M. Quintiliani
112. The Relationship of Media Attention to Colorectal Cancer-Related
Risk Appraisals in Older Japanese Aiuericans: Using Structural
Equation Modeling to Develop an Explanatory Model
Keiko Honda and Gary L. Kreps
113. The NCI Digital Divide Pilot Projects: Implications for
Cancer Education
Gary L. Kreps, David Gustafson, Peter Salovey,
Rosemarie Slevin Perocchia, Wayne Wilbright, Mary Anne Bright
and Cathy Muha
114. Communication and Marketing as Tools to Cultivate the
Public's Health: A Proposed "People and Places" Framework 285
Edward W. Maibach, Lorien C. Abroms and Mark Marosits


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