Ranganathan, Maya

Indian media in a globalised world/ Maya Ranganathan and Usha M Rodrigues - Thousand Oaks: SAGE, 2010. - 300p.

Glocalisation of Indian television / Usha M. Rodrigues --
Nationalism as a marketing tool by MNC advertisements / Maya Ranganathan --
Print media in the era of globalisation / Usha M. Rodrigues --
Commercial FM radio takes over Indian cities / Maya Ranganathan --
The pan-Tamil rhetoric in regional media / Maya Ranganathan --
Citizen journalism and the public sphere in India / Usha M. Rodrigues --
The Naga nation on the Net / Maya Ranganathan --
Towards a more inclusive Indian identity? A case study of the Bollywood film Swades / Maya Ranganathan --
Public service broadcasting in India: Doordarshan's legacy / Usha M. Rodrigues --
The archetypes of Sita, Kaikeyi and Surpanaka stride the small screen / Maya Ranganathan --
Freedom in Indian blogosphere / Maya Ranganathan --
Television policy in India : an unfulfilled agenda / Usha M. Rodrigues.


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