Approaches to international relations/ edited by Stephen Chan and Cerwyn Moore - Los Angeles: Sage, 2009. - 420p. 15.6cm.

Appendix of Sources
Editors' Introduction: Approaches to International Relations:
The State of the Art and the Future of the Art

Volume I:Traditional Approaches to International Relations:History, Debates and Issues
History, Debates and Issues
1. The Geographical Pivot of History
H. J. Mackinder
2. Power Politics and War
Nicholas spykman
3.Introduction to man, State and War:
A Theorietical Analysis
Kenneth Waltz
4. In Quest of a Myth: The Problem of World Unity
Harold Lasswell
5. International Capitalism ad "Supra-Nationality"

Structure and Agency
6. The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory
Alexander E. Wendt
7. What's Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?
David Dessler
8. Explaining and Understanding
M. Hollis and S. smith
9. The Agency- Structure Problem in Foreign Policy Analysis
Walter Carlsnaes
10. the Gordian Knot of Agency-Structure in International Relations: A Neo-Gramscian Perspective
Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton

Identities and Global Politics
11. Geopolitical Discourse: The Soviet Union as Other
Simon Dalby
12. Modernization and Postmodernization: Whither India?
Fred Dallmayr
13. Self and Other in InternationalRalations
Iver B. Neumann
14. Foreign Policy and the Politics of Alterity: A Dialogical Understanding of International Relations
Xavier Guillaume

Ethics and Politics
15. The Role of Political Philosophy in the Theory of Internationsl Relations
Richard Cox
16.Postmodernism, Ethics and International Political Theory
Molly Cochran
17. Towards a Feminist International Ethics
Kimberly Hutchings
18. IR as Practical Philosophy: defining a 'Classical Approach'
Richard Shapcott


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