Urban politics/ edited by Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio - Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. - 454p. 15.6cm.


51.The Rise of the Creative Class - Richard Florida
52.Planet of Slums - Mike Davis
53.Class and Protest in Africa: New waves - David Seddon and Leo Zeilig
54.The Black Urban Regime: Structural origins and constraints - A. Reed Jr.
55.Universalism and Deconcentration: Why race still matters in poverty and economic development - J. Phillip Thompson, III
56.The Prospects for Political Equality: Is protest enough? - R.P. Browning, D.R. Marshall and D.H. Tabb
57.Gender and Sexuality - Judith Garber
58.Neither Romance nor Regulation: Re-evaluating community - James DeFillipis, Robert Fisher and Eric Shragge
59.Urban Social Movements in an Era of Globalization - Margit Mayer
60.Pivatism and the Limits of Local Economic Development Policy - Timothy Barnekov and Daniel Rich
61.The Politics of Local Economic Development - Harold Wolman with David Spitzley
62.Concentrated Poverty and Metropolitan Equity Strategies - Scott Bollens
63.Excavating the Logic of British Urban Policy: Neoliberalism as the "crisis of crisis management - Martin Jones and Kevin Ward
64.Local Policy Responses to Globalization: Place-based ownership models of economic enterprise - David Imbroscio, Thad Williamson and Gar Alperowitz
65.Sustainability and Infrastructure Planning in South Africa: A Cape Town case study - Mark Swilling
66.Reinventing Urban Citizenship - Rainer Bauboeck
67.City Life and Difference - Marion Young


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