Interpretive political science/ edited by Mark Bevir - Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. - 377p. 15.6cm.

Volume I: Interpretive Theories

Introduction: Interpretive Theories xliii
Mark Bevir

1. Interpretive Social Science: An Overview 3
Frank C. Richardson and Elaine J. Fowers
2. Three Epistemological Stances for Qualitative Inquiry: 35
Interpretivism, Hermeneutics, and Social Constructionism
Thomas A. Schwandt

Meaning in Action
3. Common-sense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action 71
Alfred Schuetz
4. The Model of the Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text 107
Paul Ricceur
5. Social Science 131
Peter Winch
6. Interpretation and the Sciences of Man 147 -
Charles Taylor
7. On Language, Culture, and Social Action 185
Miguel A Cabrera
(Translated by Anna Fagan and Marie McMahon)

Tradition and Agency
8. "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" 207
Jacques Derrida
9. On Tradition 323
Mark Bevir
10. Historical Interpretation, Intentionalism and Philosophy of Mind 245

Vivienne Brown
11. Toward a Theory of Social Practices: A Development in Culturalist 275
Andreas Reckwitz

Narrative and Critique
12. Narrative in Political Science 299
Molly Patterson and Kristen Renwick Monroe
13. Historical Explanation, Folk Psychology, and Narrative 317
Mark Bevir
14. Nietzsche, Genealogy, History 337
Michel Foucault
15. Genealogy as Critique 355
Raymond Geuss
(Translated hy Nicholas Walker)
16. Naturalism and Genealogy 363
Bernard Williams


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