Kumar, H.L

Labour and industrial law/ H.L Kumar - 5th ed. - New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing, 2010. - 2063 p.

V.1 Administrative tribunals act, 1985 --
Air(prevention & control of pollution) Act, 1981 --
Apprentices Act, 1961 --
Beedi and cigar workers (conditions of employment) act, 1966 --
Beedi workers welfare cess act, 1976 --
Beedi workers welfare fund act, 1976 --
[Indian] Boilers act, 1976 --
Bonded labour system (abolition)act, 1976 --
Building and other construction workers' (regulation of employment and conditions of service) act, 1996 --
Building and other construction workers' wlefare cess act, 1996 --
central industrial security force act, 1968 --
Child labour (prohibition and regulation) act, 1986 --
Children(pledging of labour) act, 1933 --
Cine-workers and cinema theatre workers (regulation of employment) act, 1981 --
Cine-workers welfare cess act, 1981 --
Cine-workers welfare fund act, 1981 --
Coal mines provident fund and miscellaneous provisions act, 1948 --
Coir industry act, 1953 --
Collection of statistics act, 1953 --
Contract labour (regulation and abolition) Act, 1970 --
Dangerous machines (Regulation) Act, 1983 --
Dock workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1948 --
Dock workers (Safety, health and welfare) Act, 1986 --
Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment)(Inapplicability to Major Ports) Act, 1997 --
Emigration Act, 1983 --
Employees provident funds and miscellaneous provisions act, 1952 --
Employees' state insurance act, 1948 --
Employers' liability act, 1938 --
Employment exchanges (Compulsory notification of vacancies) act, 1959 --
Employment of manual scavengers and construction of dry latrines (prohibition) act, 1993 --
Environment (protection) act, 1986 --
V. 2 Equal remuneration act, 1976 --
Factories act 1948 --
Fatal accidents act, 1855 --
Industrial disputes act, 1947 --
Industrial disputes (banking and insurance companies) act, 1946 --
Industrial employment(standing orders) act, 1946 --
Industries (development and regulation) act, 1951 --
Inter-State migrant workmen (regulation of employment and conditions of servie) act, 1979 --
Iron ore mines, manganese ore mines and chrome ore mines labour welfare cess act, 1976 --
Iron ore mines, manganese ore mines and chrome ore mines labour welfare fund act, 1976 --
Labour laws (exemption from furnishing returns and maintaining registers by certain establishments) act, 1988 --
Limestone and dolomite mines labour welfare fund act, 1972 --
Maternity benefit act, 1961 --
Mica mines labour welfare fund act, 1946 --
mines act, 1952 --
Mines and minerals (development and regulation) act, 1957 --
Minimum wages act, 1948 --
Motor transport workers act, 1961 --
National environment tribunal act, 1995 --
National environment appellate authority act, 1997 --
Payment of bonus act, 1965 --
Payment of gratuity act, 1972 --
Payment of wages act, 1936 --
Personal injuries (compensation insurance) act, 1963 --
Plantations labour act, 1951 --
Public liability insurance act, 1991 --
Public provident fund act, 1968 --
Sales promotion employees (conditions of service) act, 1976 --
Sick industrial companies (special provisions) act, 1985 --
Trade unions act, 1926 --
Water (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1974 --
Water (prevention and control of pollution) cess act, 1977 --
Weekly holidays act, 1942 --
Working journalists and other newspaper employees (conditions of service) and miscellaneous provisions act, 1955 --
Working journalists (fixation of rates and wages) act, 1958 --
Workmen's compensation act, 1923.


Labor laws and legislation -- India.
Labor laws and legislation.

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