Riddall, J G.

Jurisprudence/ J.G. Riddall - 2nd ed. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. - xi, 355 p. ; 22 cm.

1. 'I hate jurisprudence' --
2. Teeth that can bite --
3. Austin toppled? --
4. A matter of rules --
5. It stands to reason --
6. Of big fish and little fish --
7. And yet, and yet ... --
8. There all the time? --
9. How judges decide cases --
10. Talking past? --
11. The great pyramid --
12. The point of it all? --
13. Pleasures and pains --
14. On stilts? --
15. Banging on the table --
16. You really want to know? --
17. Northern Light --
18. Wholly estimable? --
19. Sez who? --
20. Close your ears, Mr Knox --
21. It shouldn't be allowed! --
22. Two bites of the cherry? --
23. The man on the beach.



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