Grees/ Brassey , Alexis - N Y: Palgrave, 2008. - 191 p. HB

1 Greed and the Market
John Meadowcroft
2 Greed and the Super-Rich
Stephen Haseler and Henning Meyer
3 Greed or Competitive Firms?
Jocelyn Pixley
4 Back to the Future: Teaching the Greed Business
Ken Starkey and Gary Cooper
5 The Disputable Truth of Economic Greed
Stephen Barber
6 What Drives Man Toward Greed?
Alexis Brassey
7 Greed in Jewish Lore
Jeremy Rosen
8 Condemning Greed? Catholic Perspectives
Patrick Riordan
9 Working with Greed: The Challenge of Inequalities
Marco Roncarati
10 Sufficiency not Greed: 'Consume Less, Share More,
Enjoy Life'
Derek Wall
11 The Narrative of Consumption: Greed and Literature
Linda Freedman


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