Tibetan religions/ Gazangjia zhu ; [fan yi Zuo Yanli]. - Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, 2003. - 162 p.

1 .Dor-Bonism:The Ancient Bon Religion.
2.Cha-Bonism;The Yungdrung Bon Religion
3.Jo-Bonism:The New Bon Religion..
4.The Development and Current Situation of the
Bon Religion.
Tibetan Buddhism...
1.The Origination of Tibetan Buddhism.
2.The formation of Tibetan Buddhism.
1) The Achievements ofTrisong Detsan.
2) The Achievements of Ralpachen..
3) King Lang Dhannais Persecution of Buddhism.
3.The Development of Buddhism.
1) The Lower Route Spread of Tibetan Buddhism
2) The Upper Route Spread of Tibetan Buddhism..
4.Buddhist Sects.
1) The Nyingma
2) The Kardam
3) The Sagya
4) The Kargyu
5) The Gyonam
6) The Gelug
7) The Shigye
8) The Gyoyu
9) The Bhulu


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