The Mushirul Hasan omnibus/ Hassan, Mushirul - New Delhi: OUP, 2010. - 383 p.

1. Introduction
2. Of Bitter Passions
3 Let Colour Fill the Flowers, Let Breeze of
Early Spring Blow
4. Questioning Civilizational Fault Lines
5- Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Pre-history of
6- Education and Faith: Exalting Orthodoxies
Partition: A World Turned Upside Down
The Choices and the Roads Taken
Miles to Go, Promises to Keep
From Pluralism to Separatism
Qasbas in Colonial Awadh
1. Introduction
2. Negotiating Identities: The Local and the National
3. A Family Saga
4. In Allah's Own Country
5. Adah and Political Morality: The Story of Three Lives
6. Political Activism in Lucknow and its Neighbourhood
7. In the Shadow of Partition
8. Gardish-e'dauran: Vicissitudes of Fortune
A Moral Reckoning
Muslim Intellectuals in Nineteenth-century Delhi
1. Introduction: Delhi in Transition
2. The Secular and the Sacred
3. Religions on tbie Edge: Perspectives on
Faiths and the Faithful
4. Interpreting Islam and Modernism:
Nazir Ahmed
5. Histiiry. IJinniv, ;iiiii I-;uth; Ziik.iiill.ili
6. Hclipsf lit ,111 I:r;i
7. C .'onclusuiii; IMur.ilisni on Trial
Le:(;ac y of a ni\'inFn Nation
ini,iia's Muslims since Ini^lcpcndcncc
1. Introduction
2. The Myth of Muslim Uiaity: Colonial and
National Narratives
3. Making a Separate Nation
4. India Partitioned: The Other Face of Freedom
5. Secularism: The Post-colonial Predicament
6. Forging Secular Identities
7. Redefining Boundaries: Modernist Interpretations
and the New 'Intellectual Structures'
8. Empowering Differences: Political Actions,
Sectarian Violence and the Retreat of Secularism
Ayodhya and its Consequences: Reappraising
Minority Identity


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