TY - BOOK AU - Phillips, John TI - Contested knowledge: A guide to critical theory SN - 1856495582 U1 - 300 PY - 2000/// CY - London PB - Zed Books KW - Critical theory KW - Structuralism N1 - 1 Introduction to Critical Theory ) I Critical i Crisis /g Critique /ii Critical Theor\' /14 Postmodernism and Critical Theory /14 II Representations 16 Books and life /16 Truth /17 In between /n To be /24 'Is' and 'ing' /t] III Theoiy 29 The empirical and the transcendental /29 What theory is and why it is necessary /30 Object and concept 734 Analogy 735 Economy 735 Objects 736 Summary 740 2 Philosophical Impossibilities 42 I The Ancients 42 Philosophy 742 Deception 744 Socratic dialogue 744 Plato's theatre 745 .Nous (mind) 747 Plato's cave 751 Ideal objects 753 The visible and the invisible 757 The empirical and the transcendental 76i II Greek7Jew; Closure and Opening 62 Greek 762 Jew 766 Singularity and plurality 769 Opening and closure 770 III Modernity Empiricism 771 Rationality 772 Freedom 773 Man 774 Progress 775 Centrism 775 Descartes' judgement 777 Otherness, infinity and difference 778 How to not define the other 782 Co^lo ergo sum 784 The Caclcsian subject is not a subject /86 Authority and enlightenment /Bg Architectural metaphors /go Responsibility /g4 3 The Political 95 I Being 95 Rhetoric /g^ The being of things /gB Being and beings /g? II The Political 9^ III False Consciousness lOi Graven images /to2 Ideology /107 4 Structuralism and Semiotics 115 I Saussurc ^'5 What is structuralism? /115 The Course in General Linguistics / The sign/116 Signilier/signified/117 System and utterance/iiB Dinerence/ng 'To a certain extent'/121 System and dilTcrcncc /121 Dc\'elopmcnts in structuralism /122 An exercise in • structuralism /123 II Levi-Strauss Structural linguistics and anthropolog>' /126 Necessary laws /126 Kinship relations/127 Second order first /127 The elementary unit of kinship /128 Uncles with attitude /129 The incest taboo: woman as symbol of exchange /129 Tlic structural analysis of myth /130 The algorithm of myth /133 III Jakobson Two types of aphasia /134 The similarity disorder /135 Metalanguage /137 The contiguity disorder /138 Metaphor and metonymy /139 The map on the wall /141 144 5 Derrida and Deconstruction I The Text Derrida's work /145 Presence and absence /146 The way we think/147 Structure/149 Play/149 The way of the text/150 and engineer/151 Supplementarity/152 Radical empiricism /154 ■Something missing" /155 II Dijfkance 157 The Same /157 Differancc /158 Difference a priori /i5g A commentaiy on 'DifTerance' /159 What to look for /165 III Exemplification 166 Dcconstruction /166 Alterity and writing /167 Repetition and writing /169 Superfluity and writing /169 Alterityand transcendence /170 Writing and interpretation /170 Transcendental contraband /171 Exemplification /173 6 Psychoanalysis 176 I Freud and the Dream-work 176 Psychoanalysis and critical theory /176 The unconscious since Freud /176 Dreams /180 Interpretation /iBr The dream-work/181 Kettle logic/iBB II Lacan, Freud and Sexuality 190 Lacan and language /190 The unconscious is the discourse of the other /190 The unconscious is structured like a language/191 Metaphor and metonymy/191 Sexuality and sexual difference/192 Oedipus/197 Sexual difierence/199 Cinema: pleasure and drive /202 The Ring /205 III The Return to Melanie Klein 206 Acquiring knowledge /206 The ruined world /208 Kicinian scientificity (Klein and Bion) /210 Problems /217 7 The Knowledge 219 Concluding Remarks 219 Bibliographical Map 221 ER -