Eilan, N.

Joint attention: Communication & other minds/ edited by Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa Mccormack and johannes Poesslser - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. - 332 p.

1. Joint Attention, Communication, and Mind
Naomi Eilan
2. Joint Attention and Understanding tJie Mind
Jane Heal
3. WJiat Cltimpanzees Know about Seeing, Revisited:
An Explanation of tlie Third Kind
JosEP Call and Michael Tomasello
4. Joint Attention and the Notion of Subject: Insights from
Apes, Normal Children, and Children with Autism
Juan-Carlos G6mez
5. Before the 'Third Element': Understanding Attention to Self
Vasudevi Reddy
6. Infants' Understanding of the Actions Involved in
Joint Attention
Amanda L. Woodward
7. Infant Pointing: Harlequin, Servant of Two Masters
Fabia Franco
8. Understanding the Role of Communicative Intentions
in Word Learning
Mark A. Sabbagh and Dare Baldwin
9. What Puts the Jointness into Joint Attention?
R. Peter Hobson
10. Why do Children with Autism have a Joint Attention
Sue Leekam
11. Joint Attention and the Problem of Other Minds
Johannes Roessler
12. Joint Reminiscing as Joint Attention to the Past
Christoph Hoerl and Teresa McCormack
13. Joint Attention and Common Knowledge
John Campbeli.
14. Joint Attention: Its Nature, Refle.xivity, and Relation to
Common Knowledge
CinRISTopHt;R Reacoc:ke

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