Staff, D.M.

Development psychobiology of agression/ D.M. Staff - Cambridge: CUO, 2005. - 304 p.

1. Integrated Perspective for Psychobiological Research in
Aggression: An Introduction
David M. Staff and Elizabeth J. Susman
The Interaction of Biological and Social Measures in the
Explanation of Antisocial and Violent Behavior
Adrian Raine
Social Deprivation, Social-Emotional Behavior, and the
Plasticity of Dopamine Function
Paul L. Gendreau and Mark H. Lewis
Animal Studies on Inappropriate Aggressive Behavior
Following Stress and Alcohol Exposure in Adolescence
Craig F. Ferris
Links Between Girls' Puberty and Externalizing and
Internalizing Behaviors: Moving from Demonstrating Effects
to Identifying Pathways
Julia A. Graber, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Andrea B. Archibald
6. Touch Deprivation and Aggression Against Self Among
Tiffany Field
7- Intersections of Biology and Behavior in Young Children's
Antisocial Patterns: The Role of Development, Gender and
Carolyn Znhn-Waxler, Barbara Usher, Stephen Siionii,
and Pamela M. Cole
8. Life-Course Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial
Males: Longitudinal Followup to Adulthood
Terrie E. Moffitt and Avshalom Caspi
9. A Biocultural Life History Approach to the Developmental
Psychobiology of Male Aggression
Carol M. Worthman and Ryan A. Brown
10. Toward an Integrative Account of the Development of
Aggressive Behavior
Kathryn E. Hood
11. How Gene-Environment Interactions Shape the
Development of Impulsive Aggression in Rhesus Monkeys
Stephen }. Siionii
12. Synthesis and Reconsiderations of the Psychobiology
of Aggressive Behavior: A Conclusion
Elizabeth /. Siisnian and David M. Stojf

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