Gautam, Rajesh

Nepali congress/ Rajesh Gautam - New Delhi: Adroit, 2005. - 682 p. 22 cm.

1. Introduction
2. Demand for Republic in Nepal 8
3. Pre-exercise of Peoples Revolution in Nepal
4. Nepal Prajatantra Sangh and Ganeshman Singh 19
5. Nepali Rastriya Congress (Establishment, Objectives and Policies) 38
6. Nepal National League
7 Political Activities of Nepali Rastriya Congress
8. First Nationwide Satyagraha by Nepali Rastriya Congress 106
9. 'J^yatu Sanskritam' (First Student's Movement of Nepal) 129
10. Release of B.P. Koirala and Division of Nepali Rastriya Congress 142
11. Nepal Prajatantra Congress 172 12. Nepal Praja Panchayat 192
13. Second time Arrest of B.P Koirala and Release 202
14. Communist Party of Nepal 243
15. jharokhar Kand (The Pre-Training of Arms Mo\'ement) 250
16. Nepali Congress 260
17. Activities of Nepali Congress 284
18. Bairgania Conference of Nepali Congress and Preparation of Armed Movement 325
19. Role of King Tribhuwan in the Movement Against the Ranas 335
20. Commencement of Armed Movement by Nepali Congress and First People Oriented Government 3^9
21. Policy adopted by the Governnient of India towards Armed Movement and Compromise 384 22. Delhi Pact and Nepali Congress 434
23. Nepal after Ceasefire and Release of Political Prisoners 452 24. Return of King Tribhuwan and the Leaders of the Nepali Congress 466 25. Epilogue 474


Nepali Congress Party -- History.
Rāṇā dynasty.
Monarchy -- Nepal.

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