International relations/ Malhotra, Vinay Kumar - 3rd rev.ed. - New Delhi: Anmol, 2001. - 598 p.

1. Origin and Growth of International Relations 1 Development as an Academic Discipline: Setting-up of University Chairs, Research Bodies Role of League, After the Second World War; Stages of Development; Post
Cold War Theories.
2. Nature, Scope and Purpose of International Relations 14 Meaning and Nature; Traditional View—International Politics; Current View— International Relations; International Politics and International Relations; Scope and Subject-Matter; Purpose and Importance.
3. The Nature and Functioning of the Sovereign State System 30 Nature of the Sovereign State System: State and Nation, State as Monopoly, State as Functional Unit, State as Free Agent, State as Controller of Its International Role; State as Determinant of World Politics, State as Divergent Entities, Participation, Scope, Power, Domestic Structure; Origin and Development of the Modem State System; Further Growth of and Change in the State System; Features of the Functioning of the State-System: Territoriality, Sovereignty, Equal Status of States, Nationalism, Power Politics, Limitations on the State System; Future of the State System: Decay, Survival.
4. Concept of Power 47 Meaning and Nature of Power; Power: Force, Influence and Authority, Capability; National Power; Kinds of Power; Methods of Exercising Power; Dimensions of Power; Role and Use of Power: Changing Status Quo; Use in Diplomacy; Enhancing Prestige; Serving National Interests.
5. Elements of National Power 57 Natural Elements; Scientific and Technological Elements; Political Elements; Social and Ideological Elements; External Elements; Measurement of National Power: Relativity of Power, Changing Nature of Power, Single Factor Determinism; The Estimate and Reality of Power, Actual and Potential Power, Specificity of Power; Limitations on National Power: International Morality, World Public Opinion, " rternational Law, The Balance of Power, International Organisations, Disarmament.
6. / National Interest 79 Meaning and Nature: Values and Ends as National Interest, Survival as National Interest, Function and Purpose of National Interest, Determinants of National Interest; Criteria of Determining National Interest; Types of National Interest; Instruments and Method for the Promotion of National Interest.
,1 7. Balance ol Power 90 Meaning and Nature; Definitions; Pre-requisites; Assumptions; Characteristics; Types of the Balance of Power: Simple Balance, Multiple Balance, Local, Regional and Global, Flexible and Rigid; Devices and Methods; Balance of Power in the Past; Blance of Power Today— Is it Relevant: Obsolete and Irrelevant; Valid and Relevant; Critical Evaluation: Purpose, Utility and Merits; Defects, Criticism and ^Demerits; Power Vacuum.
8. Theories and Approaches of International Politics 109 The Importance of Theory; Meaning of Theory and Approach; Definitions of Theory of International Relations; Categories of Approaches and Theories: The Traditional School, The Scientific or Behavioural School, Post-Behavioural School, Post-Cold War School; Idealist Theory: Basic Assumptions, Suggestions for Reform, Critical Evaluation; Realist Theory: Meaning and Explanation, Tenets and Assumptions, Six Principles of Morgenthau's Realism, Critical Evaluation; Systems Theory: Assumptions, Kaplan's Six Models, Post-Cold War International System, Critical Evaluation; Decision-making Theory: Meaning and Explanation, Assumptions, Critical Evaluation; Marxian Theory: Basic Assumptions and Tenets, Four Seminal Theories, Four Model Strategies, Critical Evaluation.
9. Game and Bargaining Theories 138 Game Theory: Exponents, Assumptions, Explanation, Zero-sum Games, Variablesum Games, Critical Evaluation; Bargaining Theory: Exponents, Assumptions, Explanation, Critical Evaluation.
10. The Dependency Theory 151 The Sources; Dependencia; 'Centre-Periphery' Analysis; World-System Analysis; Critical Evaluation.
11. Deterrence Theory 162 Exponents; Assumptions; Explanation; Critical Evaluation.
12. Functionalism and Regionalism 169 Functionalism: Exponents, Assumptions, Explanation, Criticism; Neofunctionalism; Regionalism: Trend Toward Regionalism; Criticism.
Determinants of Foreign Policy .jgc Definitions and Nature of Foreign Policy; Components of Foreign Policy; Objectives o Foreign Policy; Pre-requisites of Foreign Policy; Instruments of Foreign Policy Detommanls of Foioign Policy: General and Objective Determinantsf Specific; Subjective or Internal Determinants; External Factors.
14. Foreign Policy: Choices and Types Policy of Imperialism; Policy of Neo-Coionialism; Poiicy of Balance of PowerPolicy of Alliances; Policy of Allegiance; Poiicy of Non-alignment; Policy of Isolation; Policy of Peaceful Coexistence; Policy of Neutrality; The Policy of the Status Quo; The Policy of Revisionism; Policy of Nationalistic Universalism
15. Cold War 215 Meaning and Nature; Origin of Cold War; Causes of the Cold War: Orthodox View—^The USSR Responsible; Revisionist View—^The USA Responsible; Objective View — Both are Responsible; The Evolution of the Cold War: Cautious Friendship and Breaking Alliance, 1945-46; Mutual Hostility and Intense Conflict, 1946-1953; Apparent Conflict, Actual Adjustment, 1953-62; Thaw in the Cold War, 1963-68; Detente, 1969-1978; New Cold War, 1979-1987; End of Cold War and Revival of Detente, 1987 onwards; Impact of the Cold War.
16. New Cold War 235 Causes and Evolution of New Cold War; Features of New Cold War; Difference between New and Old Cold War; Impact of New Cold War.
17. Dje'tente 242 Meaning of Detente; Features and Elements of Detente; Causes of Detente; Evolution and Phases of Detente; Impact of Detente.
18. De-Colonisation and Asian-African Resurgence 262 Colonialism; De-colonisation; Causes of Rapid De-colonisation; Expansion of International Community; Impacts of De-colonisation and Afro-Asian Resurgence.
19. Non-alignment 275 Meaning of Non-Alignment; Characteristics of Non-Alignment; Bases and Causes of Non-Aligrrment; Growth and Role of NAM; Critical Evaluation of Non-Alignment; Relevance of Non-Alignment.
20. Third World in International Relations 295 Nature, Goals and Role of the Third World; Worldwide Inequality of Wealth and Income; Rejection of a World Divided into Capitalism and Communism; NorthSouth Conflict; Goals of the Third World; Role and Impact of Third World in International Relations; Rise of the Fourth World.
21. North-South Dialogue in the UN and Outside 301 Issues of North-South Conflict; South's Hopes—UN's Limitations; Phases of Dialogue in and Outside the UN.
22. New International Economic Order 320 Present International Economic Order; Characteristics of the Present Economic Order; Shortcomings of the Present Economic System; Demand for New International Economic Order; Programme of Action for NIEO; Issues and Means of NIEO; The World Trade Organisation; Political Conditions of NIEO; NIEO-Still a Mirage.
23. The Impact of Nuclear Weapons 336 Caused Cold War; Problem of Proliferation; Arms Race; Arms Trade; Impact on Third World; Socio-economic Impacts of the Arms Race; Destructive Effects of Nuclear Weapons; Threat to the World Peace'and Peace Movements; Nuclear Deterrence; Nuclear Categorisation of the States; Impact on Military Science; Impact on Alliances; Impact on the Concept of National Power; Nuclear Diplomacy
and Disarmament.
24. VDisarmament and Arms Control 353 Definitions and Nature; Objectives of Arms Control; Types of Disarmament; Need and Reason for Disarmament; Difficulties and Obstacles in the Way of Disarmament; Steps Towards Disarmaments: Multilateral Agreements, Bilateral Agreements, Tacit Understanding, Unilateral Reductions; The Partial Test Ban Treaty; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Biological Weapons Convention; SALT-I; SALT -II; INF Treaty; Missile Technology Control Regime; Treaty on the Reduction of Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE); Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-I); Treaty on Open Skies; Bush-Yeltsin Agreement on Arms Reduction; Chemical Weapons Convention; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; Fissile Material Production Cut off Treaty; The Global Elimination of APL; Critical Evaluation; Future of Arms
25. Diplomacy 391 Foreign Policy and Diploinacy; Meaiung and Definition; Nature and Characteristics of Diplomacy; Classification of Diplomats; Functions of Diplomacy; Instruments ^nd Techruques of Diplomacy; Good Diplomacy and Ideal Diplomat; Types of Diplomacy: Old Diplomacy, New Diplomacy, The Distinction Between Old and New Diplomacy, Secret Diplomacy, Open Diplomacy, Personal and Summit Diplomacy, Multilateral and Institutional Diplomacy, Bilateral Diplomacy, Economic Diplomacy, Hi-tech Diplomacy.
1^/ India's Foreign Policy Basic Principles and Objectives; Foreign Policy of Nehru; Foreign Policy after Nehru; Foreign Policy during Indira Gandhi's Regime; Foreign Policy of the Janata Government; Second Phase of Indira Era; Foreign Policy of Rajiv GandhiForeign Policy of National Front Government; Foreign Policy of Narasimha Rao'; Foreign Policy of the UF Govt.; Foreign Policy of the BJP Led Coalition Government.
27. Crisis Management Definition; Kinds of Crisis; Crisis Manaffemenf* • ** ,„d Techniques; Signs, Diplomacy and Negotiations; By Mediation- Bv AHi.iHi,.,!.; j Intemahonal and Regional Organisations; irisif Manager^ by sifJl'spTer!''
Sr'SoSd'^t^dtwo'lMSrd^^^ World, Liberal Democracy or Pax Democrat- ™r° ^ri*^®rdeper\dent Sodety; Soviet Disintegration; Impact on tb Tv' a International US and Russia as Allies, Unifications, InteeraB ' Positive Developments: of Outstanding Issues, New Role for the UN Arm° r Resolving Religious Fundamentalism, Dismal Economic Developments: Race; Separatism in Yugoslavia and Elsewbpro Arms Race; Separatism in Yugoslavia and ElsewWrM®"^^' Crisis, Arms P
roblems. ' i^argmahsation of the UN, Other
of International Organisation. gamsations; Origin and Development
30. The Uhited Nations 491 The UN Charter; Purposes; Basic Principles; Organs of the United Nations; General Assembly; Security Council; The Economic and Social Council; The 1 Trusteeship Council; The International Court of Justice (ICJ); The Secretariat.
31. The UN—Maintenance of Peace and Security: Peaceful Settlement 504 and Collective Security Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, Pacific Settlement in Practice, Critical Evaluation; Collective Security: The Theory of Collective Security; Collective Security under UN-Charter Provisions; The Collective Security in Practice; Peace-Keeping Innovations and Operations; Preventive Diplomacy; Critical Evaluation of Collective Security under UN.
32. Post-Cold War Perspective and Revision of the Charter 521 Post^CoId War Era and Perspective; Defects: Need for Restructuring; Revision of the UN Charter; Restructuring and Reforming of the UN; Latest Reform Efforts in the UN; Building a Reform Consensus; Implementing Reform; General Assembly Supports Reform; Fundamental Reforms Still Pending; UN's 21st Century Action
33. Environment and International Relations 521 Impact of Globalisation on the Politics of Environment; Environment and International Relations Theory; Environment and International Relations Practice;
34. Globalisation and International Relations 546 Definition and Nature; Features of Globalisation; Factors Responsible for Globalisation; Positive Impacts; Negative Impacts: Neo-Colonalism and Dependency; Globalisation and International Relations Theory; Conclusion.
35. International Terrorism 563 \/ / . . . . Definition of Terrorism; Definition of International Terrorism; Aims and Tactics; International Terrorist Groups; Types of Terrorism; Causes of Terrorism; Impact of International Terrorism; Counter Terrorism Measures; Outside the UN; Inside the UN; Suggestions.


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