Trotsky, Leon

The hidden dynamics of Chinese revolution/ Leon Trotsky; Rajesh Tyagi - China: AAKAR, 2009. - 624 p. 22 cm.

1. The 'Moscow Spirit' To the Memory of the Murdered Workers and Students of Shanghai— June 6, 1925
2. Problems of our Policy with Respect to China and Japan
March 25, 1926
3. First Letter to Radek August 30,1926
4. The Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang September 27,1926
5. Second Letter to Radek
March 4,1927
6. A Brief Note March 22,1927
7. Letter to Alsky March 29,1927
8. To the Pohtburo of the AUCP (B) Central Committee March 31,1927
9. Class Relations in the Chinese Revolution April 3,1927
10. On the Slogan of Soviets in China April 16,1927
W The Hidden Dynamics of Chinese Revolution
11. The Friendly Exchange of Portraits Between Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek April 18, 1927
12. The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of
Comrade Stalin May 7, 1927 13. The Communist Party and the Kuomintang May 10,1927
14. The Sure Road May 12,1927, Moscow
15. A Protest to the Central Control Commission May 17,1927
16. A Letter to the Secretariat of the Central Committee May 18,1927
17. It is Time to Understand, Time to Reconsider, and Time to Make a Change May 27, 1927
18. Hankow and Moscow May 28,1927, Moscow
19. First Speech on the Chinese Question May 1927, Moscow
20. Second Speech on the Chinese Question May 1927, Moscow
21. Is it not Time to Understand? May 28,1927, Moscow
22. Why have we not called for Withdrawal from the Kuomintang until now? ]une 23, 1927
23. For a Special Session of the Presidium of the ECCI July 1927
24. What about China? (Excerpt from the Article "The War DangerThe Defence Policy and the Opposition") August 1, 1927
25. New Opportunities for the Chinese Revolution, New Tasks and New Mistakes September 1927
26. Speech to the Presidiiim of the ECCI September 27,1927
27. The Canton Uprising (Excerpt from the Article-"On The New Stage")
December 1927
28. The Classic Mistakes of Opportunism (Excerpt form the Article-"Appeal of the Deportees") January 1928
29. On the Canton Insurrection : Three Letters to Preobrazhensky March-April 1928
30. Summary and Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution (Excerpt from the Article"The Third International After Lenin) June 1928
31. Democratic Slogans in China
October 1928
32. The Chinese Question after the Sixth Congress October 4th, 1928
33. China, and the Constituent Assembly
Decerhber 1928
34. The Political Situation in China and the Tasks of the Bolshevik-Leninist Opposition June 1929 35. The Capitulation of Radek, Preobrazhensky, and Smilga (Excerpt from the Article- "A Wretched Document) /u/y 27, 1929
36. The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Opposition August 4,1929 37. What is happening in China? November 9,1929 Prinkipo 38. A Reply to the Chinese Oppositionists December 22,1929
39. Some Results of the Sino-Soviet Conflict Januarys, 1930
12 The Hidden Dynamics of Chinese Revolution
40. The Slogan of a National Assembly in China April 2,1930
41. Two Letters to China August 22 and September 1,1930
42. Stalin and the Chinese Revolution:
Facts and Documents August 26, 1930 Prinkipo
43. A History of the Second Chinese Revolution is
Needed Published September 1930
44. Manifesto on China of the International Left Opposition September 1930
45. A Retreat in Full Disorder
November 1930 ' Prinkipo
46. A Letter to Max Shachtman
. December 10,1930
47. To the Chinese Left Opposition January 8,1931
48. The Strangled Revolution February 9,1931 Prinkipo 49. What is Happening in the Chinese Communist Party? (Excerpts form the Article—"The Notes of a Journalist")
Published March 1931 50. A Strangled Revolution and its Stranglers June 13,1931 Kadikoy
51. The Soviet Union and Japan's Manchurian Adventure (Excerpt from the Article-"GermanyThe Key to the International Situation" in "The Struggle against Fascism in Germany") November 26, 1931
52. Peasant War in China and the Proletariat September 22,1932
53. For a Strategy of Action and not Speculation Octobers, 1932
54. On the War in China
Year 1933
55. Discussions with Harold R. Isaac August 1935
56. On the Sino-Japanese War September 23,1937
57. Pacifism in China September 25,1937
58. The Chinese Revolution Introduction to Harold R. Isaac's, The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution, London 1938
59. The Great Lesson of China (Excerpt from "Manifesto of the Fourth International on the Imperialist War and the Proletarian World Revolution) May 1940
60. China and the Russian Revolution July 1940


Zhongguo guo min dang.
Communism -- China.
China -- Politics and government -- 1912-1949.

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