Murphy, Raymond

Essential english grammar: A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of english/ Raymond Murphy - 2nd ed. - Cambridge: Cambridge, 1998. - 300 p. 30 cm.

1 am/is/are; 2 am/is/are; 3 I'm hungry / I'm cold; 4 I am doing; 5 Are you doing?; 6 I do/work/like etc.; 7 I don't ...; 7 8 Do you ...?; 9 I am doing et I do; 10 I have ... /I've got ...; 11 was/were; 12 worked/got/went etc.;13 I didn't .../Did you...?; 14 I was doing; 15 I was doing and I did; 16 I have done; 17 I've just ...I've already ...I haven't ... yet have you ... yet?; 18 Have you ever ...?; 19 How long have you ...?; 20 for since ago; 21 I have done et I did; 22 is done was done; 23 is being done has been done; 24 be/have/do; 25 Verbes reguliers et irreguliers; 26 I used to ...; 27 What are you doing tomorrow?; 28 I'm going to ...; 29 will/shall; 30 will/shall; 31 might; 32 can et could; 33 must mustn't needn't; 34 should; 35 I have to ... 36 Would you like ...? I'd like ...;37 there is there are 38 there was/were there has/have been there will be; 39 I am I don't 40 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc.; 41 too/either so am I/neither do I etc.; 42 isn't haven't don't etc. 43 is it ...? have you ...? do they ...? etc.; 44 Who saw you? Who did you see?; 45 Who is she talking to? What is it like?; 46 What ...? Which ...? how ...?; 47 How long does it take?; 48 Do you know where ...? I don't know what ... etc.; 49 She said that .../he told me that ...; 50 work/working go/going do/doing; 51 to ... (I want to do) et -ing (I enjoy doing/ I'm good at doing); 52 I want you to .../I told you to ...; 53 I went to the shop to ...; 54 go to ... go on ... go for ... go -ing; 55 get; 56 do et make; 57 have; 58 I/me he/him they/them etc.; 59 my/his/their etc.; 60 Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc.,; 61 I/me/my/mine; 62 myself/yourself/himself etc.; 63 -'s; 64 a/an; 65 a/an; 66 flower(s) bus(es); 67 a car/some money; 68 a car/some money; 69 the; 70 go to work/go home/go to the cinema; 71 I like music; I hate exams; 72 the; 73 this/that/these/those; 74 one/ones; 75 some et any; 76 not + any no none; 77 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing; 78 somebody/anything/nowhere etc.; 79 every et all; 80 all most some any no/none; 81 both either neither 82 a lot much many; 83 (a) little (a) few; 84 old/nice/interesting etc. (adjectifs); 85 quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbes); 86 old/older expensive/more expensive; 87 older than ... more expensive than ...; 88 not as ... as; 89 the oldest the most expensive; 90 enough; 91 too; 92 He speaks English very well.; 93 always/usually/often etc.; 94 still yet already; 95 Give me that book! Give it to me!; 96 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April; 97 from ... to until since for; 98 before after during while 99 in at on; 100 in at on; 101 to in at; 102 under behind opposite; 103 up over through etc.; 104 on at by with/without about; 105 look at ... afraid of ... etc.; 106 go in fall off run away etc.; 107 put on your shoes put your shoes on; 108 and but or so because; 109 When ...; 110 If we go ... If you see ...; etc.; 111 If I had ... If we went etc.; 112 a person who ... a thing that/which ...; 113 the people we met the hotel you stayed at


English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- French

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