Rogers, Everett M.

Diffusion of innovations/ Everett M. Rogers - 5th ed. - New York: Free Press, 2003. - xxi, 551 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1. Elements of diffusion : What is diffusion? --
Four main elements in the diffusion of innovation : The innovation ; Communication channels ; Time ; A social system --
2. History of diffusion research : The beginnings of diffusion research in Europe : Gabriel Trade and imitation ; Georg Simmel's stranger ; The British and German-Austrian diffusionists --
The rise of diffusion research traditions : Paradigms and invisible colleges ; The anthropology research tradition ; Early sociology ; Rural sociology ; Public health and medical sociology ; Communication ; Marketing ; Geography ; General sociology ; Trends by diffusion research traditions --
A typology of diffusion research --
3. Contributions and criticisms of diffusion research : The status of diffusion research today --
Criticisms of diffusion research : The pro-innovation bias of diffusion research ; The individual-blame bias in diffusion research ; The recall problem in diffusion research ; The issue of equality in the diffusion of innovations --
4. The generation of innovations : The innovation-development process : Recognizing a problem or need ; Basic and applied research ; Development ; Commercialization ; Diffusion and adoption ; Consequences --
Socioeconomic status, equality, and innovation development --
Tracing the innovation-development process : The shortcomings of tracer studies ; Future research on the innovation-development process --
The agricultural model --
5. The innovation-decision process : A model of the innovation-decision process --
The knowledge stage : Which comes first, needs or awareness of an innovation? ; Three types of knowledge about an innovation ; Early versus late knowers of innovations --
The persuasion stage --
The decision stage --
The implementation stage : Re-invention ; How much re-invention occurs? ; Re-invention is not necessarily bad ; Why does re-invention occur? --
The confirmation stage : Dissonance ; Discontinuance --
Are there stages in the innovation-decision process? : Process versus variance research ; Evidence of stages ; The hierarchy-of-effects ; Stages of change --
Communication channels by stages in the innovation-decision process ; Categorizing communication channels : Mass media versus interpersonal channels ; Cosmopolite versus localite channels ; The Bass forecasting model --
Communication channels by adopter categories --
The innovation-decision period : The rate of awareness-knowledge and rate of adoption ; The length of the innovation-decision period by adopter category --
How the internet is changing the innovation-decision process. 6. Attributes of innovations and their rate of adoption : Rate of adoption --
Research on the attributes of innovations : Measuring the attributes of innovations ; Organizations as the units of adoption ; Postdiction versus prediction --
Relative advantage : Economic factors and rate of adoption ; Status aspects of innovations ; Overadoption ; Relative advantage and rate of adoption ; Preventive innovations ; The effects of incentives ; Mandates for adoption --
Compatibility : Compatibility with values and beliefs ; Compatibility with previously introduced ideas ; Compatibility with needs ; Compatibility and rate of adoption ; Technology clusters ; Naming an innovation ; Positioning an innovation ; Acceptability research --
Indigenous knowledge systems --
Complexity --
Trialibility --
Observability --
7. Innovativeness and adopter categories : Classifying adopter categories on the bases of innovativeness ; The s-shaped curve of adoption and normality ; Measuring organizational innovativeness ; Who adopts? ; Adopter categorization --
Adopter categories as ideal types : Innovators: venturesome ; Early adopters: respect ; Early majority: deliberate ; Late majority: skeptical ; Laggards: traditional --
Characteristics of adopter categories : Socioeconomic characteristics ; Personality variables ; Communication behavior ; Audience segmentation and adopter categories ; The innovativeness/needs paradox and the strategy of least resistance ; Network influences on innovativeness --
8. Diffusion networks : Models of communication flows : The hypodermic needle model ; The two-step flow model --
Homophily and heterophily in communication networks : Homophily and heterophily ; Homophily as a barrier to diffusion --
Measuring opinion leadership and network links --
Monomorphic and polymorphic opinion leadership --
Characteristics of opinion leaders : External communication ; Accessibility ; Socioeconomic status ; Innovativeness ; Innovativeness, opinion leadership, and system norms ; Do opinion leaders matter? --
Diffusion networks : Cluster studies --
Communication network analysis ; The strength-of-weak-ties theory ; Who is linked to whom in networks? ; Social learning theory --
The critical mass in the diffusion of interactive innovations : The concept of critical mass ; Watching while being watched ; Individual Thresholds for adoption ; Why do individuals adopt prior to the critical mass? ; Networks and the turbocharger effect ; Strategies for getting to the critical mass --
9. The change agent : Targeting --
Change agents as linkers : The sequence of change agent roles --
Factors in change agent success : Change agent efforts ; Client orientation ; Compatibility with clients' needs ; Change agent empathy --
Communication campaigns --
Homophily and change agent contact : Change agents' contact with lower-status clients ; Para-professional aides ; Change agent credibility ; Inauthentic professionalization of aides --
The use of opinion leaders : The role of demonstrations --
Clients' evaluative ability --
Centralized and decentralized diffusion systems : Advantages and disadvantages of decentralized diffusion --
10. Innovation in organizations : Types of innovation-decisions --
Organizations : Virtual organizations --
Organizational innovativeness : Size and organizational innovativeness ; Structural characteristics and organizational innovativeness ; The role of champions --
The innovation process in organizations --
Stages in the innovation process : Agenda-setting ; Matching ; Redefining/restructuring ; Clarifying ; Routinizing --
New communication technologies in organizations --
11. Consequences of innovations: Studying consequences --
Classifications of consequences : Desirable versus undesirable consequences ; Direct versus indirect consequences ; Anticipated versus unanticipated consequences --
Form, function, and meaning of an innovation --
Achieving a dynamic equilibrium --
Equality in the consequences of innovations : The communication effects gap --
Gap-widening consequences of the diffusion of innovations ; Social structure and the equality of consequences ; Strategies for narrowing gaps ; Wider gaps are not inevitable.


Diffusion of innovations
Diffusion of innovations--Study and teaching
Social change
Technological innovations--Social aspects

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