Garg, Suresh

Disaster management against terrorist attack/ Suresh Garg - New Delhi: Axis Publications, 2010. - 293 p. ; 23 cm.

1 Introduction
2 Tracking the Growth and Prevalence of International Terrorism
3 Counter-Terrorism
4 Countering the New Terrorism: Implications for Strategy
5 Terrorism Preparedness
6 Defining Preparedness: Army Force Structure in the War on Terrorism
7 Developing an Individual's Strategy
8 Strategies for Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Weapons
9 The Real World Problems of the Terrorist Organization and the Problem of Propaganda
10 Maintaining Strategic Balance While Fighting Terrorism
11 Central Asia and the War on Terrorism: Towards a New Alignment
12 The Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002


Emergency management

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