TY - BOOK AU - Liboff, Richard L. TI - Introductory quantum mechanics SN - 0805387145 U1 - 530.12 PY - 2003/// CY - New Delhi PB - Pearson KW - Quantum theory N1 - PART I � ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS TO PROBLEMS IN ONE DIMENSION 1 Review of Concepts of Classical Mechanics 1.1 Generalized or "Good" Coordinates 3 1.2 Energy, the Hamiltonian, and Angular Momentum 6 1.3 The State of a System 19 1.4 Properties of the One-Dimensional Potential Function 24 2 Historical Review: Experiments and Theories 2.1 Dates 30 2.2 The Work of Planck. Blackbody Radiation 31 2.3 The Work of Einstein. The Photoelectric Effect 36 2.4 The Work of Bohr. A Quantum Theory of Atomic States 39 2.5 Waves versus Particles 43 2.6 The de Broglie Hypothesis and the Davisson-Gerner Experiment 46 2.7 The Work of Heisenberg. Uncertainty as a Cornerstone of Natural Law 53 2.8 The Work of Born. Probability Waves 55 2.9 Semiphilosophical Epilogue to Chapter 2 57 3 The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. Operators, Eigenfunctions, and Eigenvalues 3.1 Observables and Operators 68 3.2 Measurement in Quantum Mechanics 74 3.3 The State Function and Expectation Values 76 3.4 Time Development of the State Function 80 3.5 Solution to the Initial-Value Problem in Quantum Mechanics 84 4 Preparatory Concepts. Function Spaces and Hermitian Operators 4.1 Particle in a Box and Further Remarks on Normalization 90 4.2 The Bohr Correspondence Principle 94 4.3 Dirac Notation 97 4.4 Hilbert Space 98 4.5 Hennitian Operators 104 4.6 Properties of Hermitian Operators 108 5 Superposition and Compatible Observables 5.1 The Superposition Principle 115 5.2 Commutator Relations in Quantum Mechanics 130 5.3 More on the Commutator Theorem 137 5.4 Commutator Relations and the Uncertainty Principle 140 5.5 "Complete" Sets of Commuting Observables 143 6 Time Development, Conservation Theorems, and Parity 6.1 Time Development of State Functions 152 6.2 Time Development of Expectation Values 168 6.3 Conservation of Energy, Linear and Angular Momentum 171 6.4 Conservation of Parity 176 7 Additional One-Dimensional Problems. Bound and Unbound States 7.1 General Properties of the One-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation 187 7.2 The Harmonic Oscillator 190 7.3 Eigenfunctions of the Harmonic Oscillator Hamiltonian 198 7.4 The Harmonic Oscillator in Momentum Space 211 7.5 Unbound States 216 7.6 One-Dimensional Barrier Problems 222 7.7 The Rectangular Barrier. Tunneling 228 7.8 The Ramsauer Effect 235 7.9 Kinetic Properties of a Wave Packet Scattered from a Potential Barrier 241 7.10 The WKB Approximation 243 7.11 Principle of Least Action and Feynman's Path Integral Formulation 268 8 Finite Potential Well, Periodic Lattice, and Some Simple Problems with Two Degrees of Freedom 27 8.1 The Finite Potential Well 278 8.2 Periodic Lattice. Energy Gaps 289 8.3 Standing Waves at the Band Edges 307 8.4 Brief Qualitative Description of the Theory of Conduction in Solids 313 8.5 Two Beads on a Wire and a Particle in a Two-Dimensional Box 317 8.6 Two-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator 324 8.7 Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) Approximation 331 8.8 Density of States in Various Dimensions 336 PART II � FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEORY AND APPLICATIONS TO PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS 34 9 Angular Momentum 34 9.1 Basic Properties 349 9.2 Eigenvalues of the Angular Momentum Operators 358 9.3 Eigenfunctions of the Orbital Angular Momentum Operators L2 and L 367 9.4 Addition of Angular Momentum 386 9.5 Total Angular Momentum for Two or More Electrons 396 10 Problems in Three Dimensions 40 10.1 The Free Particle in Cartesian Coordinates 404 10.2 The Free Particle in Spherical Coordinates 410 10.3 The Free-Particle Radial Wavefunction 415 10.4 A Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field 430 10.5 The Two-Particle Problem 436 10.6 The Hydrogen Atom 446 10.7 Elementary Theory of Radiation 463 10.8 Thomas-Fermi Model 472 11 Elements of Matrix Mechanics. Spin Wavefunctions 480 11.1 Basis and Representations 481 11.2 Elementary Matrix Properties 488 11.3 Unitary and Similarity Transformations in Quantum Mechanics 492 11.4 The Energy Representation 499 11.5 Angular Momentum Matrices 504 11.6 ThePauli Spin Matrices 512 11.7 Free-Particle Wavefunctions, Including Spin 517 11.8 The Magnetic Moment of an Electron 519 11.9 Precession of an Electron in a Magnetic Field 527 11.10 The Addition of Two Spins 536 11.11 The Density Matrix 543 11.12 Other "Pictures" in Quantum Mechanics 553 11.13 Polarization States. EPR Revisited 558 11.14 The Transfer Matrix 571 12 Application to Atomic, Molecular, Solid-State, and Nuclear Physics. Elements of Quantum Statistics 579 12.1 The Total Angular Momentum, J 579 12.2 One-Electron Atoms 584 12.3 The Pauli Principle 597 12.4 The Periodic Table 602 12.5 The Slater Determinant 612 12.6 Application of Symmetrization Rules to the Helium Atom 614 12.7 The Hydrogen and Deuterium Molecules 623 12.8 Brief Description of Quantum Models for Superconductivity and Superfluidity 630 12.9 Impurity Semiconductors and the p-n Junction 641 12.10 Elements of Nuclear Physics. The Deuteron and Isospin 669 13 Perturbation Theory 681 13.1 Time-Independent, Nondegenerate Perturbation Theory 681 13.2 Time-Independent, Degenerate Perturbation Theory 692 13.3 The Stark Effect 700 13.4 The Nearly Free Electron Model 703 13.5 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory 709 13.6 Harmonic Perturbation 712 13.7 Application of Harmonic Perturbation Theory 718 13.8 Selective Perturbations in Time 727 13.9 Atom-Radiation Interaction 739 13.10 Hartree-FockModel 757 14 Scattering in Three Dimensions 14.1 Partial Waves 762 14.2 S-Wave Scattering 770 14.3 Center-of-Mass Frame 774 14.4 The Bor Approximation 777 14.5 Atomic-Radiative Absorption Cross Section 782 14.6 Elements of Formal Scattering Theory. The Lippmann-Schwinger Equation 785 15 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 15.1 Preliminary Remarks 793 15.2 Klein-Gordon Equation 798 15.3 Dirac Equation 800 15.4 Electron Magnetic Moment 806 15.5 Covariant Description 810 16 Quantum Computing 16.1 Binary Number System 817 16.2 Logic Gates 823 16.3 Turing Machine and Complexity Classes 830 16.4 Qubits and Quantum Logic Gates 832 List of Symbols APPENDIXES A � Additional Remarks on the x and p Representations B � Spin and Statistics C � Representations of the Delta Function D � Differential Vector Relations ER -