The culture and psychology reader/ edited by Nancy Rule Goldberger and Jody Veroff - New York: University Press, 1995. - ix, 833 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1. What's in a Name? The Case for "Intercultural" Psychology / Jody Bennet Veroff and Nancy Rule Goldberger --
2. "From the Native's Point of View": On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding / Clifford Geertz --
3. Cultural Psychology: What Is It? / Richard Shweder --
4. The Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race in American Psychology / Hector Betancourt and Steven Regeser Lopez --
5. Problems in the Study of the Interplay between Science and Culture / David Ingleby --
6. In Pursuit of the Emic-Etic Distinction: Can We Ever Capture It? / Gustav Jahoda --
7. Epistemological Debates, Feminist Voices: Science, Social Values, and the Study of Women / Stephanie Riger --
8. Psychological Research and the Black Self-Concept: A Critical Review / Wade W. Nobles --
9. Poor Women in Psychological Research: Shut Up and Shut Out / Pamela Trotman Reid --
10. The Intellectual Savage / Jamake Highwater --
11. The Development of Competence in Culturally Defined Domains: A Preliminary Framework / Howard Gardner --
12. Origins of Human Competence: A Cultural-Ecological Perspective / John U. Ogbu --
13. Conceptualizations of Black Families / Jualynne Dodson --
14. Family Ecologies of Ethnic Minority Children / Algea O. Harrison, Melvin N. Wilson, Charles J. Pine, Samuel Q. Chan and Raymond Buriel --
15. The Self and Social Behavior in Differing Cultural Contexts / Harry C. Triandis. 16. Culture and Self: Implications for Internationalizing Psychology / Shinobu Kitayama and Hazel Rose Markus --
17. Ideology Obscured: Political Uses of the Self in Daniel Stern's Infant / Philip Cushman --
18. The Challenge of Social Change for Psychology: Globalization and Psychology's Theory of the Person / Edward E. Sampson --
19. Controlling Other People: The Impact of Power on Stereotyping / Susan T. Fiske --
20. Psychology of Acculturation / J.W. Berry --
21. Psychological Impact of Biculturalism: Evidence and Theory / Teresa LaFromboise, Hardin L.K. Coleman and Jennifer Gerton --
22. Disability beyond Stigma: Social Interaction, Discrimination, and Activism / Michelle Fine and Adrienne Asch --
23. New Voices, New Visions: Toward a Lesbian/Gay Paradigm for Psychology / Laura S. Brown --
24. Resolving "Other" Status: Identity Development of Biracial Individuals / Maria P.P. Root --
25. La Guera / Cherrie Moraga --
26. Report from the Bahamas / June Jordan --
27. Diversity and Its Discontents / Arturo Madrid --
28. Do Psychiatric Disorders Differ in Different Cultures? The Methodological Questions / Arthur Kleinman --
29. The Politics of Abnormal Psychology: Past, Present, and Future / Isaac Prilleltensky --
30. Why Is There No Study of Cultural Equivalence in Standardized Cognitive Ability Testing? / Janet E. Helms --
31. Rediscovery of the Subject: Intercultural Approaches to Clinical Assessment / Enrico E. Jones and Avril Thorne. 32. Clinical Implications of Cultural Differences: The Referential versus the Indexical Self / Hope Landrine --
33. The Role of Culture and Cultural Techniques in Psychotherapy: A Critique and Reformulation / Stanley Sue and Nolan Zane --
34. Ethnic Validity in Psychotherapy / Forrest B. Tyler, Deborah Ridley Sussewell and Janice Williams-McCoy --
35. Family Psychology and Cultural Diversity: Opportunities for Theory, Research, and Application / Jose Szapocznik and William M. Kurtines.


Psychiatry, Transcultural

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