Mind and cignition: an anthology/ editede by William G. Lycan and Jesse J. Prinz. - 3rd ed. - New York: Blackwell, 2008. - xvi, 877 p. ; 25 cm. - Blackwell philosophy anthologies. .

1 Excerpt from About BeJiaviorisru
B. F. Skinner
The Identity Theory and Machine Functionalism
2 Is Consciousness a Brain Process?
U. T. Place
3 The Causal Theory of the Mind
D. M. Armstrong
4 The Nature of Mental States
Hilary Putnam
5 Troubles with Functionalism (excerpt)
Ned Block
Anomalous Monism
6 Mental Events
Donald Davidson
Homuncular and Teleological Functionalism
7 The Continuity of Levels of Nature
William G. Lycan
Ps) 'cliosciiiantics
8 Information and Representation
Jerry A. Fodor
9 Biosemantics
Ruth (jarrett Millikan
10 A Guide to Naturalizing Semantics (excerpt)
Barry Loewer
Other Approaches to Inteiitionalily
11 Modality, Normativity, and Intentionality
Robert Brandom
The Language of Thought and Coinputationalisnj
12 Why There Has to Be and How There Could Be a Private Language
Jerry A. Fodor
13 Which Language Do We Think With?
Peter Carruthers
Artificial Intelligcfice
14 Semantic Engines: An Introduction to Mind Design
John Haugeland
15 Can Computers Think?
John R. Searle
16 Eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes
Paul M. Churchland
17 Neural Representation and Neural Computation
Patricia Smith Churchland and Terrence Sejnowski
IS Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture (excerpt)
Jerry A. Fodor and Zenon W. Pylyshyn
Dyiiiiuiical Svi^tcDis Theory and Robotics
19 What Might (iognition He, If Not Computation?
Tim Van Gclder
20 Intelligence Without Representation
Rodney A. Brooks
21 True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why it Works
Daniel C. Dennett
22 Dennett on Intentional Systems
Stephen P. Stich
23 Real Patterns
Daniel C. Dennett
Shnulationism and the Theory Theory
24 Folk Psychology as Simulation
Robert M. Gordon
25 Folk Psychology: Simulation or Tacit Theory? (excerpt)
Stephen P. Stich and Shaun Nichols
For and Against Folk Psychology
26 Autonomous Psychology and the Belief-Desire Thesis
Stephen P. Stich
27 Folk Psychology is Here to Stay
Terence Morgan and James Woodward
Supervenient Causation
28 Mental Causation
Jaegwon Kim
29 Type Epiphenomenalism, Type Dualism, and the Causal Priority
of the Physical
Brian P. McLaughlin
For and Against Externalism
30 Individualism and Supervenience
Jerry A. Fodor
31 The Argument from Causal Powers
Robert A. Wilson
32 Reference, Clausal Powers, Kxlernaiist lntuilii)ns aiul I'nicorns
(labriel M. A. Segal
33 Knowing One's Own Mind
Donald Davidson
34 Pxternalism and Inlerence
Paul A. Boghossian
RiuUcal l-xtcnuilisni
35 The Pxtended Mind
Andy (Hark and David J. (lhalniers
What Is (lonsciousticss?
36 How Not to Find the Neural Correlate of Consciousness
Ned Block
37 What Should We Expect from a Theory of Consciousness?
Patricia S. Churchland
38 Consciousness and its Place in Nature (excerpt)
David J. Chalmers
Cotiscious Awafc'ticss
39 A Theory of Consciousness (excerpt)
David M. Rosenthal
40 The Superiority of HOP to HO I
William G. Lycan
41 Perception without Awareness
Fred Dretske
What It's Like
42 Epiphenomenal Qualia
Frank Jackson
43 Understanding the Phenomenal Mind: Are We All Just Aimadillt.".
Robert Van Gulick
44 The Intrinsic Quality of Experience
Gilbert Harman
45 Sensation and the Content of Experience
Christopher Peacocke
46 Blurry Images, Double Vision, and Other Oddities: New Problems for
Michael Tye
47 Simple Seeing
Fred Dretske
48 Excerpts from The Varieties of Reference
Ciareth Evans
49 Non-ccmceptual Content
Joim McDowell
50 Experience Without the Head
Alva Noe
51 Rational Animals
Donald Davidson
52 The Problem of Simple Minds: Is There Anything it is Like
to be a Honey Bee?
Michael Tye
53 Why the Question of Animal Consciousness Might Not
Matter Very Much
Peter Carruthers
54 Emotions and Choice
Robert C. Solomon
55 Embodied Emotions
Jesse Prinz
56 Is Emotion a Natural Kind?
Paul E. Griffiths

9781405157858 1405157852

Mind and body
Thought and thinking
Cognitive science

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