Bailey, F.G.

The civility of indifference: on domesticating ethnicity/ F.G. Bailey - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996. - xvi, 184 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

1. The Temple Entry Act. In the Beginning. A Hundred Years Forward --
2. The Way of the Distillers. The Fantasy of Infinite Cooperation. The Distillers as Social Climbers. What the Panos Could Not Do --
3. Calculated Restraint. What Was the Goal? Why Shiva's Temple? What Was the Arena? --
4. Gupte Bisoi and Bali Sahani. The Edge of Violence. The Background. Split Minds: Paranoia and Pragmatism. What Interests Were Different People Serving? Facade and Reality --
5. Making a Living. Marginal People. Panos as Middlemen. The Boida Outlaws. Necessity and Rationality --
6. The Sources of Rationality. Discrete Interactions. Habitual Ethnicity in Bisipara. The Nature of Moral Feelings. Pervasive Pragmatism --
7. The Bottom Line. The Quiet Revolution. The Culture of Moderation. Government from Below. Penny-wise Politics --
8. The Civility of Indifference.


Social conditions
Ethnic relations

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