Langer, Rita

Buddhist rituals of death and rebirth/ Rita Langer - 1st ed. - London: Routledge, 2007. - 243 p.

I Death and dying
Contemporary Sri Lankan practice
The role of monks ((piestionnaire
The role of laypeople (questionnaire
Excursus: jTvadanaya
Commentary on the practice
The importance of the moment of death (questionnaire
When things go wrong: on pretas
Excursus: pirll chanting in contemporary Sri Lanka
Some historical roots: time of death
The Vedic and brahmanical material
The Pali nikayas and some stories from the commentaries
The Abhidhamma interpretation
II The funeral
Contemporary Sri Lankan practice
A laywoman's burial
A monk's cremation
Excursus: treatment of the corpse and its disposal
Commentary to the practice
The general customs
Excursus: intermediate state (questionnaire
Offering of the matakavaslra
Some historical roots: handling the remains
The Vedic and hrahmanical material
The Pclli nikayas and some stories from the commentaries
Archaeological evidence
in Post-funerary rites
Contemjjorary Sri Lankan practice
Seventh-day malakadanaya
Excursus: treatment of the remains
Two examples of later matakadanas
Excursus: other options {(piestionnaire D.I-3)
Commentary to the practice
Food offerings
Giving of merit
Excursus: anumodanava (questionnaire
Some historical roots: giving of merit
The early stage: assigning merit
The later stage: giving merit
The Ahhidhamma interpretation
Proposed origins of the notion of giving of merit


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