Freiberg, H. Jerome

Universal teaching strategies/ Jerome, Freiberg, H. - 4th Ed. - Boston: Pearson, 2005. - 504 p.

Organizing strategies: Teaching for tomorrow, context, content, and learners; Planning for instruction, visualizing what could be; Designing effective instruction, creating a blueprint; Effective use of time, doing more with less; Classroom management, advancework; Classroom management, beyond discipline --
Instructing strategies: Lecture, from passive to active learning; Questioning and discussion, creating a dialogue; Interactive practice for learning, beyond drill; Grouping for instruction, involvement and interaction; Reflective teaching and learning, students as shareholders; Making learning real, engaging students in content; Using community resources, audiovisuals, computers, and multimedia, varying the stimuli --
Assessing strategies: Assessment of learning, let me count the ways; Self-improvement through self-assessment


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