Basu Chhandak

PCR primer design/ Chhandak, Basu - 1st ed. - Totowa: Humana Press, 2007. - 431 p.

1. Fast Masking Of Repeated Primer Binding Sites In Eukaryotic GenomesReidar Andreson, Lauris Kaplinski, and Maido Remm 2. Primer Design for PCR Reactions in Forensic Biology Kelly M. Elkins 3. Design of Primers and Probes For Quantitative Real-Time PCR MethodsAlicia Rodriguez, Mar Rodriguez, Juan J. Cordoba, and Maria J. Andrade 4. Large-scale Nucleotide Sequence Alignment And Sequence Variability Assessment To Identify the Evolutionarily Highly Conserved Regions For Universal Screening PCR Assay Design: An Example Of Influenza A VirusNagy Alexander, Jirinec, Tomas, Jirincova, Helena, and Havlickova, Martina 5. Low-concentration Initiator Primers Improve The Amplification Of Gene Targets With High Sequence VariabilityKenneth E. Pierce and Lawrence J. Wangh 6. Multiplex PCR Primer Design for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple PathogensWenchao Yan 7. Degenerate Primer Design for Highly Variable GenomesKelvin Li, Susmita Shrivastava, and Timothy B. Stockwell 8. Allele-specific Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction As A Tool For Urate Transporter 1 Mutation Detection Juliet O. Makanga, Antonius Christianto, and Tetsuya Inazu 9. MultiPLX: Automatic Grouping And Evaluation Of PCR PrimersLauris Kaplinski and Maido Remm 10. In silico PCR Primer Designing and Validation Anil Kumar and Nikita Chordia 11. Primer Design using Primer Express (R) for SYBR Green Based Quantitative PCR Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey 12. Designing Primers for SNaPshot TechniqueGreiciane Gaburro Paneto and Francisco de Paula Careta 13. Rapid and Simple Method of qPCR Primer DesignBrenda Thornton and Chhandak Basu 14. PRIMEGENSw3: A Web-based Tool for High-throughput Primer and Probe Design Garima Kushwaha 15. Selecting Specific PCR Primers with MFEprimerWubin Qu and Chenggang Zhang


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