Gunning, Jennifer

Ethics, law and society/ Jennifer Gunning - England: Ashgate, 2007. - 309 p. HB

2 On Waving the Embryos Banner: Embryonic Stem Cell Research and
Moral Reasoning in Recent Reports from the USA, the Netherlands
and France
H^bo Dondorp and Guido de Wert
3 Bioethics, Procedural Ethics, and Misrepresentation in the Stem Cell
Benjamin Capps
4 Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Related to Cell Therapy
Carlos M. Romeo-Casabona
5 Boy or Girl: Should Parents be Allowed to Choose the Sex of Their
Edgar Dahl
6 Bad Science Equals Poor, Not Necessarily Bad, Ethics
David Hunter
7 Dignity and Older Europeans
Win Tadd
8 Guidelines for Embryo Donation for Reproductive Purposes in New
Zealand: A Child/Family Approach
Ken Daniels
9 Assisted Reproduction and the Welfare of the Child
Sheila McLean
10 Body Immortal
Judit Sandor
11 Masculinity, Reproductivity and Law
Michael Thomson
12 Being Natural: An Exploration of the Natural in the Writings of
Hans Christian Andersen
Soren Holm
13 Genes for Sale: Ethical Reflections on Donors' Proprietary Rights in
Human Genetic Derivatives
TaiwoA. Oriola
14 4x4 Cars and the City: What are the Limits of Vehicle Manufacturer
Peter Wells
15 From 'Jim Crow' to 'John Doe': Reparations, Corporate Liability
and the Limits of Private Law
James Davey
16 A Crisis of Professional Self-regulation: The Example of the
Solicitors' Profession
Mark Davies
17 The National DNA Database: Why No Public Debate?
Mairi Levitt
18 Can the Cell Nuclear Replacement Technique be Used to Overcome
Genetic Disease?
Natasha Hammond
19 The Human Condition and the Pursuit of Perfection in Human
Jennifer Gunning
20 Drug Testing and the Use of Healthy Volunteers
Sam Salek
21 The Assisted Dying Bill: 'Death Tourism' and European Law
John Coggon and Soren Holm
22 Could Do Better? Hegemony and Freedom in Cyberspace
Ian Kenway
23 Treatment in Time of Sudden Infectious Pandemic: The Need for a
Proactive, Practical, Proportionate, Prophylactic Ethical Response to
the Threat of Pandemic Influenza
Stephen Pattison and H. Martyn Evans
24 Toy Stories, Horror Stories and Fairy Tales
Stephen Hogan
25 Herceptin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer
Daniela D. Rosa and Gordon C. Jayson
26 End of Life Decision-making: The Implications of the Court of
Appeal Decision in Burke v General Medical Council
Phil Fennell
27 Does Nanotechnology Require a New 'Nanoethics'?
Soren Holm
28 Medically Assisted Procreation in Italy: The Referendum and the
Roman Catholic Church
Norman Doe, Javier Oliva and Cristiana Cianitto
29 From Fridge Mountains to Food Mountains? Tackling the UK Food
Waste Problem
Samarthia Thankappan
30 A Gain for Autonomy and Reproductive Choice: The Issue of
'Saviour Siblings' Resolved
Jennifer Gunning
31 Human Rights and Gypsies: It is Time for a Rethink
Luke Clements
32 Forgetting to be Nice: The National Institute for Clinical
Excellence's Preliminary Recommendations Concerning Drugs for
the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Soren Holm

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