Amenities and rural development: theory, methods and public policy/ edited by Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller and David W. Marcouiller - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2005. - 338 p: ill.

1. Introduction
2. The Supply of Natural Amenities: Moving from Empirical Anecdotes to a Theoretical Basis
3. Rural Amenities Policies: Future Stakes
4. Equity within Institutional Arrangements for the Supply of Rural Amenities
5. The Supply and Demand for Natural Amenities: An Overview of Theory and Concepts
6. Out-Migration from the Northeast US: The Relative Roles of Economic and Amenity Differentials
7. Amenities and Change in the Well-Being of Nonmetropolitan Localities
8. The Role of Wilderness and Public Land Amenities in Explaining Migration and Rural Development in the American Northwest
9. Regional Economic Growth with a Focus on Amenities
10. Impact of Outdoor Recreation Facilities on Remote Rural Income Growth
11. Recreation, Amenity Migration and Urban Proximity
12. Resident-Employed Photography as a Tool for Understanding Attachment to High-Amenity Places
13. Seasonal Residents: Members of Community or Part of the Scenery?
14. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Land-Use Planning Policies in Rapidly Growing High-Amenity Communities in the Rocky Mountain States
15. Managing Growth and Development in a Natural-Amenity-Rich Landscape: Landowner Attitudes Toward Planning in Northwestern Wisconsin
16. Raising the Gangplank: A Defense of Localism Aimed at Resource Protection
17. Amenity-Led Development of Rural Areas: The Example of the Regional Action Pilot Programme in Germany
18. Rural Policy Issues
19. Amenities and Rural Development: Policy Implications and Directions for the Future


Rural development
Rural-urban relations
Land use, rural

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