Rawat, H. K.

Sociology: basic concepts/ H. K. Rawat - Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2007. - 356 p.

I - Course of transmission in Buddhist Iconography from India to Japan
through China and Korea.
II — Panca- Mahn-VidySraja (Go Dai-Myo-o)
III — Caturmaharajas (Shitcnno)
IV — Indian Brahmanic and Buddhist Deities in the Far Eastern art
V — Iconography of the principal disciples of the Buddha and the traditional
sixteen arhats
Vj __ Two Divine Birds, a General and Five Powerful Bodhisattvas
VII- Asta-Graha-DcvatH(Tcnryu Hachibu-shu)
VIII- Seven Gods of Good Fortune (Shichi Fukujin)



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