Fundamentals of marketing research. Vol. 3/ edited by N. K. Malhotra - Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2007. - 433 p.

Volume III

Section 1: Qualitative Marketing Research (Continued from Vol. II)

- Advertising Experiments at the Campbell Soup Company/ J O Eastlack, Jr. & A G Rao
- An Experimental Approach to Making Retail Store Environmental Decisions/ J Baker, M Levy & D Grewal
- Learning and Using Electronic Information Products and Services: A Field Study/ V Mittal and M S Sawhney
- The Right Side of Metrics/ G A Wyner
- Measurement Validation in Marketing Research: A Review and Commentary/ B L Alford & B T Engelland
- The Metric Quality of Ordered Categorical Data/ V Srinivasan & A K Basu
- Development and Validation of a Brand Trust Scale/ E D-Ballester, J L Munuera-Aleman & M J Yague-Guillen
- The Use of Expert Judges in Scale Development: Implications for Improving Face Validity Measures of Unobservable Constructs/ D M Hardesty & W O Bearden
- The Dangers of Poor Construct Conceptualization/ S B MacKenzie
- Development and Validation of Scales to Measure Attitudes Influencing Monetary Donations to Charitable Organizations/ D J Webb, C L Green & T G Brashear
- Measuring the Sources of Marketing Channel Power: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches/ J R Brown, J L Johnson & Harold F Koenig
- Pretesting Questionnaires: Content Analyses of Respondents' Concurrent Verbal Protocols/ R N Bolton
- Split-Questionnaire Designs: A New Tool in Survey Design and Panel Management/ M Vriens, M Wedel & Z Sandor
- Question Order Effects in Measuring Service Quality/ C W DeMoranville & C C Bienstock
- Response Order Effects-How Do people Read?/ B Duffy
- The Effect of Pretest Method on Error Detection Rates: Experimental Evidence/ N Reynolds & A Diamantopoulos
- Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommended Remedies/ P M Podsakoff and others
- Sampling in the Twenty-First Century/ S Sudman & E Blair
- Improving the Quality of Shopping Center Sampling/ S Sudman
- Sampling and Controlling a TV Audience Measurement Panel/ S Wilcox
- The Effect of Introductions on Telephone Survey Participation Rates/ M Brennan, S Benson & Z Kearns
- riding the Wave: Response rates and the Effects of Time Intervals between Successive Mail Survey Follow-up Efforts/ C Claycomb, S S Porter & C L Martin
- The Effect of INcentives in Web Surveys: Application and Ethical Considerations/ C Cobanoglu & N Cobanoglu
- Are Consumer Survey Results Distorted? Systematic Impact of behavioral Frequency and Duration on Survey Response Errors/ E Lee, M Y Hu & R S Toh

9781412921237 (6v. set)

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