Perception of the vedas/ Coomaraswamy, Anand K. - New Delhi: Manohar, 2000. - 449 p.

1. The Vedas—^Essays in Translation and Exegesis:
Preface by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
A New Approach to the Vedto
The rgveda as Land-Nama-Bok
2. Notes on the Katha Upanisad
3. The Darker Side of Dawn
4. Recollection, Indian and Platonic
5. The Vedic Doctrine of 'Silence'
6. The Tantric Doctrine of Divine Biunity
7. Kha and Other Words Denoting 'Zero',
in'Connection with the Indian Metaphysics of Space
8. On the One and Only Transmigrant
9. Vedic 'Monotheism'
10. Bhakta Aspects of the Atman Doctrine
11. AfaAa Purujo:'Supreme Identity'
12. M'ruAta = Hermeneia
13. The Flood in Hindu Tradition
14. The Vedanta and Western Tradition
15. Vedic Exemplarism
16. Atmayajna: Self-Sacrifice
17. Manas

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