Kumari, Chodavarapu J.

Methods of teaching educational technology/ Chodavarapu J. Kumari; general editor Digumarti Bhaskara Rao - New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2004. - 317 p.

1. Introduction

2. Technology and Education
• Significant Elements
• Scope and Sphere
• Technical Aspects
• Factors at Work
• Benifits from Education
• Basic Information

3. Basic Issues
• Curriculum Formation
• Innovative Trends
• Further Improvement
• Government's Role

4. Technology at Work
• State Programmes: SITE
• State Programmes: Non-SITE
• Progress: Post-SITE
• Terrestrial Television
• INSAT: Important Aspects
• Present Scenario

5. Imparting Education
• Impact of the Message
• Fundamental Principles
• Comparative View
• Teacher's Role
• Practice Based on Theory
• Area of Influence
• Material for Aid
• Different Sources
• Various Theories
• Basic Facts
• Pace of Improvement
• Classification
• Developmental Basis
• Meaningful Existence
• Reforming Steps

6. Evolution and Development
• Assessment by Media
• Major Objectives
• Measurement in Practice
• Sophisticated Aids
• Research in Practice
• Cost Effectiveness
• Evaluation Process
• Future Prospects
• Difficulties

7. Learning under Programme
• Required Devices
• Different iCinds
• Material in Use
• Difficulties Ahead
• Modules at Work
• Modules in Use
• Modules Facing Odds
• Devices under Formation
• Significance of Record
• Material Assessed
• Text Material Perparation
• Validity of Material
• Devices Clubbed Together
• Various Aids Working Together

8. Educational Setup
• The Fundamentals
• Organised System
• Programmes in Action
• Bright Side
• Duty of the Teacher

9. Objectives of Education
• Significant Aims
• Importance of Behaviour
• Different Kinds
• Medium of Instruction
• Selection Pattern
• The Process
• Teaching and Learning
• Impact of Teaching

10. Art of Management
• Objectives and Aims
• Management of E.T.
• Schools and E.T.
• Other Institutions and E.T.
•Staffing E.T.
• Coordination and Cooperation
• Assessment and Evaluation
• Challenges Ahead

11. Training the Teachers
• Great Revolution
• Preparing Teachers
• The Limitations

12. Teaching Methods
• The Objectives
• Different Methods
• Lecture Method
• Project Method
• Seminar Method
• Discussion Method
• Demonstration Method
• Confluence of Methods

13. Micro-teaching
• Perfection
• Different Levels
• Importance and Significance
• Basic Requirements
• Bright Side

14. Teaching Techniques
• Techniques at Work
• Various Techniques
• Rule for Selection
• Aid from Machinery
• Process at Work
• Bright Side
• Problems

15. Teaching Approaches
• Basic Principles
• Salient Features
• Different Levels
• Teaching Devices
• Main Objectives
• Importance and Significance
• Teaching Aids
• Textbook as a Tool
• Good Textbooks
• Textbooks in Use
• Problems=to Cope With
• Handbooks in Vogue
• Challenges Ahead

16. Teaching Aids
• Chief Objectives
• Different Kinds
• Means of Projection
• Touching the Chord
• Charts and Posters
• The Utility
• Various Angles
• Models Built
• Models in Vogue
• Different Kinds
• Models in the Market

17. Teaching Devices
• Demonstration with Slides
• The Importance
• Different Kinds
• Preparation of Slides
• Transparencies in Use
• Various Types
• Bright Side
• Preparing Transparencies
• Drawing Cartoons
• Comparative View
• Value of Learning
• Learning and Teaching
• Social Skill
• The Qualities
• Various Levels
• Teaching Aids' Role
• Teacher-Students
• The Procedure

18. Educational Broadcasting
•World View
• National Scenario
• Radio for Education
• National Level Preferences
• Competence and Expertise
• Material in Use
• Radio as Helper
• Structure for Management
• Tasks Assessed
• Problems and Redresses
• Achievements
• SITE: Tele-lecturing Project
• Important Programmes

19. Audio Devices
• Producing Audios
• Major Aims
• The Process
• Devices at Work
• Various Angles
• Importance and Significance
• Audio Script Writing
• Present Situation
• Present Trends
• The Experience

20. Video Devices
• Video Production
• Basic Issues
• Major Objectives
• The Process
• Video Script Writing
• Educational T.V.
• Different Levels
• Resources at Hand
• Terms and Conditions
• Pictures
• Different Photographs

21. Media, as a Force
• Basic Facts
• Print Media
• New Experiments
• Mass Media
• Benefits and Impacts

22. Computer Education
• Computer at Work
• Knowing Computer
• Pattern of Functioning
• A Tool for Education
• Computer as Instructor
• Good and Bad Points
• Government's Role


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