Scott, Dunkinfield Henry

Fundamentals of modern botany/ Dunkinfield Henry Scott - New Delhi: Anmol Publications, 2003. - V.1, 274 p. (2 v. set);

Thb Wallflower (Chdranthus Cheiri, L.)—
I, External Characters—
A. Vegetative Organs—
a. The Shoot
b. The Root •
B. Reproductive Organs—
a. The Flowers
b. The Fruit
II. Internal Structure—
A. The Cells
a. General Structure of the Cell
b. Special Contents of Cells.
a. Chlorophyll-Granules or Chloroplasts
p. Starch Granules
y. Oil
t. Protein Granules
e. Cell-Formation
d. Continuity of the Protoplasm
e. Protoplasmic Movements.
B, The Tissues
a. Structure of the Stem
a. The Vascular Bundles
p. Other Tissues of the Central Cylinder
7. The Cortex
The Epidermis
h. Structure of the Leaf
e. Structure of the Root
d. Transition from Stem to Root
e. Apical Development
/. Secondary Growth in Thickness.
g, Periderm
h. Secondary Thickening of the Root
Internal Structure and Development of the Reproductive
0. Development of the Flower
h. Structure of the Floral Envelopes
e. Stamens
d. The Pistil
0. Fertilisation
/. Development of the Embryo
g. The Endosperm
h. The Ripe Seed
#. The Fruit
h. Germination and Life-History
HITB LtLY (Lilium candidum, L.)—
External Characters—
A. Vegetative Organs
B. The Flowers
II. Internal Structure of the Vegetative Organs
а. Stem
б. Leaf
c. Root
d, Growing-Points and mode of Branching
Sununary of Monocotyledonous Anatomy
III. Internal Structure and Development of the Reproductive
a. Development of the Flower
b. Structure of the Perianth and Stamens.
c. Structure of the Pistil
d. Ovules
€. Pollination and Fertilisation
/. Development of the Embryo
g. Endosperm
h. The Ripe Seed and Fruit
f. Germination and Life-History
Outlines of Physiologv
I. The Food of Plants
II. Assimilation of Carbon
III. Absorption
IV. The Ascent of the Sap
V. Respiration
VI. Growth
VII. Movement of Plant Organs
type III
The Spruce Fir (Picea excelsa^ Link)—>
I. External Characters
II. Anatomy of the Vegetative Organs—
a. Stem
b. Leaf
c. Root
d. Growing-Points and Lateral Appendageso.
Growing-Point of the Stem
p. Growing-Point of the Root
Summary of the Vegetative Structure of Conifers
nr. Structure of the Reproductive Organs—
a. The Male Cone
b. The Female Cone
Pollination and Fertilisation
d. Development of the Embryo

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