Contents:I. Academic Librarianship in the automated environment.
S. Gopalahislman and JR. AnnaduraL
Z Introduction to computers.
A. j Rajaraman
3. Hardware and software aspects of automation
for academic libraries.
Apufba Kanjilal
4. Automated information retrieval system for
academic libraries.
Pijuskanti Paniffxdti and M. Kanakachari
5. Computerisation of Kerala Agriculture University :
A proposal.
K Rajasekharan.
6. Library automation in University of Hyderabad.
E. Rama RecUfy.
7. Automated information services in Cochin
University Library.
C.K Rajan Pillai.
8. Computerised information storage and retrieval
in Marathwads University Library.
Mrs. AA. Vaishnav and N.G. BapaL
9. Revitalization of college libraries with
computer assistance.
R Raman Nair.
10. Information trends in library for computer
Vandana Ranjan.
II. Use of Bar Codes in automated library systems.
P.K Rqkumar.
12. Computerisation of serials control.
Vmod kumar Grover,
13. Computer - Communication network of
academic and research libraries.
CS. Sathi kumar.
14. On line bibliographic utility : An evaluation
Krushna C Panda.
15. Software packages for academic library systems.
S.R. Rav Uatmar
16. U.G.C. assistance for provision of computers
in Universities and Colleges.
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