General studies 2016: for civil services preliminary examination/ Chand, Tata

Material type: TextTextPublication details: New Delhi: MHE, 2016Description: various pDDC classification: 340.1
r HISTORY OF INDI 1. Introduction I. I India: Physical Features 3 £ 2. Prehistoric Period 2.1 Palaeolithic Period or Old Stone Age 2.2 Mesolithic Age or the Late Stone Age 3 2.3 Neolithic or the New Stone Age 4 3. Harappan Civilisation (2700-1700 BC) 3.1 Origin and Evolution 4 3.2 The Extent 5 3.3 Important Centres 5 _ 3.4 Major Characteristics 5 3.5 Decline 7 3.6 Chalcolithic Settlements 4. South India 5. Iron Age 6 6. The Vedic Age - 8 6.1 The Aryan'Problem 9 6.2 Early Vedic Society 9 6.3 The Later Vedic Period 12 6.4 Smriti Literature 15 6.5 Epics 16 7. Pre-Mauryan Period: (Sixth Century BC to Fourth Century BC) I ^ 7.1 Sources of Information 17 7.2 Emergence of New Social Groups 17 7.3 Polity 18 7.4 Emergence of Mahajanapadas 18 .3 3 7.5 RiseofMagadh IB 7.6 Persian Invasion 20 7.7 Alexander's Invasion 20 ' i«i: ViJU 7.8 Milieu of Religious Movements 20 8. The Maurjran Empire (321-185 BC) 8.1 Source Material 23 8.2 The Mauryan Conquests 23 8.3 Material Basis of the Mauryan Empire 24 8.4 Land Revenue 25 8.5 The Urban Economy 25 8.6 Society and Religion 27 8.7 Ashoka's Policy of Dhamma 27 8.8 Mauryan Administration 28 8.9 Relations with Other Powers 30 8.10 The Downfall of the Mauryan Empire 30 8.1 I Mauryan Art 31 9. India After the Mauryas (200 BC-AD 300) 9.1 Sources 32 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 The Sungas (185-74 BC) 32 Local Powers 32 North-Western India 33 Impact of Central Asian Contacts The Deccan 34 Sculptural Art 35 The Beginning of Hinduism 37 Buddhism 38 9.IOJcunlsm 38 I > 156 23 34 32 9.1 1 Craft, Trade and Towns 39 9.12 South India—^The Sangam Age 40 10. The Age of the Guptas ID.) Political Background 41 10.2 Chandragupta I 4! 10.3 Samudragupta (AD 335-376) 42 10.4 Chandragupta II (AD 376-415) 42 10.5 Gupta Administration 42 10.6 Revenue Administration 43 10.7 Trade and Towns 43 10.8 Society 44 10.9 Art and Architecture 46. 10.10 Literature 47 i 0. i I Science and Astronomy 48 ' 11. The Successors of Guptas: The Age of Smaller Kingdoms 12. Harshavardhan (AD 606-647) 13. Early Medieval India 13.1 North India 49 13.2 The Deccan and the South 50 (3.3 Administration 51 13.4 Art and Architecture 51 - 13.5 TheCh'oias 51 13.6 Economy 54 - 14. The Cultural Trends: 750-1200 14.1 The Society 56 14.2 Developments in Religion 57 15. Polity in Northern India 15.1 Origin of the Rajputs 57 15.2 GroNvth of Regional Expression 58 16. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: The Delhi Sultanate 5® 16.1 The Slave Sultans (1206-1290) SB 16.2 TheKhiljis(1290-l320) 59 16.3 TheTughlaq Sultans (1320-1414) 60 16.4 The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451) 61 16.5 The Lodi Sultans (1451-1526) 61 16.6 Causes of the Downfall of the Delhi Sultanate 61 16.7 The Administration of the Sultanate 62 41 48 48 49 56 57 16.8 Economy 63 16.9 Sources of Revenue 65 17. The Post-Sultanate Period 65 17.1 Smaller Kingdoms that Arose in the Post-Sultanate Period 65 17.2 Eastern and Northern India 66 18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries: The Age of Vijayanagar and the Bahmanis 18.1 The Bahmani Kingdom 67 18.2 Vijayanagar Empire 68 18.3 Economy 70 18.4 Architecture 70 19. Source Material I 19.1 Slave Sultans 70 19.2 The Khiiji Period 70 19.3 TheTughlaqs 71 20. Religion 20.1 The Sufi Movement 71 20.2 The Bhakti Movement 72 20.3 Kabir and Nanak 72 21. Influences on Architecture, Painting and Music 21.1 Architecture 72 21.2 Painting and Music 72 22. The Mughal Empire 22.1 Babar(l526-I530) 73 22.2 Humayun (1530-1556) 74 22.3 Akbar (1556-1605) 75 22.4 Jahangir(l605-I627) 77 22.5 Shah Jahan (1628-1658) 77 22.6 Aurangzeb (1658-1707) 78 22.7 The Emergence of Marathas 78 23. Decline of the Mughal Empire (1706-61) 23.1 Causes for the Decline 79 23.2 Source Material II 81 24. Cultural Developments during the Mughal Era 24.1 Architecture 82 70 71 72 73 79 82 24.2 Painting 83 24.3 Music 83 24.4 Literature 83 25. The Europeans in India 25.1 The Portuguese 84 25.2 The Dutch 84 25.3 The Engiish 84 26. British Expansion in India 26.1 The Carnatic Wars 85 26.2 The British Conquest of Bengal 85 26.3 Extension of British Influence (1765-1792) 87 26.4 British Expansion (1798-1809) 87 \ 27. Consolidation of British Power (1818-57) 88 27.1 Burma 88 27.2 Afghanistan 88 27.3 Sindh 89 27.4 Punjab 89 27.5 Dalhousie and the Policy of Annexation (1848-56) 89 28. British Policies and Administration in India ~ 89 28.1 Developments in Britain and India 8? 28.2 Judicial System 92 28.3 Law and Order 93 ~ 28.4 Army 94 28.5 Indian Civil Service 95 28.6 The Economic Impact of British, < ' Rule: I 96 - 28.7 Forest Laws 98 28.8 Trade and Industry 99 28.9 The Economic Impact of British Rule: II 99 28.10 Modern Education 101 INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT I. Indian Freedom Struggle I. I Emergence of a National Consciousness 3 2. Pre-Congress Nationalist Organisations 3 84 84 Contents xxv 29. Cultural Encounter and Social Change in the First-half of the 19'*' Century 101 29.1 Rammohun Roy and the Brahmo Samaj 102 29.2 Young Bengal Movement 103 29.3 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 103 30. Resistance to British Rule 104 30.1 Resistance to British Rule: I 104 30.2 Resistance to British Rule: II 106 30.3 Resistance to British Rule: III 107 31. Reorganisation of the British Empire in India NO 31.1 Indian Councils Act of 1861 1 10 31.2 Changes in the Army 1 10 31.3 British Policy Towards Princely States 1 1 1 32. Cultural Encounter and Social Change in the Second-half of the 19'^Century-ll Ml 32.1 Arya Samaj 1 1 1 32.2 Ramakrishna and Vivekananda 1 12 32.3 Theosophical Society 1 12 32.4 Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh School 1 12 32.5 British Legal Intervention in Socio- cultural Field 1 12 32.6 Women's Organisations 1 14 32.7 British Government's Intervention in Women's Issues 1 14 Chronology of Principal Events 1 15 References 118 Multiple Choice Questions 119 Answers 155 Explanatory Notes 156 ■it 3. The Indian National Congress (INC) (1885-1905) 3.1 Formation of INC 5 3.2 Prominent Leaders of INC 5 3.3 Congress—Early Demands 5 ■^1 - 63 4. Earty Nationalists 6 4.1 Contribution of Early Nationalists 6 4.2 Attitude of the Government 6 4.3 Drawbacks of Early Nationalists 7 5. Rise <>f Militant Nationalism 7 6. Swadeshi Movement 8 6.1 Moderate-Extremist Divide 9 6.2 Critical Appraisal 10 7. Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism 11 8. Surat Split of 1907 12 9. Indian Councils Act of 1909 12 10. Separatist Trends in Indian Nationalist Politics: The Muslim League 13 11. First World War and Freedom Struggle 14 1 1.1 Revolutionary Activities 14 1 1.2 Lucknow Pact of 1916 14 1 1.3 Home Rule League 15 12. Gandhi and His thought 16 12.1 Champaran 17 12.2 Kheda 17 12.3 Ahmedabad 17 _ 13. RowlattAct 18 13.1 jallianwaia Bagh Incident IB 14. The Non-cooperation Movement (1920-22) 19 14.1 No-Changers and Swarajists 20 14.2 Separatist Trends il 21 14.3 Peasant Movements 22 15. Emergence of Communists 22 15.1 Industrial Unrest and the Communists 22 16. Subhash Chandra Bose and Jawahari^ Nehru 23 17. Simon Commission and Nehru Report 23 17.1 Simon Boycott 24 18. Revolutionary Terrorism 18.1 Hindustan Socialist Republican Army 24 24 19. Peasant Movements 25 19.1 Punjab 25 19.2 Bihar 25 19.3 South India 25 19.4 Gujarat and Maharashtra 25 20. Lahore Congress and Puma Swaraj 26 21. Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-31) 26 22. First Round Table Conference and Gandhi-lrwin Pact 28 22.1 Karachi Session of the Congress, 1931 29 22.2 Thjce Time 29 23. Second Round Table Conference 30 24. Civil Disobedience Resumed (1932-34) 31 24.1 Gandhi and his Thought: The Communal Award and Poona Pact 31 24.2 Cultural Encounter and Social Change: Caste Consciousness and Related Movements 32 24.3 Return to Council Politics 33 25. Growth of Socialist Forces 33 25.1 Lucknow and Faizpur 34 25.2 Elections and Congress Ministries 34 26. Separatist Trends: Muslim League Tactics and Growth of Communalism 35 27. Indian Freedom Struggle 27.1 State People's Movement 35 28. Congress Crisis and Formation of Forward Bloc 28.1 Congress Ministries Resign 36 28.2 Other Developments During the War Period 37 28.3 Jinnah's Two-Nation Theory 37 28.4 August Offer, 1940 37 28.5 Economic Scene 38 28.6 New Phases of War 38 28.7 Cripps Mission 38 29. Quit India Movement 29.1 Advance of Muslim League 40 35 36 39 29.2 Left Alternative 40 30. Indian National Army and Netaji 30.1 INA Trials 41 31. Developments under Wavell 31.1 Wavell Plan and Simla Conference 41 32. The Eve of Independence 42 32.1 September 19 Announcement 42 32.2 The 1945-46 Elections 42 32.3 Revolt of RIN Ratings 42 32.4 Cabinet Mission Plan 42 INDIAN AND WORLD GEOGRAPHY Part-I World Geography 1. Introduction 2. Branches of Geography 2.1 Physical Geography 3 2.2 Human Geography 4 2.3 Economic Geography 4 3. Origin of the Earth 3.1 Nature of the Matter ' Forming the Earth 5 3.2 Geological History of the Earth 5 : 4. The Earth and Its position in the Solaf System ' 4 4.1 Solar System 6 4.2 The Shape and Size of the Earth 7 4.3 Location on Earth Surface and Latitude and Longitude 7 4.4 Some Important Parallels and Meridians 8 4.5 Great Circles and Small Circles 8 4.6 Motions of the Earth and Their Effects 8 4.7 Inclination of the Earth's Axis and Its Effect 8 4.8 Local and Standard Time and the International Date Line 10 4.9 The Solar and the Sidereal Time 1 1 4.10 Calendar I I 41 41 3-97 3 32.5 Direct Action Day and Interim Government 43 32.6 Constituent Assembly 43 32.7 Attlee's Announcement 43 32.8 Mountbatten Plan 44 33. Independence and Partition (1945-47) 44 33.1 Partition 44 33.2 Integration of Princely States 45 Indian National" Movement 46 Mu/tip/e Choice Questions 46 Answers 63 Explanatory Notes 63 4.1 1 The Earth and the Moon 12 4.12 Eclipses and Phases of the Moon 12 4.13 Moon and Tides 13 S. The Atmosphere 5.1 Structure of the Atmosphere 14 5.2 Composition of the Atmosphere 16 5.3 Aurora and Magnetic Storms 17 5.4 Weather and Climate 17 5.5 Insolation and Heat Budget 17 5.6 Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 19 5.7 Distribution of Temperature 19 5.8 Inversion of Temperature 21 5.9 Thermal Anomaly 21 .. 5.10 Range of Temperature 22 5.M Mean Thermal Equator 22 5.12 Pressure 22 5.13 Pressure and Winds 23 5.14 Planetary Winds 24 5.15 Seasonal and Local Winds 26 5.16 Direction and Velocity of Winds 28 I - 183 5.17 The Jet Stream 28 5.18 States of V^ter and Heat Exchange 28 5.19 Humidity 28 5.20 Vapour Pressure 29 5.21 Dew Point and Condensation 29 5.22 Clouds 29 14 / 5.23 Dew and Frost 29 5.24 Fog, Smog, Mist and Haze 30 5.25 Precipitation 30 5.26 Distribution of Rainfall 31 5.27 Rain-shadow 32 5.28 Air Masses and Fronts 32 5.29 Cyclones and Anticyclones 34 5.30 Types of Climate 35 5.31 Hydrological Cycle and Global Water Balance 37 5.32 Ground Water and Water Table 37 5.33 Sources of Ground Water 37 6. The Hydrosphere 6.1 Oceans of the World 38 6.2 Configuration of Ocean Floor 39 6.3 Salinity 41 6.4 Distribution of Salinity 41 6.5 Temperature of Oceans 42 6.6 Waves and Currents 42 6.7 Marine Resources 47 7. The llthosphere 7.1 Interior Structure of the Earth; 48 7.2 Materials of the Earth's CrustrRocks and Minerals 49 7.3 Classification of Rocks 49 7.4 Landforms 50 7.5 Landforms of the First Order—Oceans and Continents 50 7.6 Sea Floor Spreading 51 7.7 Landforms of the Second Order 51 7.8 Forces and Processes Affecting the Earth's Crust 53 7.9 Internal Forces and Their Impact 53 7.10 Volcanic Activity 53 7.1 ! Distribution of Volcanoes 54 7.12 Diastrophic Forces and Earth Movements 55 7.13 Folding and Warping 55 7.14 Faulting 55 7.15 Earthquakes 56 7.16 Isostacy 57 7.17 External Forces and Their Impact 38 48 7.18 Weathering 58 7.19 Erosion 59 7.20 Cycle of Erosion 63 7.21 Soils 64 7.22 Classification and Distribution of World Soils 65 7.23 The Soil Taxonomy Used by US Soil 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Conservation Service 67 8. Human Geography 8.1 World Population 69 Distribution of Population Density of Population 70 Population Structure 71 Population and Resources Population Problems of Under- 69 71 Developed and Advanced Countries Races and Tribes 72 Migration 72 Causes and Consequences of Migration 73 8.10 Types of Migration 73 8.1 1 Settlement 73 8.12 Classification of Settlements 74 8.13 Distribution, Size and Pattern of Settlements 75 9. Economic Geography 9.1 Economic Activities 75 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Resources—Concept and Their Classification 76 World Agriculture 77 Farming Organisation and Farming Systems 77 Types of Cultivation 77 Intensive and Extensive Farming 78 ,./ Agricultural Typology 78 9.8 Chief Agricultural Products and the Chief Producers 80 9.9 Animal Rearing and Animal Products 81 9.10 Forestry and Forest Products 82 . 9.1 1 Deforestation and Conservation of Forests 84 9.12 Important Minerals and Power Resources and Leading Producers 84 69 71 75 ' 9.13 Chief Industrial Products and Leading Producers 86 9.14 Major Products of Various Natural Regions 87 9.15 Some Important Boundary Lines 88 9.16 Important Cities and What They are Famous For 88 10. Glossary of GeographicalTerms 90 Part-ll Indian Geography 99-183 1. introduction 99 I. I Location 99 1.2 Area and Boundaries 99 * 1.3 Administrative Divisions 99 1.4 Geology 99 2. Physiography ' 0® 2.1 Himalayas 100 2.2 Major Ranges of Himalayas 100 2.3 Regional Divisions of Himalayas 101 2.4 The Plains of India 101 2.5 Peninsular Plateau 102 2.6 Islands of India 102 ' 3. Drainage - * 103 3.1 Himalayan Rivers 103 3.2 Rivers of Peninsular India Flowing into the Bay of Bengal 103 3.3 West-flowing Rivers of the Peninsular Region 104 3.4 Differences Between the Himalayan and the Peninsular Rivers 105 3.5 Drainage of the Indian Desert Region 105 4. Climate 4.1 The Monsoon and Its Mechanism 105 4.2 The Seasons 106 4.3 Importance of Monsoon 107 4.4 Climatic Regions 107 4.5 Floods and Drou^its 108 5. Soils ' 5.1 Important Types 108 5.2 Problems with Soil and Soil Conservation 109 6. Natural Vegetation, Plant and Animal Life 110 6.1 Major Types 1 10 6.2 Extent of Forest in India 1 11 6.3 Forestry and Conseivation of Forests 1 1 I 6.4 Wildlife 1 13 6.5 Wildlife Conservation 1 13 6.6 Biosphere Reserves 1 17 6.7 Conservation Reserves 1 17 7. Agriculture 1 IB 7.1 Crop Groups 1 18 7.2 Types of Cultivation 1 19 7.3 Cropping and Land Use Pattern 119 7.4 Fertility and Productivity 1 19 7.5 Agricultural Infrastructure 1 19 7.6 Agricultural Regions 120 7.7 Important Crops 120 7.8 Crop Diseases 122 7.9 Animal Husbandry 122 7.10 Fishing 124 8. Irrigation and Power 8.1 Means of Irrigation 125 8.2 Irrigation and Power Projects 125 9. Mineral Resources 9.1 Classification and Distribution of Minerals 127 10. Industries ^ 10.1 Important Factories/Plants 131 11. Transport and Communications 11.1 Transport 132 1 1.2 Communications 137 12. Foreign Trade 12.1 Important Feati' res of India's Export Trade 39 13. Social Aspects 13.1 Population 139 13.2 Density 140 13.3 Sex Ratio 140 13.4 Literacy 142 13.5 Trend of Growth 142 125 127 129 132 139 139 13.6 Languages 143 13.7 Religions 143 13.8 Racial Groups 143 13.9 Tribal Groups 143 14. Settlements 144 14.1 Types of Settlements 144 INDIAN POLITY AND GOVERNANCE I. New initiatives on issues of Governance (2014-2015) 3 I. I Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) 3 t 1 .2 Pradhan Manti MUDRA Yojana 3 1.3 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Clean India Mission 4 1.4 Make In India Initiative 5 1.5 Digital India Programme 6 1 .6 Sagarmala Initiative Towards Greater Blue Revolution . 7 . 1 .7 Skill India Programme 7 1.8 Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana 8 1.9 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) 9 1. 10 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) 9 1. 1 1 Seventh Pay Commission: Expectations and Controversies 10 1.12 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao* Scheme 1 1 1.13 eBasta: New Portal for Students to Download School Books I I 1.14 PAHAL Scheme 12 I. IS Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 12 1.16 Smart City Mission 13 3. The Constitution 15 2.1 Constitutional Developments 15 2.2 Framing of the Constitution 16 2.3 Objectives of Constitution 17 2.4 Features of the Indian Constitution 17 2.5 Preamble 19 14.2 Urbanisation in India 145 14.3 Census Definition of Urban Settlements 145 Multiple-Choice Questions 158 Answers 181 Explanatory Notes 182 ^ I - 148 2.6 Parts and Important Articles of the Constitution 20 3. Union Territories and Reorganisation of States 22 3.1 Integration of Princely States 22 3.2 Dhar Commission and jVP Committee 22 3.3 Provisions Regarding Territories In the Constitution 22 3.4 First Linguistic State and State Reorganisation Commission 23 4. Citizenship 4.1 Who is a Citizen? 25 4.2 Acquisition and Termination of Citizenship 25 4.3 Amendment of Citizenship Act 25 4.4 Commonwealth Citizenship 26 4.5 Single Citizenship 26 4.6 Dual Citizenship for People of Indian Origin (PIOs) 26 4.7 Voting Right to NRIs 26 4.8 Significance of Citizenship 26 5. Fundamental Rights 5.1 Introduction 26 5.2 Need and Importance of Fundamental Rights 26 5.3 Classification of Fundamental Rights 27 5.4 The Writs 29 5.5 Suspension of Fundamental Rights 29 5.6 Special Features 29 5.7 Parliament's Right to Amend Fundamental Rights 29 25 26 , 6. Fundamental Duties 7. The Directive Principles of State Policy 30 7.1 Introduction 30 7.2 Difference between Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights 30 7.3 Important Directive Principles 30 7.4 Additional Directive Principles 31 7.5 Directive Principles in Practice 31 7.6 Relation between Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights 31 8. The President 8.1 President 32 8.2 Powers of the President 33 8.3 Position of the President 34 8.4 Vice-President 35 9. The Prime Minister and Council of Ministers 9.1 Real Executive Authority 35 9.2 The Prime Minister 35 9.3 Deputy Prime Minister 36 9.4 Council of Ministers 37 10. The Parliament 10.1 LokSabha 38 10.2 RajyaSabha 39 10.3 Sessions of Parliament 39 10.4 Joint Sessions 40 10.5 Powers of Parliament 40 10.6 Is the Indian Parliament a Sovereign Body? 41 10.7 Privileges of Members 41 10.8 Committee System 41 10.9 Legislative Procedure 43 10.10 Vote on Account 44 10.1 1 Parliamentary Terms 44 1 1. The Supreme Court I I.I Introduction 47 1 1.2 Independence of Judges 48 11.3 Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 48 1 1.4 The Supreme Court and Judicial Review 49 1 1.5 Judicial A'-tivism 49 30 12 35 38 47 1 1.6 Public Interest Litigation SO 1 1.7 Judiciary V. Legislature 50 12. State Executive 51 12.1 Introduction 51 12.2 The Governor 51 12.3 Powers of the Governor 52 12.4 Chief Minister 53 12.5 Council of Ministers 53 12.6 The Advocate General 54 13. State Legislature 54 13.1 Legislative Assembly 54 13.2 Legislative Council 54 13.3 Powers of the State Legislature 55 14. High Court 55 14.1 Introduction 55 14.2 Transfer of Judges 56 14.3 Jurisdiction of High Court 56 14.4 Administrative Tribunals 56 14.5 Family Courts 57 14.6 LokAdalats 57 14.7 Nyaya Panchayats 58 14.8 Legal Aid 58 15. Union Territories 60 15.1 Introduction 60 15.2 Administration 60 15.3 Schedule Areas 61 15.4 Tribal Areas 61 16. Ir^dian Federalism and Relations between the Union and States 61 16.1 Indian Federalism 61 16.2 Non-Feder^ Features 62 16.3 Co-operative Federalism 62 16.4 Union-State Relations 62 17. Demand for Greater Sta :e Autonomy and Reform of Centre-State Relations 64 17.1 Sarkaria Commission 65 17.2 Emergency Provisions 67 i 7.3 Zonal Councils 69 18. Constitutional Amendments 69 18.1 Procedure for Amendment 69 18.2 Constitutional Amendments 70 19. Civil Services under the Union and States 75 19.1 Classification of Services 75 19.2 Public Service Commissions 75 19.3 Civil Servants and Fundamental Rights 76 20. Key Functionaries 77 20.1 Comptroller and Auditor General of India 77 20.2 Attorney General of India 79 20.3 Election Commission 79 20.4 Finance Commission 80 21. Provisions for Minorities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 80 21.1 Introduction 80 22. Official Language 8' 22.1 Hindi as Official Language and use of English 81 22.2 Regional Languages 81 22.3 Classical Languages 81' 23. Jammu and Kashmir ' . 82 23.1 Special Status for Jaiinmu and Kashmir 82 23.2 Constitution of Jarrimu and Kashmir 83 23.3 Demand for Abrogation of Article 370 83 23.4 Jammu and Kashmir Resettlement Act 84 24. Funds - 24.1 Consolidated Fund of India 84 24.2 Contingency Fund of India 84 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Economic Development 3 I. I Introduction 3 1.2 Growth and Development 3 1.3 Government and Economic Development 3 1.4 Government's Role in India's Economic Development 3 1.5 Measuring Economic Development 4 1.6 Planning for Development 7 25. India as a Secular, Democratic State 25.1 Equality of Religions 84 26. Electoral System and Elections 26.1 Electoral System 85 26.2 Electoral Procedure 85 26.3 Electoral Reforms 86 26.4 Elections Held in India Since . Independence 88 26.5 Highlights of the Various Lok Sabha Elections Held So Far 91 26.6 Anti-Defection Law (1985) 92 26.7 Political Parties 93 26.8 Registration of Political Parties 93 26.9 National and Regional Parties 93 27. Panchayati Raj 27.1 Panchayati Raj 94 27.2 Three-tier System 95 27.3 Assessment of Panchayati Raj 95 27.4 Ashok Mehta Committee 96 28. Community Development 28.1 Towards Self-help 98 29. Schedules of the Constitution 29.1 Introduction 99 29.2 List of Schedules 99 30. Indian Foreign Policy Multiple Choice Questions 101 Answers 144 Explanatory Notes 146 Suggested Reading 148 1.7 A Review of Five Year Plans 8 1.8 Liberalisation and Economic Development 12 1.9 Inflation and Economic Development 15 1. 10 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy 1. 1 1 Money, Banking and Monetary Policy 20 1.12 Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange 24 17 84 85 94 98 99 iOO 2. Social Development 2.! Definitions 26 26 3. Poverty and its Measurement 3.1 Concepts 27 3.2 Poverty and Public Policy 27 3.3 Inequality and Vulnerability 28 3.4 Measurement of Poverty 28 3.5 GNP Per Capita 28 3.6 Head Count Ratio, Poverty Gap and Poverty Severity Index 28 3.7 Multi-dimensional Poverty Index 28 3.8 Planning Commission Estimates 28; 3.9 Expert Groups for Estimating Poverty and BPL Families 29 3.10 India's Record of Poverty Reduction 30 4. Inclusion 4.1 Concepts 31 4.2 Inclusive Growth 31 4.3 Financial Inclusion 32 5. Demographics 5.1 Introduction 32 5.2 Population Growth 33 ^ 5.3 Age Composition of the Population 33 ' 5.4 State-wise Demographic Profile 34. 5.5 Salient Features of Census 201 1 34" 5.6 Significant Changes 34 5.7 Alarming Sex Ratio 35 5.8 Population and Development 35 5.9 National Population Policy 2000 35 6. Urbanisation 36 6.1 Introduction 36 6.2 Issues in Urbanisation 36 7. Gender and Development 39 7.1 Introduction 39 7.2 Women Empowerment 39 7.3 National Policy for the Empowerment of Women (2001) 39 7.4 Some Indicators of Gender Inequality 40 7.5 Gender Budgeting 40 27 31 32 8. The Land Issue 8.1 The Issue 41 8.2 Land Reforms 41 8.3 Land Acquisition 41 8.4 Tribal Land 41 8.5 Land and the Growth of Extremism 42 9. Sustainable Development 9.1 Introduction 42 9.2 The Earth Summit Rio+10 42 9.3 India's Strategy on Sustainable Development 43 9.4 National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) 43 9.5 Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, 2012 44 9.6 What is Green Economy? 44 9.7 Rio+20 Declaration 45 10. UN Millennium Development Goals 45 10.1 Introduction 45 10.2 Goals, Targets and Indicators 46 10.3 MDG Progress 46 10.4 Beyond 2015 47 11. Government's Initiatives in Social Sector 47 1 1.1 Social Security 47 1 1.2 Persons with Disabilities 49 1 1.3 Women and Child Welfare 49 1 1.4 Welfare Schemes for the Scheduled Castes 51 1 1.5 Welfare Schemes for the Scheduled Tribes 52 1 1.6 Welfare Schemes for Minorities 52 12. Non-governmental Agencies and Development 12.1 NGOs and Civil Society Organisations 53 12.2 Civil Society 54 12.3 National Policy on Voluntary Sector, 2007 54 Qossary 55 Multiple-Choice Questions Answers 77 58 41 42 53 ENVIRONMENTAL ECOLOGY, BIO-DIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE J J Part-I General Issues on Environmental 3-25 Ecology 1. Introduction 3 2. Energy Resources 3 2.1 Non-renewable Energy Resources 4 2.2 Renewable Energy Resources 6 2.3 Energy Conservation 7 3. Environmental Degradation 7 3.1 Environmental Pollution of Air, Water and Land/Soil 7 3.2 Ecosystems 8 3.3 Wildlife 8 3.4 Eutrophication 8 3.5 Habitat Destruction 8 4. Depletion of Natural Resources 8 4.1 Fishing 8 4.2 Logging (the Felling, Skidding,; On-site Processing and Loading of Trees onto Trucks) _9 4.3 Mining 9 , ■ t 5. Anoxic Waters t" 9 5.1 Causes and Effects 91 5.2 Anoxic Events 9 5.3 Hypoxia 10 5.4 Dead Zones 10 % 6. Solid and Hazardous Waste 6.1 Solid Waste 10 6.2 Hazardous Waste 13 7. Overpopulation 7.1 Natural Burial 14 7.2 Water Crisis 14 7.3 Overpopulation in Companion Animals 14 7.4 Tragedy of the Commons 14 8. Conservation of Natural Resources 15 8.1 Species Extinction 15 8.2 Pollinator Decline 15 10 14 8.3 Coral Bleaching 15 , 8.4 Holocene Extinction 16 8.5 Invasive Species 16 8.6 Poaching 16 8.7 Endangered Species 16 9. Pollution 17 9.1 Forms or Types of Pollution 17 9.2 Effects of Pollution 17 9.3 Pollution Control Regulation and Measures 18 Multiple Choice Questions 20 Answers 25 Part-2 Biodiversity and Climate Change 27-60 Section-A Biological Aspects of Biodiversity 27 1. What is Biodiversity? 27 I. I Relationship between Biodiversity Levels 27 1.2 Uneven Distribution in Biodiversity 27 1.3 Biodiversity and Evolutionary Trends 28 1.4 Evolutionary Diversification 28 2. Biodiversity and Man 7® 2.1 Biodiversity and Human Health 29 2.2 Biodiversity: Business and Industry 29 2.3 Leisure, Cultural and Aesthetic Value 30 2.4 Other Services 30 3. Threats to Biodiversity 3.1 Habitat Destruction 31 3.2 Overexploitation ?3 Multiple Choice Questions 35 Answers 40 Section-B The Chemical Aspec< s of Biodiversity I. Chemicals: The Essentie Components of Biodiversity I. I Bioactive Compound- 41 1.2 Flavours 41 >1-74 I ' 30 41] 1.3 Fragrances 41 1.4 Pheromones 42 1.5 Porphyrins 42 1.6 Biochemical Compounds 42 1.7 Enzymes 45 1.8 Immunoglobulins 45 1.9 Pharmaceutical Drugs 46 1.10 Vitamins 46 I.I I Hormones 46 1.12 Neurotransmitters 47 2. Chemical Threats to Biodiversity 2.1 Chemical Toxicology 47 2.2 Environmental Pollution 51 3. Saviours of Biodiversity 3.1 Green Chemistry 52 3.2 Combinatorial Chemistry 54 3.3 Computational Chemistry 54 3.4 Prebiotic Chemistry 54 3.5 Supramolecular Chemistry 54 3.6 Biocatalysis 55 3.7 Biomaterials 55 3.8 Biomimetics 55 _ 3.9 Biopolymers 56 3.10 Bioassemblies 56 ; 3.1 1 Steps to Reduce Pollution 56 r. 3.12 International Year of Biodiversity 57.: general SCIENCE Part-i Physics ^ ~ 1. Physical Quantities, Standards and Units ^ 1.1 Unit of Length 3 [ 1.2 Unit of Mass 3 1.3 Unit of Time 3 1.4 British (or F.RS.) System of Units 4 2. Mechanics and Properties of Matter 4 2.1 Motion 4 -2.2 Force 6 2.3 Newton's Laws of Motion 8 47 52 Multiple Choice Questions 57 Answers 60 Part-3 Climatic Change Contents xxxv 1. Climate change 1.1 Evidence of Climatic Changes in the Past 61 1.2 Climatic Changes during the Recorded History 62 1.3 Trends Since the Advent of Instruments 63 2. Climatic Cycles 63 3. Theories of Climatic Change 63 3.1 Hypotheses Based on Solar Variations 64 3.2 Astronomical Hypotheses 64 3.3 Atmospheric Hypotheses 64 3.4 Terrestrial Hypotheses 65 4. Global Warming 65 4.1 Mitigation of and Adaptation to Global Warming 68 4.2 Differing Views 68 4.3 Indian Response to Climatic Change and Global Warming 69 5. Ozone Layer Protection 70 Multiple Choice Questions 70 Answers 74 2.4 Impulse 9 2.5 Work, Power and Energy 9 2.6 Moment of a Force 10 2.7 Centre of Gravity 10 2.8 Machines 10 2.9 Artificial Satellites 1 1 2.10 Density and Relative Density 1 1 2.1 1 Pressure 12 2.12 Upthrust 13 2.13 Hydrometer 13 2.14 Matter and its Properties 13 61-74 61 -325 xxxvi Contents 2.15 Motion of Fluids—Bernoulli's Heat Theorem 15 3.1 Internal Energy 15 3.2 Thermal Expansion 16 3.3 Transmission of Heat 17 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Quantity of Heat 19 Car Engine Coolant 19 Change of State 19 Relative Humidity 20 Air Conditioning 20. Pressure Cooker 20 4. Wave Motion 5. Electromagnetic Radiation 6. 5.1 Radio and Teievision Transmission 22 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Direct-to-home (DTH) Television 22 Night Vision 22 Radar 23 Microwave Oven 23 5.6 Computed Tomography 23 Light 6. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Rectilinear Propagation, Shadows and Eclipses 23 r. Reflection 23 Refraction 25 Total Internal Reflection 26 Dispersion 26 Coiour of Objects 27 ^ Colour Television 27 Lenses 27 Eye 28 6.10 Optical Instruments 28 6.1 1 Scattering of Light 29 6.12 Interference of Light 29 6.13 Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) 29 6.14 Diffraction of Light 30 Sound 7.1 Sound Characteristics 30 7.2 The Speed of Sound 31 7.3 Reflection of Sound, Echo 31 15 2 0 21 23 30 7.4 Refraction of Sound 7.5 Resonance 32 7.6 Doppler Effect 32 7.7 Sonic Boom 32 7.8 Musical Scale 32 31 7.9 Noise Reduction in Recording Media 32 8. Magnetism 8.1 Earth's Magnetism 33 8.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 9. Static Electricity 9.1 Electricity by Friction 33 9.2 Insulators, Conductors, Superconductors and Semiconductors 34 10. Current Electricity 10.1 Electrical Resistance Electric Cell 34 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Car Battery 34 Effects of Electric Current Power Generation and Transmission 35 34 Domestic Electric Installation Electric Light 36 Some Electronic Devices 36 11. Atomic Physics 13 I I. I Atomic Structure 37 1 1.2 Emission of f^diation 37 12. Nuclear Physics 12.1 Radioactivity 38 12.2 Nuclear Energy 38 Astronomy and Space S-ience 13.1 Celestial Bodies 39 13.2 13.3 13.4 Solar System 41 Kepler's Laws 43 Artificial Satellites anc Their Application 44 Glossary 44 Multiple Choice Ques ions Answers 71 3 5 49 36 33 33 3l \ 3' Pa Part-2 Biosciencest Botany and Zoology 73-246 1. The Study of Life 73 I. I Introduction 73 1.2 Branches of Biology 73 1.3 Living and the Non*Living Organisms 77 2. Cell—The Basic Unit of Life 78 2.1 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 78 2.2 Plant and Animal Cells 79 2.3 Cell Division 80 2.4 Viruses—the Filterable Agents 82 2.5 Viroids 83 i 2.6 Prions 83 ' 3. Classification of Living Organisms 3.1 Binomial Nomenclature 84 3.2 Classification 84 4. Organisation of the Living Body 4.1 Organisation in Plants 88 4.2 Plant Tissues 88 4.3 Morphology of the Plant 90 4.4 Organisation in Animals 90 4.5 Organisms 92 5. Nutrition 5.1 Food—^The Source of Energy 92 ^ 5.2 Enzymes 93 5.3 Digestion 93 5.4 Nutritional Requirements 93 5.5 Energy Requirements 95 5.6 Plant Nutrition 96 5.7 Mineral Nupitlon of Plants 96 5.8 Photosynthei^ 97 5.9 Special Modes of fHant Nutrition 97 6. Respiration 6.1 Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration Respiration in Plants 99 Energy Production i OQ 6.4 Respiratory Media tOO 6.5 Breadiing OrgartS in Man 6.6 the Breathip Mechatiism 100 100 84 88 92 99 99 Contents idOtvil 6.7 Gaseous Exchange and Transport 100 , 6.8 Cellular Respiration—An Energy-yielding Process 101 7. The Transport System iOI 7.1 Transport in Animals 101 7.2 The Heart 101 7.3 Transport in Plants 102 8. Excretion of Idetaboilc WsBtes 103 8.1 Nephron—The Structure and Functional Unit of Kidney 103 8.2 Urine Formation 103 8.3 Acid-Base Balance—The Kidneys as Bipod pH Regulators 104 8.4 Kidney Diseases 104 8.5 the Skin—Its Structure and Functions of ^cretion and Temperature - Regulation 104 9. Biocommunication 105 9.1 Nervous System 105 9.2 Nerve Impulse vs Stimulus 106 9.3 Physiology of Conduction of Nerve Impulse 106 9.4 Saltatory Nerve Conduction 106 9.5 Transmission on Impulse Across the Synapse 108 9.6 Neuromuscular Transmission 108 9.7 The Endocrine System 108 10. Muscle Movement (Contractton) 108 10.1 Uhrastruetui^ of Skeletal Muscle Fibre 108 10.2 Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction 109 11. Skeletal System 111 I I.I Functions III 11.2 '^rpes of Bones III 11.3 Divisions of the Skeletal System 111 1 1.4 Bone Movement and the Joints M 3 11.5 Clinical Applicadon 114 12. ileprodiietiolv^Rerpetuetion offihe 12.1 Asexual Reproduetioh Ih 114 12.2 Sexual Reproduction 1 14 12.3 Parthenogenesis in Animals 1 16 12.4 Reproduction in Plants 1 17 12.5 Parthenogenesis in Plants 1 18 13. Plant Growth and Development I IS 13.1 Patterns of Growth 1 19 13.2 Control of Growth and Development 1 19 13.3 Grovrth and Turgor Movements in Plants 120 14. Genetics—The Science of Heredity 121 14.1 Gregor Mendel—Father of Genetics 121 14.2 Genotype and Phenotype 121 14.3 Sex Chromosomes 122 14.4 Sex-linked Inheritance 122 14.5 Man—the Heterogametic Sex 122 14.6 Birds and Bees Don't Follow Man in Sex 122 : 14.7 The Gene 122 14.8 Linkage. Crossing.Over. and Recombination of Genes 122 14.9* Mutation 123 . 14.10 Blood Group Inheritance 123 14.1 1 Rh Factor 123 ' 14.12 Molecular Biolo^ of the Gene 126 14.13 Jumping Genes 129 14.14 Genetic Engineering 129 14.15 Genes and Cancer 131 14.16 DMA Finger Printing 131 '4.17 Cloning Individuals 132 '4.18 Human Genome Project 132 '5. Plant Diseases 133 ' ^ ' Diseases and Their Causative Agents 133 16. Human Diseases and Defense Mechanism 133 16.1 Human Diseases j 33 16.2 Communicable or Infectious Diseases 135 16.3 Non-communicable or ' Non-infectious or Degenerative Diseases 135 16.4 Allergies 140 16.5 Deficiency Diseases 140 16.6 Cancer 141 16.7 Human Defense Mechanism 141 17. Environmental Biology—Organisms in Relation to Their Surroundings 145 17.1 Ecology 145 17.2 Ecosystem 145 17.3 Food Chains and Food Webs 145 17.4 The Physical Environment 145 17.5 Biomes 146 17.6 Environmental "types 146 17.7 Man and Environmental Pollution 147 17.8 The Natural Ozone Layer 151 17.9 Ozone Destruction by Chlorofiourocarbons 151 17.10 The Ozone Hole 151 17.1 1 Wildlife in India 152 17.12 Lion Reserves in India 154 17.13 Latest Population of "Hgers in India 158 17.14 List of Endangered Animals in India 159 IS. Origin and Evolution of Life 160 18.1 Theory of Special Creation 160 18.2 Theory of Spontaneous Generation 160 18.3 Chemosynthetic Origin of Life 160 18.4 Evolution of Life 161 18.5 Evidences for Evolution 16! 18.6 Evolution of Man 162 19. Drug Abuse and Alcoholism 19.1 Stimulants 164 19.2 Depressants 164 19.3 Hallucinogens 164 19.4 Alcoholism 164 20. Animal Husbandry 166 20.1 Cattle 166 163. 20.2 Buffaloes 166 20.3 Goats 167 20.4 Sheep 167 20.5 Pigs 168 20.6 Camels 168 20.7 Poultry 169 20.8 Cross Breeding 170 20.9 Artificial insemination (A.I.) 170 20.10 Animal Diseases 171 21. Plants and Human Welfare 172 21.1 Introduction 172 21.2 Food Plants 172 21.3 Spices and Condiments 182 i 21.4 Fibre Plants 183 ■ 21.5 Beverage Plants 185 21.6 Masticatory and Fumitory Plants 186 21.7 Medicinal Plants 187 21.8 Biopesticides 188 G/ossory / 89 Multiple Choice Questions 19S Answers 244 I. Introduction I. I Branches of Chemistry 247 1.2 The Importance of Chemistry 247 * 2. Matter and Its Nature 2.1 Classification 248 2.2 Composition of Earth 248 2.3 Elements 248 2.4 Compounds 249 2.5 Some Important Elements and Compounds 249 2.6 Mixtures 250 2.7 Avogadro's Hypothesis and Mole Concept 251 3. Kinetic Theory of Matter 4. Chemical Reactions and the Chemical 247- 325 Equations 251 4.1 Balancing Chemical Equations 251 4.2 Rate of Reaction 252 4.3 Energy Changes in Reactions 252 5. Structure of the Atom 5.1 Dalton's Atomic Theory 252 5.2 Thomson's Atomic Model 253 5.3 Rutherford's Atomic Model 253 5.4 Modem Atomic Theory 253 5.5 Isotopes and Isobars 253 6. Periodic Table of Elements 6.1 Periodic Trends in Properties 255 7. Chemical Bonding 7.1 Theories of Chemical Bonding 8. Oxidation and Reduction 9. Oxygen and Air 9.1 Composition of Air 257 9.2 Air and Life 257 9.3 Respiration (Inhaled and Exhaled Air) 257 10. Hydrogen and Water 10.1 Hydrogen 258 10.2 Isotopes of Hydrogen 258 10.3 Solubility and Solutions 258 10.4 Osmosis 259 10.5 Molar and Normal Solutions 259 10.6 Formality 259 10.7 Mo!aIity(m) 259 10.8 Mole Fraction 259 11. Carbon and its Compounds 1 1.1 Allotropes of Carbon 259 si 1.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 260 1 1.3 Carbon Dioxide and the Environment 260 1 1.4 Carbon Cycle in Nature and Photosynthesis 260 1 1.5 Fuels 260 1 1.6 Rocket Fuels 261 1 1.7 Hydrocarbons 261 12. Nitrogen and its Compo ~nds 12.1 Ammonia 262 12.2 Nitrogen Cycle 262 y 13. Acids, Bases and Salts 13.1 Acids 262 13.2 Bases 262 13.3 Theories of Acids and Bases 262 13.4 Salts 263 13.5 pH 263 14. Occurrence of Metals 14.1 Properties of Metals 264 14.2 Extraction of Metals 264 15. Petroleum and Natural Gas 265 15.1 Uses of Various Fractions 266 15.2 Other Fractions 266^ 16. Iron and Steel 266 16.1 Rusting of Iron 266 16.2 Cement and Glass 267 17. Colloids, Micelles and Nanotechnology 267 17.1 Colloids and Colloidal State 267 17.2 Micelles—^Associated Colloids 268 17.3 Emulsions 268 17.4 Gels 268 17.5 Applications of Colloids .268 17.6 Advanced Materials, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 269 IS. Agricultural Chemistry". 270 18.1 Chemical Control 270 18.2 Fertilizers 270 19. Medicinal Chemistry '271 19.1 Diseases 271 19.2 Drugs 271 19.3 Common Drugs 272 19.4 Radiopharmaceuticals 273 20. Food Chemistry 273 20.1 Food Additives 274 20.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Beverages and Tobacco 274 21. Biochemistry and Life Processes 275 21.1 Chemical Basis of Life 275 21.2 Biological Role of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium 275 262 263 21.3 Buffers 276 22. Polymers and Plastics 276 22.1 Polymers 276 22.2 Plastics 276 22.3 Applications 276 22.4 Rubber 276 22.5 Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) 277 22.6 Petrochemicals 277 23. Electrochemistry 277 23.1 Electrolysis 277 23.2 Characteristics of Electrolysis 277 23.3 Applications of Electrolysis 278 24. Dyes 278 25. Biotechnology 278 25.1 introduction 278 25.2 Applications of Biotechnology 279 25.3 Fermentation Biotechnology 280 26. International Symbols for Units 280 26.1 The CGS System or cm-g-s 280 26.2 The MKSA System or m-kg-s-A 280 26.3 The Degree Kelvin 281 26.4 International Systems of Units (Si-Units) 281 26.5 The Mole 281 27. Carbohydrates 281 27.1 Sugars 282 27.2 Polysaccharides 282 28. Proteins 283 28.1 Acidic and Basic Amino Acids 283 28.2 Amino Acids as Dipolar Ions 283 28.3 Peptides 283 28.4 Proteins 284 28.5 Structure of Proteins 284 29. Nucleoprotelns and Nucleic Acids . 284 29.1 The Genetic Code 284 30. Important Bloactlve Compounds 30.1 Alkaloids 284 30.2 Terpenoids 285 30.3 Steroids 285 30.4 Carotenoids 285 284 30.5 Tannins 285 30.6 Lignans 285 30.7 Flavonolds 285 30.8 Cynogenesis and Cynogenic Glycosides 285 30.9 Coumarins 285 31. Fats 31.1 Soaps 286 32. Important Laws Governing Gases, Liquids and Soiutions 32.1 Gases 286 32.2 Colllgative Properties 287 _ dENE^ 1. National Symbols I. I National Flag 3 1.2 National Emblem 3 1.3 National Anthem 3 1.4 National Song 3 1.5 . National Calendar 3 1.6 National Animal 4 1.7 National Bird 4 1.8 National Flower 4 1.9 National Fruit 4* 1.10 National Tree 4 I.I I National River 4 1.12 National Game 4 1.13 National Aquatic Animal 4 1.14 National Currency Symbol 4 1.15 National Heritage Animal 5 1.16 National Monument S 2. A Profile of tlie States 3. A Profile of Union Territories 4. Defence Set-up 4.1 The Army 19 4.2 The Navy 20 4.3 The Air Force 21 4.4 Commissioned Ranks 21 . 4.5 Defence Production Units 2 i 4.6 Re -ch and Develbpment 22 285 286 5 17 19 33. Bioterrorism 288 34. Thermodynamics 288 34.1 Thermodynamic Systems 288 34.2 Thermodynamic Processes 289 34.3 The Laws of Thermodynamics" 289 34.4 Thermodynamic Potentials 289 35. Important Concepts and Topics 289 Glossary 293 Multiple Choice-Questions 301 Answers 325 4.7 Auxiliaries 22 ■ 'It- *lj|k4 5. Internal Security 5.1 Para-mllitary Forces 5.2 Civil Defence 23 5.3 Home Guards 23 6. Atomic Energy 6.1 Organisation 23 6.2 India's Nuclear 1ests 24 22 6.3 Nuclear Power Programme 24 6.4 Nuclear Power Stations 24 6.5 Heavy Water Production 24 6.6 Atomic Research Centres 24 7. Space Programme 7.1 Objective and Strategy 25 ^ 7.2 Organisation 25 7.3 Milestones 26 8. National Institutions 8.1 Agriculture 29 8.2 Commerce 30 8.3 Communication 30 8.4 Education 30 8.5 Energy 30 8.6 Environment 30 8.7 Food & CIvIt Supplies 30 8.8 Forest 30 8.9 HeaWi & Fami^Welfsre 31 22 23 25 29 8.10 Industry 31 8.11 Justice and Law 31 8.12 Labour 31 8.13 Laboratories 31 8.14 Mass Communication 3! 8.15 Science & Technology 31 8.16 Transport 32 8.17 Water Resources 32 8.18 Welfare (Social Welfare) 32 8.19 Youth Affairs and Sports 32 9. Languages of India 10. Indian Utensture 11. Dances of India 1 1.1 Main Styles of Classical Dance 11.2 Other Classical Dances 36 1 1.3 Folk and Tribal Dances 37 12. Indian Theatre and Drama 13. Music of India 14. Indian Painting 14.1 Ajanta.Raintlpgs 39 14.2 Twelfth^ Sixteenth Century Painting 39 14.3 Mughal^nting 39 14.4 Rajput Ptintings 39 14.5 Art During British Rule 39 14.6 Modem Paintings 39 15. Festivals of India ** 16. Cultural Institutions 17. Monuments of India 17.1 Andhra Pradesh > 42 17.2 Assam 42 17.3 Ithar 42 17.5 Delhi 42 17.6 Gujari^ 4| 17.7 Haryana 42 17.8 HImachal Pfi^Mh 42 17.9 jamriiu & Kashmir 42 17.10 Karnataka 42 17.1 1 Kerala 42 17.12 Madhya Pradesh 42 17.13 Maharashtra 43 17.14 Odisha 43 17.15 Rajasthan 43 17.16 Tamil Nadu 43 17.17 Telangana 43 17.18 Uttar Pradesh 43 17.19 West Bengal 43 IS. Media and Publishing 18.1 Major Newspapers in India 43 18.2 Newspapers—World 44 18.3 News Agencies 44 19. Countries of the World 20. Dependencies of the Countries 20.1 Dependencies of USA 50 20.2 Dependencies of UK 50 20.3 Dependencies of France 50 20.4 Dependencies of Australia 50 20.5 Dependencies of Norway 51 20.6 Dependencies of New Zealand 5 20.7 Dependencies of the Netherlands 20.8 Dependencies of Denmark 51 21. Parliaments of Countries 22. Symbols of Countries 23. Geographical Landmarks (World) 23.1 Highest Mountain Peaks 52 23.2 Largest Deserts 52 23.3 Lari^st Islands 52 23.4 Largest Seas 52 23.5 Biggest Countries (In Area) 53 23.6 Biggest Countries (In Pbpulation) 5 23.7 Smaller Countries (In Area) 53 23.8 Smaller Countries (In Population) 5 23.9 Most Populous Cities 53 23.10 Most Populous Urban A^fomerations 53 23.11 tallest luildirigs 53 23.12 Tallest Tbwers 53 23.13 53 24. Geographical Landmarks (India) 24.1 Height of Mountain Peaks 53 24.2 Length of Rivers 54 24.3 Population of Cities 54 24.4 Length of Borders with Neighbours 24.5 Hill Stations 54 25. The United Nations 25.1 Rise of the United Nations 54 25.2 Objectives 54 25.3 Principles 54 25.4 Membership 55 25.5 Organs of the UN 55 25.6 Specialised Agencies of the UN 25.7 Programmes and Funds of UN 25.8 UNO International Decades since 2001 58 25.9 UNO International Years since 2001 58 25.10 Human Rights 58 26. The Non-aligned Mbvement (NAM) 58 26.1 Origin 58 26.2 Principles 59 26.3 NAM Summits 59 e 27. The Commonwealth- ; 59 28. European Union 59 29. SAARC (South Asian Association for ^ Regional Cooperation) 29.1 Members 60 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 Objectives 60 Meetings 60 SAARC Summits 61 SAARC Years 61 SAAI^C Decades 61 SAARC Regional Centres 61 30. Otiiar International drganisations 31. International Treaties and Agreements 31.1 Nuclear Non-Prollferation IFeaty (NPT) 65 31.2 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 65 56 57t 53 54 54 60 61 65 31.3 Nuclear lest Ban Treaty 66 31.4 Biological Weapons Convention 31.5 Outer Space Treaty 66 31.6 Antarctic Ireaty 66 31.7 Sea-bed Ireaty 66 31.8 Montreal Protocol 66 31.9 Sea Law Treaty 66 31.10 Landmines Treaty 66 31.11 Chemical Weapons Convention 31.12 Human Cloning/^eement 66 31.13 Rotterdam Convention 67 31.14 Accord to Check Bribery 67 31.15 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 67 31.16 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 67 31.17 NewSTARTDeal 67 32. Religions (Wbiid) 33. Languages (World) 34. Books and Authors 35. Inventors/Discoverers.and Discoveries 75 36. Winners Of Important Awards 77 36.1 Recipients of Bharat Ratna 77 36.2 Recipients of Dada Saheb Phaike Award 77 36.3 Recipients of the JnanpHh Avyrard 78 36.4 Rajiv Gaiidhi Khel Ratna Awardees 78 36.5 The Ramon Magsaysay Awards— Indian Recipients 79 36.6 Indian Beauty Queens 79 36.7 The Nobel Prizes 79 37. Superiatives—World 37.1 The Biggest 81 37.2 The Highest 81 37.3 The Largest 81 37.4 The Longest 81 37.5 The Smallest 81 37.6 The Tallest 81 37.7 Miscellaneous 81 66 66 67 68 69 81 38. Superlatives—India 82 39. Sobriquets 82 39.1 Places (Sobriquets) 82 39.2 Persons (Sobriquets) 83 40. Riverside Cities 84 40.1 World 84 40.2 India 84 41. Wonders of the World 85 41.1 Ancient World 85 41.2 Medieval World 85 41.3 New Wonders 85 42. India's World Herltag&Sites 85 43. Famous Sites—World 85 44. Famous Sites—India 86 45. Firsts in the World 87 46. Firsts in India 87 47. Sports and Games (General)* 89 47.1 Cups and Trophies Associated with Sports and Games - 89 47.2 Places Associated with Sports and Games 89 CURRENT EVENTS I. National Events Parliament Passes 1 19^ Amendment Bill Army Gets Akash Missile ' 3 Politicians Lose Space in Govt Ads 3 14th Edition of Varuna Held 4 Parliament Clears Black Money Bill 4 Law Panel Moots Joint Custody of Minors 4 Astra Missiles Test-Fired Successfully 5 • . 'V.- "defence Acquisition Council Clears Major Deals 5 National Air Quality Index Launched 5 1 '^Test-Fired for a Shorter Range 6 ew ger Reserves in M.R, Odisha, Chhattis^rh ft 47.3 Grounds of Sports and Games 90 47.4 National Sports and Games 90 48. Olympic Games 90 48.1 Summer Olympic Games 91 48.2 Winter Olympic Games 91 48.3 India in Olympics 92 49. Commonwealth Games 92 , 50. Afro-Asian Games 93 '| 51. Asian Games 93 51.1 Motto, Emblem and Torch 93 51.2 History of Asian Games 93 52. SAF Games 94 53. World Cup Cricket 94 54. World Cup Soccer (Football) Tournament 94 54.1 History of World Cup Football 94 55. World Cup Hockey Tournament 55.1 History of World Cup Hockey 95 Mu/tip/e Choice Questions 95 Answers / 02 Government Notifies NJAC, Puts an End to Collegium 6 Dhanush Successfully Test-Fired 6 Thane Named India's Earth Hour Capital 6 Navy's Stealth Destroyer Launched 7 INS Alleppey Decommissioned 7 Law Commission Report on Electoral Reforms 7 Bill Raising AP Council Strength Approved 7 ISRO Navigation Satellite in Orbit 8 SC Strikes Down Section 66A of IT Act PDP-BJP Coalition Government in J&K SIT Set-up to Probe 1984 Anti-Sikh Riot Cases 9 95 1-89 8 8 3 Governors' Conference (2015) 9 SC Verdict on Criminal Antecedents of Candidates 10 Assembly Elections in Delhi 10 Project to Revive Heritage of 12 Cities 10 Amend Law to Protect Hindu Wife: Law Panel 1 1 102"^ Indian Science Congress 1 1 Canister-Firing of Agni-V Successful 1 1 Cabinet Nod for Six New ilMs H Poiavaram: SC Refuses to Look into Displacement 12 Maharashtra Gets'State Butterfly' 12 : Nuclear Insurance Pool Set UP 12 Government Plans 20 Million Houses for Urban Poor 12 Government Decides to Build jP Memorial In Bihar 13 India Richer by 349 New Species 13 No Mediation in Rape Cases: SC 13 SC Transfers Vyapam Investigation to CBI 14 PSLV C-28 Launches Five Satellites 14 ^ Satellite-Based Navigation System * Launched 14 •- Lodha Committee Pronounces < Punishment 15 Skill India Programme Launched 15 Net Neutrality Panel Submits Report 15 1993 Blasts Case: Yakub Memon Hanged 16 Centre Inks Peace Accord with Naga Insurgent Outfit 16 Citizenship Soon for Those who Fled Religious Persecution 17 Aadhaar not Mandatory: SC 17 Govt Considering Bill to Ensure Right to Services 17 Census 201 1 Data on Religious Communities Released 18 Law Panel for Early Childcare as a Legal Entitlement 18 Successful Launch of GSAT-6 IS Contents xlv 2. Economic Affairs i 9 Changes in Companies Act Notified 19 Norms Eased for Investments by NRIs, PIOs, OCIs 19 Bl Relaxes Norms for IDF-NBFCS 19 Framework Notified for MSMES Rehabilitation 19 Three New Schemes. Launched 19 Smart Cities Mission and Amrut Approved 20 Verdict in Country's Largest-Ever Corporate Fudging Case 20 RBI Revises Norms for Priority Sector Lending 21 PM Launches Mudra Yojana 21 Insurance Bill Passed 21 Price Stabilisation Fund Approved 21 Coal. Mines Bills Cleared 22 14'^ Finance Commission's Recommendations Accepted 22 First Meeting of NITI Aayog 23 Buffer Norms for Foodgrains Revised 23 SEBl Relaxes Regulation for Delisting of Shares 23 Railway Restructuring Committee Submits Report 23 Two Panels to Facilitate Rollout of GST 24 Import Duty on Select Steel Items Hiked 24 India Ranked Best for Investment 24 Top Corporates Back Digital India 25 India is Now a $2-Trillion Economy 25 Socio-Economic Census Released 25 India's Population Crosses 127-Crore Mark 26 RBI Sets up Panel on Fii anclal Inclusion 26 BHEL Commissions Po 'er Plant at Vindhyachal 26 Government to Transfe Ownership in PSU Banks 27 Moody's Lowers India's Growth Forecast 27 Nod for Payments Bank 27 Big Crash in Stock and Currency Markets 28 3. India and the World 28 India Inks Port Deal with Iran 28 India, China Sign 24 Pacts 28 India-Mongolia Economic Cooperation 29 Indo-French Defence and Nuclear Deals 29 PM Modi's Visit to Gernrrany 29 Indo-Canadian Pacts on Uranium and Others 30 ; India, Qatar Sign Prisoner Exchange Deal 30 India-Sri Lanka Relations 30 India and Mauritius Announce Security Cooperation Pact 31 India Inks Nuclear Pact with Sri Lanka 31 India, Russia and China Meeting 31 EU Lifts Ban on Indian Mangoes 32 US President Obama Visits India 32 India Signs Pact or0utdmatic Exchange of Tax Informaion; 32 ' India, Belarus Agr^e on Road Map for Stronger Ties^ 33 Modi's Visit to Bangladesh 33 India Signs Motor Vehicle Pact with Three Nations 33 India, U.S. Sign Pact to Implement FATCA 34 India, Kyr^'zstan Sign Four Pacts 34 India, Tajikistan to Intensify Anti-Terror Cooperation 34 India, UAE Decry State-Sponsored Terror 35 Iran no Longer on Restricted Visa List 35 India-Seychelles Pact to Curb Black Money 35 4. Intemaitibn^ iEvents 36 WHO Declare Liberia Ebola-^Free 36 France Signs Rafale ©eali with Qatar 36 World Hunger Report (2015) Released 36 G nance Ministers'Meeting 37 Malaysia, Indonesia Reach Agreement on Boat Migrants 37 World Health Statistics (2015) Released 37 Japan Unveils $ 1 10 Billion Plan for Asian Projects 38 Ireland Becomes First Country to Legalise Gay Wedlock Through Popular Vote 38 ' Palestine Joins ICC 38 U.N. Imposes Arms Embargo on Huthi Rebels 39 China Launches $ 46-Bn Investment Plan in Pakistan 39 Summit of the Americas (2015) 39 U.S. and Cuban Presidents Held First Meeting in Over 50 Years 40 Mission Tikrit: Iraqi Govt. Declares Victory 40 Social Progress Index (2015) Released 40 Sri Lanka Adopts 19* Constitutional Amendment 41 Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance to IS 41 US Decides to Keep Troops in Afghanistan 41. France Votes in Favour of 'Sleep Before Death'Law 41 UN Probe Points to Genocide Against Yazidis 42 Pakistan Tests Homemade Armed Drone, Missile 42 Sri Lanka-China Relations 42 World Press Freedom Index (2015) Released 42 Rebels Take Over Yemen 43 China's 'Silk Road Fund' Becomes Operatior^al 43 Ukraine Ceasefire Deal Reached * 43 Sirisena Deposes Raiapaksa in Sri Lanka 43 iCB Makes Last- Ditch Attempt to Revive Euro Economy 44 U.S; Think Tank Flags Readiness of Pak, Redactor 44 Tsipras SwOm in ■ jreek PM as Anti-Bailout C oalition Forms Govt. 44 G7 Summit (2015) 45 Global Rule of Law Index (2015) Released 45 U.S. Passes NSA Surveillance Reform 46 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Takes Shape 46 Africa: 26-Nation Free Trade Pact Signed 46 Vatican Recognizes Palestine 47 Myanmar Votes to Keep Military Veto 47 US Supreme Court Removes Ban on Gay Marriages 47 BP to Pay $ 18.7 Bn for Oil Spill 48 i BRIGS Summit (2015) 48 Greece Reaches Bailout Deal with Eurozone 48 Iran Reaches Historic Nuclear Deal 49 Japan Passes Security Bills 49 New Development Bank of BRIGS Opens 49 NATO Backs Turkey's W?ir on 'Terror' 50 Beijing Slams U.S. for Militarising South China Sea 50 r Obama Takes 'Biggest Step' to Tackle Climate Change St) : Nepal Inks Pact on New Constitution 5 fz Iraq PM Rolls Out Reforms to Rein In Corruption 51 Egypt's SISI Approves Anti-Terrorism Law 52 China to Build $ I OBn N-Plants in Pak 52 Sri Lankan Elections 52 Ranil Sworn in Sri Lanka's PM 53 Britain, Iran Reopen Embassies 53 5. Science and Technology 53 SpaceX Cargo Ship Returns to Earth 53 New Strategy to Strave HIV to Death 53 Dogs Domesticated Over 27,000 Years Ago 54 Mars Might have Transient Liquid Water 54 ' Rosetta Mission on Comet 67P 54 Maglev Train Sets a New World Speed Record 54 Remains of Ancient Civilisation Uncovered 55 Oldest Primitive Animal Fossil Found 55 Archaeologists Discover Mayan 'Melting Pot' 55 Britain Gives NOD to 'Three-Parent' Babies 55 World's Biggest Solar Telescope 56 Saturn's Position Pinpointed 56 Fossils of Dolphin-Like Creature Found 56 Scientists Document 'Virgin Births' of Endangered Sawfish 56 LHC Restarts with Doubled Energy Levels 56 Rare Inscription of Biblical Name Found 57 Gigantic Stars Found 57 First Electric Planes Fly Over English Channel 57 Conference on Preventive Healthcare (2015) 57 The Science of Screams Deciphered 58 Hawking Launches Biggest-Ever Search for Alien Life 58 Scientists Can now Forecast Flu Outbreaks 58 World's Smallest Insect Found in India Too 58 Fossilised Remains of World's Oldest Flower Found 59 PrerHistoric Mouthwatering Bread is V Back 59 6, Awards and Prizes 59 Samman (2014) 59 Sahitya Akademi Award for Sanskrit 59 Filmfare Awards (2014) 60 Pravasi Bharatiya Samman (2015) 60 DSC Literature Prize (2015) 60 Padma Awards (2015) 60 Golden Globe Awards SO Martin Luther King junior Award 60 Khushwant Singh Memorial Prize (2015) 60 Natya Kala Acharya Honour 60 Ashok Chakra 60 Miss Universe (2014) 60 NTCA Award 61 AIFF Awards (2014) 61 Berlin International Film Festival Awards 61 Jnanpith Award (2014) 61 BAFTAAwards(20l5) 61 Nayudamma Award (2014) 61 National Science Foundation Career Award 61 Oscar Awards (2015) 61 World Press Photo Award 61 Grammy Awardsp.0IS) 61 Bhimsen Joshi Av/ard 61 King Faisal International Prize (2015) 62 India Golf Awards 62 Keynes Prize 62 Yash Bharti Award 62 Laadii Voice of the Century Award 62 Folio Prize 62 Abel Prize (2015) 62 • Saraswati Samman (2014) 62 National Film Awards (2014) 62 Miss India World (2015) 62 Bharat Ratna 62 Gandhi Peace Prize (2014) 62 Tyler Prize 63 Dadasaheb Phaike Award (2014) 63 Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration 63 Sahitya Shiromani Samman 63 Officer Dela Legion d'Honneur 63 Wisden Honours 63 Pulitzer Prizes (2015) 63 Pakistan's Highest Civilian Award 63 Unesco Press Prize 63 Uadasaheb Phaike Film Foundation Award (2015) 63 '^inanath Mangeshkar Award 63 Heinz Award 63 Commonwealth Short Story Prize in Asia Region (2015) 3 Asian Awards f . r. Laureus World Sports Awards 64 Man Booker International Prize (2015) 64 Presidential Awards for Classical Tamil 64 Award for Excellence in Teaching 64 CEAT Awards 64 Cannes Film Festival Awards 64 G.K. Reddy Award 64 Order of the Rising Sun 64 PEN Award 64 UN Dag Hammarskjold Medal 64 Encore Literary Award 64 Sangitha Kalanidhi Award (2015) 64 Cricket South Africa Awards 64 UN Nelson Mandela Prize 64 UN Public Service Award (2015) 65 Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards 65 Queen Young Leaders Awards 65 Award of Liberation War Honour 65 Fukuoka Prize (2015) 65 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction 65 Moorti Devi Award (2014) 65 UFA Awards (2015) 65 US Presidential Prize 65 PATA Award 65 Pritiman Sarkar Award 65 Royal Society's Copley Medal 65 French Civilian Honour 65 Ramon Magsaysay Awards (2015) 66 World Food Prize (2015) 66 Nelson Rolihiahia Mandela Prize 66 UK Film Fest Award 66 GD Biria Award 66 Sunhak Peace Prize 66 Peter Mackler Award 66 Udhampur Bravehearts Honoured 66 Gopi Chand Honoured 67 Seychelles Honour 67 France Honours Train Heroes 67 Stockholm Water Prize (2015) 67 Ramanujan Prize 67 Prem Bhatia Award 67 National Sports Awards (2015) 67 7. People in News 8. Places in News 9. Latest Books and Authors 10. Sports and Games IPL Championship (2015) 76 PRACTICE TEST PAPERS Practice Test Paper - 1 Answers 11 Practice Test Paper - 2 Answers 20 PREVIOUS YEARS' QUESTION PAPERS Question Paper 201 1 Answers 11 Explanatory Notes 11 Question Paper 2012 Answers 23 Explanatory Notes 24 Question Paper 2013 V Answers 38 ^ 'JA National Games (201S) 77 Cricket World Cup (2015) 78 Special Olympics (2015) 79 Multiple Choice Questions 84 Answers 89 Practice Test Paper - 3 Answers 29 Practice lest Paper - 4 Answers 39 Explanatory Notes 38 Question Paper 2014 Answers 52 Explanatory Notes 52 Question Paper 2015 Answers 62 Explanatory Notes 63
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1. Introduction
I. I India: Physical Features 3 £
2. Prehistoric Period
2.1 Palaeolithic Period or Old Stone Age
2.2 Mesolithic Age or the Late Stone
Age 3
2.3 Neolithic or the New Stone Age 4
3. Harappan Civilisation (2700-1700 BC)
3.1 Origin and Evolution 4
3.2 The Extent 5
3.3 Important Centres 5 _
3.4 Major Characteristics 5
3.5 Decline 7
3.6 Chalcolithic Settlements
4. South India
5. Iron Age
6. The Vedic Age - 8
6.1 The Aryan'Problem 9
6.2 Early Vedic Society 9
6.3 The Later Vedic Period 12
6.4 Smriti Literature 15
6.5 Epics 16
7. Pre-Mauryan Period: (Sixth Century BC
to Fourth Century BC) I ^
7.1 Sources of Information 17
7.2 Emergence of New Social Groups 17
7.3 Polity 18
7.4 Emergence of Mahajanapadas 18
7.5 RiseofMagadh IB
7.6 Persian Invasion 20
7.7 Alexander's Invasion 20
' i«i:
7.8 Milieu of Religious Movements 20
8. The Maurjran Empire (321-185 BC)
8.1 Source Material 23
8.2 The Mauryan Conquests 23
8.3 Material Basis of the Mauryan
Empire 24
8.4 Land Revenue 25
8.5 The Urban Economy 25
8.6 Society and Religion 27
8.7 Ashoka's Policy of Dhamma 27
8.8 Mauryan Administration 28
8.9 Relations with Other Powers 30
8.10 The Downfall of the Mauryan
Empire 30
8.1 I Mauryan Art 31
9. India After the Mauryas
(200 BC-AD 300)
9.1 Sources 32
The Sungas (185-74 BC) 32
Local Powers 32
North-Western India 33
Impact of Central Asian Contacts
The Deccan 34
Sculptural Art 35
The Beginning of Hinduism 37
Buddhism 38
9.IOJcunlsm 38
I > 156
9.1 1 Craft, Trade and Towns 39
9.12 South India—^The Sangam Age 40
10. The Age of the Guptas
ID.) Political Background 41
10.2 Chandragupta I 4!
10.3 Samudragupta (AD 335-376) 42
10.4 Chandragupta II (AD 376-415) 42
10.5 Gupta Administration 42
10.6 Revenue Administration 43
10.7 Trade and Towns 43
10.8 Society 44
10.9 Art and Architecture 46.
10.10 Literature 47
i 0. i I Science and Astronomy 48 '
11. The Successors of Guptas: The Age of
Smaller Kingdoms
12. Harshavardhan (AD 606-647)
13. Early Medieval India
13.1 North India 49
13.2 The Deccan and the South 50
(3.3 Administration 51
13.4 Art and Architecture 51 -
13.5 TheCh'oias 51
13.6 Economy 54 -
14. The Cultural Trends: 750-1200
14.1 The Society 56
14.2 Developments in Religion 57
15. Polity in Northern India
15.1 Origin of the Rajputs 57
15.2 GroNvth of Regional Expression 58
16. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries:
The Delhi Sultanate 5®
16.1 The Slave Sultans (1206-1290) SB
16.2 TheKhiljis(1290-l320) 59
16.3 TheTughlaq Sultans (1320-1414) 60
16.4 The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451) 61
16.5 The Lodi Sultans (1451-1526) 61
16.6 Causes of the Downfall of the Delhi
Sultanate 61
16.7 The Administration of the Sultanate 62
16.8 Economy 63
16.9 Sources of Revenue
17. The Post-Sultanate Period 65
17.1 Smaller Kingdoms that Arose in the
Post-Sultanate Period 65
17.2 Eastern and Northern India 66
18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth
Centuries: The Age of Vijayanagar and
the Bahmanis
18.1 The Bahmani Kingdom 67
18.2 Vijayanagar Empire 68
18.3 Economy 70
18.4 Architecture 70
19. Source Material I
19.1 Slave Sultans 70
19.2 The Khiiji Period 70
19.3 TheTughlaqs 71
20. Religion
20.1 The Sufi Movement 71
20.2 The Bhakti Movement 72
20.3 Kabir and Nanak 72
21. Influences on Architecture, Painting
and Music
21.1 Architecture 72
21.2 Painting and Music 72
22. The Mughal Empire
22.1 Babar(l526-I530) 73
22.2 Humayun (1530-1556) 74
22.3 Akbar (1556-1605) 75
22.4 Jahangir(l605-I627) 77
22.5 Shah Jahan (1628-1658) 77
22.6 Aurangzeb (1658-1707) 78
22.7 The Emergence of Marathas 78
23. Decline of the Mughal Empire
23.1 Causes for the Decline 79
23.2 Source Material II 81
24. Cultural Developments during the
Mughal Era
24.1 Architecture 82
24.2 Painting 83
24.3 Music 83
24.4 Literature 83
25. The Europeans in India
25.1 The Portuguese 84
25.2 The Dutch 84
25.3 The Engiish 84
26. British Expansion in India
26.1 The Carnatic Wars 85
26.2 The British Conquest of Bengal 85
26.3 Extension of British Influence
(1765-1792) 87
26.4 British Expansion (1798-1809) 87 \
27. Consolidation of British Power (1818-57) 88
27.1 Burma 88
27.2 Afghanistan 88
27.3 Sindh 89
27.4 Punjab 89
27.5 Dalhousie and the Policy of Annexation
(1848-56) 89
28. British Policies and Administration in
India ~ 89
28.1 Developments in Britain and India 8?
28.2 Judicial System 92
28.3 Law and Order 93 ~
28.4 Army 94
28.5 Indian Civil Service 95
28.6 The Economic Impact of British, < '
Rule: I 96 -
28.7 Forest Laws 98
28.8 Trade and Industry 99
28.9 The Economic Impact of British
Rule: II 99
28.10 Modern Education 101
I. Indian Freedom Struggle
I. I Emergence of a National
Consciousness 3
2. Pre-Congress Nationalist Organisations 3
Contents xxv
29. Cultural Encounter and Social Change
in the First-half of the 19'*' Century 101
29.1 Rammohun Roy and the Brahmo
Samaj 102
29.2 Young Bengal Movement 103
29.3 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 103
30. Resistance to British Rule 104
30.1 Resistance to British Rule: I 104
30.2 Resistance to British Rule: II 106
30.3 Resistance to British Rule: III 107
31. Reorganisation of the British Empire
in India NO
31.1 Indian Councils Act of 1861 1 10
31.2 Changes in the Army 1 10
31.3 British Policy Towards Princely
States 1 1 1
32. Cultural Encounter and Social Change
in the Second-half of the
19'^Century-ll Ml
32.1 Arya Samaj 1 1 1
32.2 Ramakrishna and Vivekananda 1 12
32.3 Theosophical Society 1 12
32.4 Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Aligarh
School 1 12
32.5 British Legal Intervention in Socio-
cultural Field 1 12
32.6 Women's Organisations 1 14
32.7 British Government's Intervention in
Women's Issues 1 14
Chronology of Principal Events 1 15
References 118
Multiple Choice Questions 119
Answers 155
Explanatory Notes 156
3. The Indian National Congress (INC)
3.1 Formation of INC 5
3.2 Prominent Leaders of INC 5
3.3 Congress—Early Demands 5
■^1 - 63
4. Earty Nationalists 6
4.1 Contribution of Early Nationalists 6
4.2 Attitude of the Government 6
4.3 Drawbacks of Early Nationalists 7
5. Rise <>f Militant Nationalism 7
6. Swadeshi Movement 8
6.1 Moderate-Extremist Divide 9
6.2 Critical Appraisal 10
7. Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism 11
8. Surat Split of 1907 12
9. Indian Councils Act of 1909 12
10. Separatist Trends in Indian Nationalist
Politics: The Muslim League 13
11. First World War and Freedom Struggle 14
1 1.1 Revolutionary Activities 14
1 1.2 Lucknow Pact of 1916 14
1 1.3 Home Rule League 15
12. Gandhi and His thought 16
12.1 Champaran 17
12.2 Kheda 17
12.3 Ahmedabad 17 _
13. RowlattAct 18
13.1 jallianwaia Bagh Incident IB
14. The Non-cooperation Movement
(1920-22) 19
14.1 No-Changers and Swarajists 20
14.2 Separatist Trends il 21
14.3 Peasant Movements 22
15. Emergence of Communists 22
15.1 Industrial Unrest and the
Communists 22
16. Subhash Chandra Bose and
Jawahari^ Nehru 23
17. Simon Commission and Nehru Report 23
17.1 Simon Boycott 24
18. Revolutionary Terrorism
18.1 Hindustan Socialist Republican
Army 24
19. Peasant Movements 25
19.1 Punjab 25
19.2 Bihar 25
19.3 South India 25
19.4 Gujarat and Maharashtra 25
20. Lahore Congress and Puma Swaraj 26
21. Civil Disobedience Movement
(1930-31) 26
22. First Round Table Conference and
Gandhi-lrwin Pact 28
22.1 Karachi Session of the Congress,
1931 29
22.2 Thjce Time 29
23. Second Round Table Conference 30
24. Civil Disobedience Resumed (1932-34) 31
24.1 Gandhi and his Thought: The Communal
Award and Poona Pact 31
24.2 Cultural Encounter and Social Change:
Caste Consciousness and Related
Movements 32
24.3 Return to Council Politics 33
25. Growth of Socialist Forces 33
25.1 Lucknow and Faizpur 34
25.2 Elections and Congress Ministries 34
26. Separatist Trends: Muslim League
Tactics and Growth of Communalism
27. Indian Freedom Struggle
27.1 State People's Movement 35
28. Congress Crisis and Formation of
Forward Bloc
28.1 Congress Ministries Resign 36
28.2 Other Developments During the
War Period 37
28.3 Jinnah's Two-Nation Theory 37
28.4 August Offer, 1940 37
28.5 Economic Scene 38
28.6 New Phases of War 38
28.7 Cripps Mission 38
29. Quit India Movement
29.1 Advance of Muslim League 40
29.2 Left Alternative 40
30. Indian National Army and Netaji
30.1 INA Trials 41
31. Developments under Wavell
31.1 Wavell Plan and Simla
Conference 41
32. The Eve of Independence 42
32.1 September 19 Announcement 42
32.2 The 1945-46 Elections 42
32.3 Revolt of RIN Ratings 42
32.4 Cabinet Mission Plan 42
Part-I World Geography
1. Introduction
2. Branches of Geography
2.1 Physical Geography 3
2.2 Human Geography 4
2.3 Economic Geography 4
3. Origin of the Earth
3.1 Nature of the Matter '
Forming the Earth 5
3.2 Geological History of the Earth 5 :
4. The Earth and Its position in the Solaf
System ' 4
4.1 Solar System 6
4.2 The Shape and Size of the Earth 7
4.3 Location on Earth Surface and Latitude
and Longitude 7
4.4 Some Important Parallels and
Meridians 8
4.5 Great Circles and Small Circles 8
4.6 Motions of the Earth and
Their Effects 8
4.7 Inclination of the Earth's Axis and Its
Effect 8
4.8 Local and Standard Time and the
International Date Line 10
4.9 The Solar and the Sidereal Time 1 1
4.10 Calendar I I
32.5 Direct Action Day and Interim
Government 43
32.6 Constituent Assembly 43
32.7 Attlee's Announcement 43
32.8 Mountbatten Plan 44
33. Independence and Partition (1945-47) 44
33.1 Partition 44
33.2 Integration of Princely States 45
Indian National" Movement 46
Mu/tip/e Choice Questions 46
Answers 63
Explanatory Notes 63
4.1 1 The Earth and the Moon 12
4.12 Eclipses and Phases of the Moon 12
4.13 Moon and Tides 13
S. The Atmosphere
5.1 Structure of the Atmosphere 14
5.2 Composition of the Atmosphere 16
5.3 Aurora and Magnetic Storms 17
5.4 Weather and Climate 17
5.5 Insolation and Heat Budget 17
5.6 Greenhouse Effect and Global
Warming 19
5.7 Distribution of Temperature 19
5.8 Inversion of Temperature 21
5.9 Thermal Anomaly 21
.. 5.10 Range of Temperature 22
5.M Mean Thermal Equator 22
5.12 Pressure 22
5.13 Pressure and Winds 23
5.14 Planetary Winds 24
5.15 Seasonal and Local Winds 26
5.16 Direction and Velocity of Winds 28
I - 183
5.17 The Jet Stream 28
5.18 States of V^ter and Heat Exchange 28
5.19 Humidity 28
5.20 Vapour Pressure 29
5.21 Dew Point and Condensation 29
5.22 Clouds 29
5.23 Dew and Frost 29
5.24 Fog, Smog, Mist and Haze 30
5.25 Precipitation 30
5.26 Distribution of Rainfall 31
5.27 Rain-shadow 32
5.28 Air Masses and Fronts 32
5.29 Cyclones and Anticyclones 34
5.30 Types of Climate 35
5.31 Hydrological Cycle and Global Water
Balance 37
5.32 Ground Water and Water Table 37
5.33 Sources of Ground Water 37
6. The Hydrosphere
6.1 Oceans of the World 38
6.2 Configuration of Ocean Floor 39
6.3 Salinity 41
6.4 Distribution of Salinity 41
6.5 Temperature of Oceans 42
6.6 Waves and Currents 42
6.7 Marine Resources 47
7. The llthosphere
7.1 Interior Structure of the Earth; 48
7.2 Materials of the Earth's CrustrRocks
and Minerals 49
7.3 Classification of Rocks 49
7.4 Landforms 50
7.5 Landforms of the First Order—Oceans
and Continents 50
7.6 Sea Floor Spreading 51
7.7 Landforms of the Second Order 51
7.8 Forces and Processes Affecting the
Earth's Crust 53
7.9 Internal Forces and Their Impact 53
7.10 Volcanic Activity 53
7.1 ! Distribution of Volcanoes 54
7.12 Diastrophic Forces and Earth
Movements 55
7.13 Folding and Warping 55
7.14 Faulting 55
7.15 Earthquakes 56
7.16 Isostacy 57
7.17 External Forces and Their Impact
7.18 Weathering 58
7.19 Erosion 59
7.20 Cycle of Erosion 63
7.21 Soils 64
7.22 Classification and Distribution of
World Soils 65
7.23 The Soil Taxonomy Used by US Soil
Conservation Service 67
8. Human Geography
8.1 World Population 69
Distribution of Population
Density of Population 70
Population Structure 71
Population and Resources
Population Problems of Under-
Developed and Advanced Countries
Races and Tribes 72
Migration 72
Causes and Consequences of
Migration 73
8.10 Types of Migration 73
8.1 1 Settlement 73
8.12 Classification of Settlements 74
8.13 Distribution, Size and Pattern of
Settlements 75
9. Economic Geography
9.1 Economic Activities 75
Resources—Concept and Their
Classification 76
World Agriculture 77
Farming Organisation and Farming
Systems 77
Types of Cultivation 77
Intensive and Extensive Farming 78
,./ Agricultural Typology 78
9.8 Chief Agricultural Products and the Chief
Producers 80
9.9 Animal Rearing and Animal Products 81
9.10 Forestry and Forest Products 82 .
9.1 1 Deforestation and Conservation of
Forests 84
9.12 Important Minerals and Power
Resources and Leading Producers
' 9.13 Chief Industrial Products and Leading
Producers 86
9.14 Major Products of Various Natural
Regions 87
9.15 Some Important Boundary Lines 88
9.16 Important Cities and What They are
Famous For 88
10. Glossary of GeographicalTerms 90
Part-ll Indian Geography 99-183
1. introduction 99
I. I Location 99
1.2 Area and Boundaries 99 *
1.3 Administrative Divisions 99
1.4 Geology 99
2. Physiography ' 0®
2.1 Himalayas 100
2.2 Major Ranges of Himalayas 100
2.3 Regional Divisions of Himalayas 101
2.4 The Plains of India 101
2.5 Peninsular Plateau 102
2.6 Islands of India 102 '
3. Drainage - * 103
3.1 Himalayan Rivers 103
3.2 Rivers of Peninsular India Flowing into
the Bay of Bengal 103
3.3 West-flowing Rivers of the Peninsular
Region 104
3.4 Differences Between the Himalayan and
the Peninsular Rivers 105
3.5 Drainage of the Indian Desert
Region 105
4. Climate
4.1 The Monsoon and Its Mechanism 105
4.2 The Seasons 106
4.3 Importance of Monsoon 107
4.4 Climatic Regions 107
4.5 Floods and Drou^its 108
5. Soils '
5.1 Important Types 108
5.2 Problems with Soil and Soil
Conservation 109
6. Natural Vegetation, Plant and
Animal Life 110
6.1 Major Types 1 10
6.2 Extent of Forest in India 1 11
6.3 Forestry and Conseivation
of Forests 1 1 I
6.4 Wildlife 1 13
6.5 Wildlife Conservation 1 13
6.6 Biosphere Reserves 1 17
6.7 Conservation Reserves 1 17
7. Agriculture 1 IB
7.1 Crop Groups 1 18
7.2 Types of Cultivation 1 19
7.3 Cropping and Land Use Pattern 119
7.4 Fertility and Productivity 1 19
7.5 Agricultural Infrastructure 1 19
7.6 Agricultural Regions 120
7.7 Important Crops 120
7.8 Crop Diseases 122
7.9 Animal Husbandry 122
7.10 Fishing 124
8. Irrigation and Power
8.1 Means of Irrigation 125
8.2 Irrigation and Power Projects 125
9. Mineral Resources
9.1 Classification and Distribution of
Minerals 127
10. Industries
^ 10.1 Important Factories/Plants 131
11. Transport and Communications
11.1 Transport 132
1 1.2 Communications 137
12. Foreign Trade
12.1 Important Feati' res of India's
Export Trade 39
13. Social Aspects
13.1 Population 139
13.2 Density 140
13.3 Sex Ratio 140
13.4 Literacy 142
13.5 Trend of Growth 142
13.6 Languages 143
13.7 Religions 143
13.8 Racial Groups 143
13.9 Tribal Groups 143
14. Settlements 144
14.1 Types of Settlements 144
I. New initiatives on issues of Governance
(2014-2015) 3
I. I Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
(PMJDY) 3 t
1 .2 Pradhan Manti MUDRA Yojana 3
1.3 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:
Clean India Mission 4
1.4 Make In India Initiative 5
1.5 Digital India Programme 6
1 .6 Sagarmala Initiative Towards Greater
Blue Revolution . 7 .
1 .7 Skill India Programme 7
1.8 Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana 8
1.9 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan jyoti Bima
Yojana (PMJJBY) 9
1. 10 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
1. 1 1 Seventh Pay Commission: Expectations
and Controversies 10
1.12 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao* Scheme 1 1
1.13 eBasta: New Portal for Students to
Download School Books I I
1.14 PAHAL Scheme 12
I. IS Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Transformation (AMRUT) 12
1.16 Smart City Mission 13
3. The Constitution 15
2.1 Constitutional Developments 15
2.2 Framing of the Constitution 16
2.3 Objectives of Constitution 17
2.4 Features of the Indian Constitution 17
2.5 Preamble 19
14.2 Urbanisation in India 145
14.3 Census Definition of Urban
Settlements 145
Multiple-Choice Questions 158
Answers 181
Explanatory Notes 182
^ I - 148
2.6 Parts and Important Articles of the
Constitution 20
3. Union Territories and Reorganisation of
States 22
3.1 Integration of Princely States 22
3.2 Dhar Commission and jVP
Committee 22
3.3 Provisions Regarding Territories In the
Constitution 22
3.4 First Linguistic State and State
Reorganisation Commission 23
4. Citizenship
4.1 Who is a Citizen? 25
4.2 Acquisition and Termination
of Citizenship 25
4.3 Amendment of Citizenship Act 25
4.4 Commonwealth Citizenship 26
4.5 Single Citizenship 26
4.6 Dual Citizenship for People
of Indian Origin (PIOs) 26
4.7 Voting Right to NRIs 26
4.8 Significance of Citizenship 26
5. Fundamental Rights
5.1 Introduction 26
5.2 Need and Importance of Fundamental
Rights 26
5.3 Classification of Fundamental Rights 27
5.4 The Writs 29
5.5 Suspension of Fundamental Rights 29
5.6 Special Features 29
5.7 Parliament's Right to Amend
Fundamental Rights 29
6. Fundamental Duties
7. The Directive Principles
of State Policy 30
7.1 Introduction 30
7.2 Difference between Directive Principles
and Fundamental Rights 30
7.3 Important Directive Principles 30
7.4 Additional Directive Principles 31
7.5 Directive Principles in Practice 31
7.6 Relation between Directive Principles
and Fundamental Rights 31
8. The President
8.1 President 32
8.2 Powers of the President 33
8.3 Position of the President 34
8.4 Vice-President 35
9. The Prime Minister and Council of
9.1 Real Executive Authority 35
9.2 The Prime Minister 35
9.3 Deputy Prime Minister 36
9.4 Council of Ministers 37
10. The Parliament
10.1 LokSabha 38
10.2 RajyaSabha 39
10.3 Sessions of Parliament 39
10.4 Joint Sessions 40
10.5 Powers of Parliament 40
10.6 Is the Indian Parliament a Sovereign
Body? 41
10.7 Privileges of Members 41
10.8 Committee System 41
10.9 Legislative Procedure 43
10.10 Vote on Account 44
10.1 1 Parliamentary Terms 44
1 1. The Supreme Court
I I.I Introduction 47
1 1.2 Independence of Judges 48
11.3 Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 48
1 1.4 The Supreme Court and Judicial Review 49
1 1.5 Judicial A'-tivism 49
1 1.6 Public Interest Litigation SO
1 1.7 Judiciary V. Legislature 50
12. State Executive 51
12.1 Introduction 51
12.2 The Governor 51
12.3 Powers of the Governor 52
12.4 Chief Minister 53
12.5 Council of Ministers 53
12.6 The Advocate General 54
13. State Legislature 54
13.1 Legislative Assembly 54
13.2 Legislative Council 54
13.3 Powers of the State Legislature 55
14. High Court 55
14.1 Introduction 55
14.2 Transfer of Judges 56
14.3 Jurisdiction of High Court 56
14.4 Administrative Tribunals 56
14.5 Family Courts 57
14.6 LokAdalats 57
14.7 Nyaya Panchayats 58
14.8 Legal Aid 58
15. Union Territories 60
15.1 Introduction 60
15.2 Administration 60
15.3 Schedule Areas 61
15.4 Tribal Areas 61
16. Ir^dian Federalism and Relations
between the Union and States 61
16.1 Indian Federalism 61
16.2 Non-Feder^ Features 62
16.3 Co-operative Federalism 62
16.4 Union-State Relations 62
17. Demand for Greater Sta :e Autonomy
and Reform of Centre-State Relations 64
17.1 Sarkaria Commission 65
17.2 Emergency Provisions 67
i 7.3 Zonal Councils 69
18. Constitutional Amendments 69
18.1 Procedure for Amendment 69
18.2 Constitutional Amendments 70
19. Civil Services under the Union and
States 75
19.1 Classification of Services 75
19.2 Public Service Commissions 75
19.3 Civil Servants and Fundamental
Rights 76
20. Key Functionaries 77
20.1 Comptroller and Auditor General of
India 77
20.2 Attorney General of India 79
20.3 Election Commission 79
20.4 Finance Commission 80
21. Provisions for Minorities, Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes 80
21.1 Introduction 80
22. Official Language 8'
22.1 Hindi as Official Language and use of
English 81
22.2 Regional Languages 81
22.3 Classical Languages 81'
23. Jammu and Kashmir ' . 82
23.1 Special Status for Jaiinmu and Kashmir 82
23.2 Constitution of Jarrimu and Kashmir 83
23.3 Demand for Abrogation of
Article 370 83
23.4 Jammu and Kashmir Resettlement Act 84
24. Funds -
24.1 Consolidated Fund of India 84
24.2 Contingency Fund of India 84
1. Economic Development 3
I. I Introduction 3
1.2 Growth and Development 3
1.3 Government and Economic
Development 3
1.4 Government's Role in India's Economic
Development 3
1.5 Measuring Economic Development 4
1.6 Planning for Development 7
25. India as a Secular, Democratic State
25.1 Equality of Religions 84
26. Electoral System and Elections
26.1 Electoral System 85
26.2 Electoral Procedure 85
26.3 Electoral Reforms 86
26.4 Elections Held in India Since
. Independence 88
26.5 Highlights of the Various Lok Sabha
Elections Held So Far 91
26.6 Anti-Defection Law (1985) 92
26.7 Political Parties 93
26.8 Registration of Political Parties 93
26.9 National and Regional Parties 93
27. Panchayati Raj
27.1 Panchayati Raj 94
27.2 Three-tier System 95
27.3 Assessment of Panchayati Raj 95
27.4 Ashok Mehta Committee 96
28. Community Development
28.1 Towards Self-help 98
29. Schedules of the Constitution
29.1 Introduction 99
29.2 List of Schedules 99
30. Indian Foreign Policy
Multiple Choice Questions 101
Answers 144
Explanatory Notes 146
Suggested Reading 148
1.7 A Review of Five Year Plans 8
1.8 Liberalisation and Economic
Development 12
1.9 Inflation and Economic
Development 15
1. 10 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
1. 1 1 Money, Banking and Monetary
Policy 20
1.12 Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange 24
2. Social Development
2.! Definitions 26
3. Poverty and its Measurement
3.1 Concepts 27
3.2 Poverty and Public Policy 27
3.3 Inequality and Vulnerability 28
3.4 Measurement of Poverty 28
3.5 GNP Per Capita 28
3.6 Head Count Ratio, Poverty Gap and
Poverty Severity Index 28
3.7 Multi-dimensional Poverty Index 28
3.8 Planning Commission Estimates 28;
3.9 Expert Groups for Estimating Poverty
and BPL Families 29
3.10 India's Record of Poverty Reduction 30
4. Inclusion
4.1 Concepts 31
4.2 Inclusive Growth 31
4.3 Financial Inclusion 32
5. Demographics
5.1 Introduction 32
5.2 Population Growth 33 ^
5.3 Age Composition of the Population 33 '
5.4 State-wise Demographic Profile 34.
5.5 Salient Features of Census 201 1 34"
5.6 Significant Changes 34
5.7 Alarming Sex Ratio 35
5.8 Population and Development 35
5.9 National Population Policy 2000 35
6. Urbanisation 36
6.1 Introduction 36
6.2 Issues in Urbanisation 36
7. Gender and Development 39
7.1 Introduction 39
7.2 Women Empowerment 39
7.3 National Policy for the Empowerment
of Women (2001) 39
7.4 Some Indicators of Gender
Inequality 40
7.5 Gender Budgeting 40
8. The Land Issue
8.1 The Issue 41
8.2 Land Reforms 41
8.3 Land Acquisition 41
8.4 Tribal Land 41
8.5 Land and the Growth of Extremism
9. Sustainable Development
9.1 Introduction 42
9.2 The Earth Summit Rio+10 42
9.3 India's Strategy on Sustainable
Development 43
9.4 National Action Plan for Climate Change
(NAPCC) 43
9.5 Rio+20 - United Nations Conference
on Sustainable Development, 2012 44
9.6 What is Green Economy? 44
9.7 Rio+20 Declaration 45
10. UN Millennium Development Goals 45
10.1 Introduction 45
10.2 Goals, Targets and Indicators 46
10.3 MDG Progress 46
10.4 Beyond 2015 47
11. Government's Initiatives in Social
Sector 47
1 1.1 Social Security 47
1 1.2 Persons with Disabilities 49
1 1.3 Women and Child Welfare 49
1 1.4 Welfare Schemes for the Scheduled
Castes 51
1 1.5 Welfare Schemes for the Scheduled
Tribes 52
1 1.6 Welfare Schemes for Minorities 52
12. Non-governmental Agencies and
12.1 NGOs and Civil Society
Organisations 53
12.2 Civil Society 54
12.3 National Policy on Voluntary Sector,
2007 54
Qossary 55
Multiple-Choice Questions
Answers 77
Part-I General Issues on Environmental 3-25
1. Introduction 3
2. Energy Resources 3
2.1 Non-renewable Energy Resources 4
2.2 Renewable Energy Resources 6
2.3 Energy Conservation 7
3. Environmental Degradation 7
3.1 Environmental Pollution of Air, Water
and Land/Soil 7
3.2 Ecosystems 8
3.3 Wildlife 8
3.4 Eutrophication 8
3.5 Habitat Destruction 8
4. Depletion of Natural Resources 8
4.1 Fishing 8
4.2 Logging (the Felling, Skidding,;
On-site Processing and Loading
of Trees onto Trucks) _9
4.3 Mining 9 ,
■ t 5. Anoxic Waters t" 9
5.1 Causes and Effects 91
5.2 Anoxic Events 9
5.3 Hypoxia 10
5.4 Dead Zones 10
6. Solid and Hazardous Waste
6.1 Solid Waste 10
6.2 Hazardous Waste 13
7. Overpopulation
7.1 Natural Burial 14
7.2 Water Crisis 14
7.3 Overpopulation in Companion
Animals 14
7.4 Tragedy of the Commons 14
8. Conservation of Natural
Resources 15
8.1 Species Extinction 15
8.2 Pollinator Decline 15
8.3 Coral Bleaching 15 ,
8.4 Holocene Extinction 16
8.5 Invasive Species 16
8.6 Poaching 16
8.7 Endangered Species 16
9. Pollution 17
9.1 Forms or Types of Pollution 17
9.2 Effects of Pollution 17
9.3 Pollution Control Regulation and
Measures 18
Multiple Choice Questions 20
Answers 25
Part-2 Biodiversity and Climate Change 27-60
Section-A Biological Aspects of Biodiversity 27
1. What is Biodiversity? 27
I. I Relationship between Biodiversity
Levels 27
1.2 Uneven Distribution in Biodiversity 27
1.3 Biodiversity and Evolutionary
Trends 28
1.4 Evolutionary Diversification 28
2. Biodiversity and Man 7®
2.1 Biodiversity and Human Health 29
2.2 Biodiversity: Business and Industry 29
2.3 Leisure, Cultural and Aesthetic
Value 30
2.4 Other Services 30
3. Threats to Biodiversity
3.1 Habitat Destruction 31
3.2 Overexploitation ?3
Multiple Choice Questions 35
Answers 40
Section-B The Chemical Aspec< s of
I. Chemicals: The Essentie Components
of Biodiversity
I. I Bioactive Compound- 41
1.2 Flavours 41
1.3 Fragrances 41
1.4 Pheromones 42
1.5 Porphyrins 42
1.6 Biochemical Compounds 42
1.7 Enzymes 45
1.8 Immunoglobulins 45
1.9 Pharmaceutical Drugs 46
1.10 Vitamins 46
I.I I Hormones 46
1.12 Neurotransmitters 47
2. Chemical Threats to Biodiversity
2.1 Chemical Toxicology 47
2.2 Environmental Pollution 51
3. Saviours of Biodiversity
3.1 Green Chemistry 52
3.2 Combinatorial Chemistry 54
3.3 Computational Chemistry 54
3.4 Prebiotic Chemistry 54
3.5 Supramolecular Chemistry 54
3.6 Biocatalysis 55
3.7 Biomaterials 55
3.8 Biomimetics 55 _
3.9 Biopolymers 56
3.10 Bioassemblies 56 ;
3.1 1 Steps to Reduce Pollution 56 r.
3.12 International Year of Biodiversity 57.:
general SCIENCE
Part-i Physics ^ ~
1. Physical Quantities, Standards and
Units ^
1.1 Unit of Length 3
[ 1.2 Unit of Mass 3
1.3 Unit of Time 3
1.4 British (or F.RS.) System of Units 4
2. Mechanics and Properties of Matter 4
2.1 Motion 4
-2.2 Force 6
2.3 Newton's Laws of Motion 8
Multiple Choice Questions 57
Answers 60
Part-3 Climatic Change
Contents xxxv
1. Climate change
1.1 Evidence of Climatic Changes in the
Past 61
1.2 Climatic Changes during the Recorded
History 62
1.3 Trends Since the Advent of
Instruments 63
2. Climatic Cycles 63
3. Theories of Climatic Change 63
3.1 Hypotheses Based on Solar
Variations 64
3.2 Astronomical Hypotheses 64
3.3 Atmospheric Hypotheses 64
3.4 Terrestrial Hypotheses 65
4. Global Warming 65
4.1 Mitigation of and Adaptation to
Global Warming 68
4.2 Differing Views 68
4.3 Indian Response to Climatic Change
and Global Warming 69
5. Ozone Layer Protection 70
Multiple Choice Questions 70
Answers 74
2.4 Impulse 9
2.5 Work, Power and Energy 9
2.6 Moment of a Force 10
2.7 Centre of Gravity 10
2.8 Machines 10
2.9 Artificial Satellites 1 1
2.10 Density and Relative Density 1 1
2.1 1 Pressure 12
2.12 Upthrust 13
2.13 Hydrometer 13
2.14 Matter and its Properties 13
xxxvi Contents
2.15 Motion of Fluids—Bernoulli's
Theorem 15
3.1 Internal Energy 15
3.2 Thermal Expansion 16
3.3 Transmission of Heat 17
Quantity of Heat 19
Car Engine Coolant 19
Change of State 19
Relative Humidity 20
Air Conditioning 20.
Pressure Cooker 20
4. Wave Motion
5. Electromagnetic Radiation
5.1 Radio and Teievision Transmission 22
Direct-to-home (DTH) Television 22
Night Vision 22
Radar 23
Microwave Oven 23
5.6 Computed Tomography 23
Rectilinear Propagation, Shadows
and Eclipses 23 r.
Reflection 23
Refraction 25
Total Internal Reflection 26
Dispersion 26
Coiour of Objects 27 ^
Colour Television 27
Lenses 27
Eye 28
6.10 Optical Instruments 28
6.1 1 Scattering of Light 29
6.12 Interference of Light 29
6.13 Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation) 29
6.14 Diffraction of Light 30
7.1 Sound Characteristics 30
7.2 The Speed of Sound 31
7.3 Reflection of Sound, Echo 31
7.4 Refraction of Sound
7.5 Resonance 32
7.6 Doppler Effect 32
7.7 Sonic Boom 32
7.8 Musical Scale 32
7.9 Noise Reduction in Recording
Media 32
8. Magnetism
8.1 Earth's Magnetism 33
8.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
9. Static Electricity
9.1 Electricity by Friction 33
9.2 Insulators, Conductors,
Superconductors and
Semiconductors 34
10. Current Electricity
10.1 Electrical Resistance
Electric Cell 34
Car Battery 34
Effects of Electric Current
Power Generation and
Transmission 35
Domestic Electric Installation
Electric Light 36
Some Electronic Devices 36
11. Atomic Physics
I I. I Atomic Structure 37
1 1.2 Emission of f^diation 37
12. Nuclear Physics
12.1 Radioactivity 38
12.2 Nuclear Energy 38
Astronomy and Space S-ience
13.1 Celestial Bodies 39
Solar System 41
Kepler's Laws 43
Artificial Satellites anc Their
Application 44
Glossary 44
Multiple Choice Ques ions
Answers 71
3l \
Part-2 Biosciencest Botany and Zoology 73-246
1. The Study of Life 73
I. I Introduction 73
1.2 Branches of Biology 73
1.3 Living and the Non*Living
Organisms 77
2. Cell—The Basic Unit of Life 78
2.1 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 78
2.2 Plant and Animal Cells 79
2.3 Cell Division 80
2.4 Viruses—the Filterable Agents 82
2.5 Viroids 83 i
2.6 Prions 83 '
3. Classification of Living Organisms
3.1 Binomial Nomenclature 84
3.2 Classification 84
4. Organisation of the Living Body
4.1 Organisation in Plants 88
4.2 Plant Tissues 88
4.3 Morphology of the Plant 90
4.4 Organisation in Animals 90
4.5 Organisms 92
5. Nutrition
5.1 Food—^The Source of Energy 92 ^
5.2 Enzymes 93
5.3 Digestion 93
5.4 Nutritional Requirements 93
5.5 Energy Requirements 95
5.6 Plant Nutrition 96
5.7 Mineral Nupitlon of Plants 96
5.8 Photosynthei^ 97
5.9 Special Modes of fHant Nutrition 97
6. Respiration
6.1 Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Respiration in Plants 99
Energy Production i OQ
6.4 Respiratory Media tOO
6.5 Breadiing OrgartS in Man
6.6 the Breathip Mechatiism
Contents idOtvil
6.7 Gaseous Exchange and Transport 100 ,
6.8 Cellular Respiration—An
Energy-yielding Process 101
7. The Transport System iOI
7.1 Transport in Animals 101
7.2 The Heart 101
7.3 Transport in Plants 102
8. Excretion of Idetaboilc WsBtes 103
8.1 Nephron—The Structure and
Functional Unit of Kidney 103
8.2 Urine Formation 103
8.3 Acid-Base Balance—The Kidneys as
Bipod pH Regulators 104
8.4 Kidney Diseases 104
8.5 the Skin—Its Structure and Functions
of ^cretion and Temperature
- Regulation 104
9. Biocommunication 105
9.1 Nervous System 105
9.2 Nerve Impulse vs Stimulus 106
9.3 Physiology of Conduction of Nerve
Impulse 106
9.4 Saltatory Nerve Conduction 106
9.5 Transmission on Impulse Across the
Synapse 108
9.6 Neuromuscular Transmission 108
9.7 The Endocrine System 108
10. Muscle Movement (Contractton) 108
10.1 Uhrastruetui^ of Skeletal Muscle
Fibre 108
10.2 Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle
Contraction 109
11. Skeletal System 111
I I.I Functions III
11.2 '^rpes of Bones III
11.3 Divisions of the Skeletal System 111
1 1.4 Bone Movement and the Joints M 3
11.5 Clinical Applicadon 114
12. ileprodiietiolv^Rerpetuetion offihe
12.1 Asexual Reproduetioh
12.2 Sexual Reproduction 1 14
12.3 Parthenogenesis in Animals 1 16
12.4 Reproduction in Plants 1 17
12.5 Parthenogenesis in Plants 1 18
13. Plant Growth and Development I IS
13.1 Patterns of Growth 1 19
13.2 Control of Growth and
Development 1 19
13.3 Grovrth and Turgor Movements in
Plants 120
14. Genetics—The Science of Heredity 121
14.1 Gregor Mendel—Father of
Genetics 121
14.2 Genotype and Phenotype 121
14.3 Sex Chromosomes 122
14.4 Sex-linked Inheritance 122
14.5 Man—the Heterogametic Sex 122
14.6 Birds and Bees Don't Follow Man in
Sex 122 :
14.7 The Gene 122
14.8 Linkage. Crossing.Over. and
Recombination of Genes 122
14.9* Mutation 123 .
14.10 Blood Group Inheritance 123
14.1 1 Rh Factor 123 '
14.12 Molecular Biolo^ of the Gene 126
14.13 Jumping Genes 129
14.14 Genetic Engineering 129
14.15 Genes and Cancer 131
14.16 DMA Finger Printing 131
'4.17 Cloning Individuals 132
'4.18 Human Genome Project 132
'5. Plant Diseases 133
' ^ ' Diseases and Their Causative
Agents 133
16. Human Diseases and Defense
Mechanism 133
16.1 Human Diseases j 33
16.2 Communicable or Infectious
Diseases 135
16.3 Non-communicable or '
Non-infectious or Degenerative
Diseases 135
16.4 Allergies 140
16.5 Deficiency Diseases 140
16.6 Cancer 141
16.7 Human Defense Mechanism 141
17. Environmental Biology—Organisms in
Relation to Their Surroundings 145
17.1 Ecology 145
17.2 Ecosystem 145
17.3 Food Chains and Food Webs 145
17.4 The Physical Environment 145
17.5 Biomes 146
17.6 Environmental "types 146
17.7 Man and Environmental Pollution 147
17.8 The Natural Ozone Layer 151
17.9 Ozone Destruction by
Chlorofiourocarbons 151
17.10 The Ozone Hole 151
17.1 1 Wildlife in India 152
17.12 Lion Reserves in India 154
17.13 Latest Population of "Hgers
in India 158
17.14 List of Endangered Animals
in India 159
IS. Origin and Evolution of Life 160
18.1 Theory of Special Creation 160
18.2 Theory of Spontaneous
Generation 160
18.3 Chemosynthetic Origin of Life 160
18.4 Evolution of Life 161
18.5 Evidences for Evolution 16!
18.6 Evolution of Man 162
19. Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
19.1 Stimulants 164
19.2 Depressants 164
19.3 Hallucinogens 164
19.4 Alcoholism 164
20. Animal Husbandry 166
20.1 Cattle 166
20.2 Buffaloes 166
20.3 Goats 167
20.4 Sheep 167
20.5 Pigs 168
20.6 Camels 168
20.7 Poultry 169
20.8 Cross Breeding 170
20.9 Artificial insemination (A.I.) 170
20.10 Animal Diseases 171
21. Plants and Human Welfare 172
21.1 Introduction 172
21.2 Food Plants 172
21.3 Spices and Condiments 182 i
21.4 Fibre Plants 183 ■
21.5 Beverage Plants 185
21.6 Masticatory and Fumitory Plants 186
21.7 Medicinal Plants 187
21.8 Biopesticides 188
G/ossory / 89
Multiple Choice Questions 19S
Answers 244
I. Introduction
I. I Branches of Chemistry 247
1.2 The Importance of Chemistry 247 *
2. Matter and Its Nature
2.1 Classification 248
2.2 Composition of Earth 248
2.3 Elements 248
2.4 Compounds 249
2.5 Some Important Elements and
Compounds 249
2.6 Mixtures 250
2.7 Avogadro's Hypothesis and Mole
Concept 251
3. Kinetic Theory of Matter
4. Chemical Reactions and the Chemical
247- 325
Equations 251
4.1 Balancing Chemical Equations 251
4.2 Rate of Reaction 252
4.3 Energy Changes in Reactions 252
5. Structure of the Atom
5.1 Dalton's Atomic Theory 252
5.2 Thomson's Atomic Model 253
5.3 Rutherford's Atomic Model 253
5.4 Modem Atomic Theory 253
5.5 Isotopes and Isobars 253
6. Periodic Table of Elements
6.1 Periodic Trends in Properties 255
7. Chemical Bonding
7.1 Theories of Chemical Bonding
8. Oxidation and Reduction
9. Oxygen and Air
9.1 Composition of Air 257
9.2 Air and Life 257
9.3 Respiration (Inhaled and Exhaled
Air) 257
10. Hydrogen and Water
10.1 Hydrogen 258
10.2 Isotopes of Hydrogen 258
10.3 Solubility and Solutions 258
10.4 Osmosis 259
10.5 Molar and Normal Solutions 259
10.6 Formality 259
10.7 Mo!aIity(m) 259
10.8 Mole Fraction 259
11. Carbon and its Compounds
1 1.1 Allotropes of Carbon 259
si 1.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 260
1 1.3 Carbon Dioxide and the
Environment 260
1 1.4 Carbon Cycle in Nature and
Photosynthesis 260
1 1.5 Fuels 260
1 1.6 Rocket Fuels 261
1 1.7 Hydrocarbons 261
12. Nitrogen and its Compo ~nds
12.1 Ammonia 262
12.2 Nitrogen Cycle 262
13. Acids, Bases and Salts
13.1 Acids 262
13.2 Bases 262
13.3 Theories of Acids and Bases 262
13.4 Salts 263
13.5 pH 263
14. Occurrence of Metals
14.1 Properties of Metals 264
14.2 Extraction of Metals 264
15. Petroleum and Natural Gas 265
15.1 Uses of Various Fractions 266
15.2 Other Fractions 266^
16. Iron and Steel 266
16.1 Rusting of Iron 266
16.2 Cement and Glass 267
17. Colloids, Micelles and
Nanotechnology 267
17.1 Colloids and Colloidal State 267
17.2 Micelles—^Associated Colloids 268
17.3 Emulsions 268
17.4 Gels 268
17.5 Applications of Colloids .268
17.6 Advanced Materials, Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology 269
IS. Agricultural Chemistry". 270
18.1 Chemical Control 270
18.2 Fertilizers 270
19. Medicinal Chemistry '271
19.1 Diseases 271
19.2 Drugs 271
19.3 Common Drugs 272
19.4 Radiopharmaceuticals 273
20. Food Chemistry 273
20.1 Food Additives 274
20.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of
Beverages and Tobacco 274
21. Biochemistry and Life Processes 275
21.1 Chemical Basis of Life 275
21.2 Biological Role of Sodium, Potassium,
Magnesium and Calcium 275
21.3 Buffers 276
22. Polymers and Plastics 276
22.1 Polymers 276
22.2 Plastics 276
22.3 Applications 276
22.4 Rubber 276
22.5 Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) 277
22.6 Petrochemicals 277
23. Electrochemistry 277
23.1 Electrolysis 277
23.2 Characteristics of Electrolysis 277
23.3 Applications of Electrolysis 278
24. Dyes 278
25. Biotechnology 278
25.1 introduction 278
25.2 Applications of Biotechnology 279
25.3 Fermentation Biotechnology 280
26. International Symbols for Units 280
26.1 The CGS System or cm-g-s 280
26.2 The MKSA System or m-kg-s-A 280
26.3 The Degree Kelvin 281
26.4 International Systems of Units
(Si-Units) 281
26.5 The Mole 281
27. Carbohydrates 281
27.1 Sugars 282
27.2 Polysaccharides 282
28. Proteins 283
28.1 Acidic and Basic Amino Acids 283
28.2 Amino Acids as Dipolar Ions 283
28.3 Peptides 283
28.4 Proteins 284
28.5 Structure of Proteins 284
29. Nucleoprotelns and Nucleic Acids . 284
29.1 The Genetic Code 284
30. Important Bloactlve Compounds
30.1 Alkaloids 284
30.2 Terpenoids 285
30.3 Steroids 285
30.4 Carotenoids 285
30.5 Tannins 285
30.6 Lignans 285
30.7 Flavonolds 285
30.8 Cynogenesis and Cynogenic
Glycosides 285
30.9 Coumarins 285
31. Fats
31.1 Soaps 286
32. Important Laws Governing Gases,
Liquids and Soiutions
32.1 Gases 286
32.2 Colllgative Properties 287
_ dENE^
1. National Symbols
I. I National Flag 3
1.2 National Emblem 3
1.3 National Anthem 3
1.4 National Song 3
1.5 . National Calendar 3
1.6 National Animal 4
1.7 National Bird 4
1.8 National Flower 4
1.9 National Fruit 4*
1.10 National Tree 4
I.I I National River 4
1.12 National Game 4
1.13 National Aquatic Animal 4
1.14 National Currency Symbol 4
1.15 National Heritage Animal 5
1.16 National Monument S
2. A Profile of tlie States
3. A Profile of Union Territories
4. Defence Set-up
4.1 The Army 19
4.2 The Navy 20
4.3 The Air Force 21
4.4 Commissioned Ranks 21
. 4.5 Defence Production Units 2 i
4.6 Re -ch and Develbpment 22
33. Bioterrorism 288
34. Thermodynamics 288
34.1 Thermodynamic Systems 288
34.2 Thermodynamic Processes 289
34.3 The Laws of Thermodynamics" 289
34.4 Thermodynamic Potentials 289
35. Important Concepts and Topics 289
Glossary 293
Multiple Choice-Questions 301
Answers 325
4.7 Auxiliaries 22
■ 'It- *lj|k4
5. Internal Security
5.1 Para-mllitary Forces
5.2 Civil Defence 23
5.3 Home Guards 23
6. Atomic Energy
6.1 Organisation 23
6.2 India's Nuclear 1ests 24
6.3 Nuclear Power Programme 24
6.4 Nuclear Power Stations 24
6.5 Heavy Water Production 24
6.6 Atomic Research Centres 24
7. Space Programme
7.1 Objective and Strategy 25
^ 7.2 Organisation 25
7.3 Milestones 26
8. National Institutions
8.1 Agriculture 29
8.2 Commerce 30
8.3 Communication 30
8.4 Education 30
8.5 Energy 30
8.6 Environment 30
8.7 Food & CIvIt Supplies 30
8.8 Forest 30
8.9 HeaWi & Fami^Welfsre 31
8.10 Industry 31
8.11 Justice and Law 31
8.12 Labour 31
8.13 Laboratories 31
8.14 Mass Communication 3!
8.15 Science & Technology 31
8.16 Transport 32
8.17 Water Resources 32
8.18 Welfare (Social Welfare) 32
8.19 Youth Affairs and Sports 32
9. Languages of India
10. Indian Utensture
11. Dances of India
1 1.1 Main Styles of Classical Dance
11.2 Other Classical Dances 36
1 1.3 Folk and Tribal Dances 37
12. Indian Theatre and Drama
13. Music of India
14. Indian Painting
14.1 Ajanta.Raintlpgs 39
14.2 Twelfth^ Sixteenth Century
Painting 39
14.3 Mughal^nting 39
14.4 Rajput Ptintings 39
14.5 Art During British Rule 39
14.6 Modem Paintings 39
15. Festivals of India **
16. Cultural Institutions
17. Monuments of India
17.1 Andhra Pradesh > 42
17.2 Assam 42
17.3 Ithar 42
17.5 Delhi 42
17.6 Gujari^ 4|
17.7 Haryana 42
17.8 HImachal Pfi^Mh 42
17.9 jamriiu & Kashmir 42
17.10 Karnataka 42
17.1 1 Kerala 42
17.12 Madhya Pradesh 42
17.13 Maharashtra 43
17.14 Odisha 43
17.15 Rajasthan 43
17.16 Tamil Nadu 43
17.17 Telangana 43
17.18 Uttar Pradesh 43
17.19 West Bengal 43
IS. Media and Publishing
18.1 Major Newspapers in India 43
18.2 Newspapers—World 44
18.3 News Agencies 44
19. Countries of the World
20. Dependencies of the Countries
20.1 Dependencies of USA 50
20.2 Dependencies of UK 50
20.3 Dependencies of France 50
20.4 Dependencies of Australia 50
20.5 Dependencies of Norway 51
20.6 Dependencies of New Zealand 5
20.7 Dependencies of the Netherlands
20.8 Dependencies of Denmark 51
21. Parliaments of Countries
22. Symbols of Countries
23. Geographical Landmarks (World)
23.1 Highest Mountain Peaks 52
23.2 Largest Deserts 52
23.3 Lari^st Islands 52
23.4 Largest Seas 52
23.5 Biggest Countries (In Area) 53
23.6 Biggest Countries (In Pbpulation) 5
23.7 Smaller Countries (In Area) 53
23.8 Smaller Countries (In Population) 5
23.9 Most Populous Cities 53
23.10 Most Populous Urban
A^fomerations 53
23.11 tallest luildirigs 53
23.12 Tallest Tbwers 53
23.13 53
24. Geographical Landmarks (India)
24.1 Height of Mountain Peaks 53
24.2 Length of Rivers 54
24.3 Population of Cities 54
24.4 Length of Borders with Neighbours
24.5 Hill Stations 54
25. The United Nations
25.1 Rise of the United Nations 54
25.2 Objectives 54
25.3 Principles 54
25.4 Membership 55
25.5 Organs of the UN 55
25.6 Specialised Agencies of the UN
25.7 Programmes and Funds of UN
25.8 UNO International Decades
since 2001 58
25.9 UNO International Years
since 2001 58
25.10 Human Rights 58
26. The Non-aligned Mbvement (NAM) 58
26.1 Origin 58
26.2 Principles 59
26.3 NAM Summits 59 e
27. The Commonwealth- ; 59
28. European Union 59
29. SAARC (South Asian Association for ^
Regional Cooperation)
29.1 Members 60
Objectives 60
Meetings 60
SAARC Summits 61
SAARC Years 61
SAAI^C Decades 61
SAARC Regional Centres 61
30. Otiiar International drganisations
31. International Treaties and
31.1 Nuclear Non-Prollferation IFeaty
(NPT) 65
31.2 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
(CTBT) 65
31.3 Nuclear lest Ban Treaty 66
31.4 Biological Weapons Convention
31.5 Outer Space Treaty 66
31.6 Antarctic Ireaty 66
31.7 Sea-bed Ireaty 66
31.8 Montreal Protocol 66
31.9 Sea Law Treaty 66
31.10 Landmines Treaty 66
31.11 Chemical Weapons Convention
31.12 Human Cloning/^eement 66
31.13 Rotterdam Convention 67
31.14 Accord to Check Bribery 67
31.15 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change 67
31.16 UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child 67
31.17 NewSTARTDeal 67
32. Religions (Wbiid)
33. Languages (World)
34. Books and Authors
35. Inventors/Discoverers.and Discoveries 75
36. Winners Of Important Awards 77
36.1 Recipients of Bharat Ratna 77
36.2 Recipients of Dada Saheb Phaike
Award 77
36.3 Recipients of the JnanpHh Avyrard 78
36.4 Rajiv Gaiidhi Khel Ratna Awardees 78
36.5 The Ramon Magsaysay Awards—
Indian Recipients 79
36.6 Indian Beauty Queens 79
36.7 The Nobel Prizes 79
37. Superiatives—World
37.1 The Biggest 81
37.2 The Highest 81
37.3 The Largest 81
37.4 The Longest 81
37.5 The Smallest 81
37.6 The Tallest 81
37.7 Miscellaneous 81
38. Superlatives—India 82
39. Sobriquets 82
39.1 Places (Sobriquets) 82
39.2 Persons (Sobriquets) 83
40. Riverside Cities 84
40.1 World 84
40.2 India 84
41. Wonders of the World 85
41.1 Ancient World 85
41.2 Medieval World 85
41.3 New Wonders 85
42. India's World Herltag&Sites 85
43. Famous Sites—World 85
44. Famous Sites—India 86
45. Firsts in the World 87
46. Firsts in India 87
47. Sports and Games (General)* 89
47.1 Cups and Trophies Associated with
Sports and Games - 89
47.2 Places Associated with Sports and
Games 89
I. National Events
Parliament Passes 1 19^ Amendment Bill
Army Gets Akash Missile ' 3
Politicians Lose Space in Govt Ads 3
14th Edition of Varuna Held 4
Parliament Clears Black Money Bill 4
Law Panel Moots Joint Custody of
Minors 4
Astra Missiles Test-Fired Successfully 5
• . 'V.-
"defence Acquisition Council Clears Major
Deals 5
National Air Quality Index Launched 5
1 '^Test-Fired for a Shorter Range 6
ew ger Reserves in M.R, Odisha,
Chhattis^rh ft
47.3 Grounds of Sports and Games 90
47.4 National Sports and Games 90
48. Olympic Games 90
48.1 Summer Olympic Games 91
48.2 Winter Olympic Games 91
48.3 India in Olympics 92
49. Commonwealth Games 92 ,
50. Afro-Asian Games 93 '|
51. Asian Games 93
51.1 Motto, Emblem and Torch 93
51.2 History of Asian Games 93
52. SAF Games 94
53. World Cup Cricket 94
54. World Cup Soccer (Football)
Tournament 94
54.1 History of World Cup Football 94
55. World Cup Hockey Tournament
55.1 History of World Cup Hockey 95
Mu/tip/e Choice Questions 95
Answers / 02
Government Notifies NJAC, Puts an End
to Collegium 6
Dhanush Successfully Test-Fired 6
Thane Named India's Earth Hour
Capital 6
Navy's Stealth Destroyer Launched 7
INS Alleppey Decommissioned 7
Law Commission Report on Electoral
Reforms 7
Bill Raising AP Council Strength
Approved 7
ISRO Navigation Satellite in Orbit 8
SC Strikes Down Section 66A of IT Act
PDP-BJP Coalition Government in J&K
SIT Set-up to Probe 1984
Anti-Sikh Riot Cases 9
Governors' Conference (2015) 9
SC Verdict on Criminal Antecedents of
Candidates 10
Assembly Elections in Delhi 10
Project to Revive Heritage of 12 Cities 10
Amend Law to Protect Hindu Wife:
Law Panel 1 1
102"^ Indian Science Congress 1 1
Canister-Firing of Agni-V Successful 1 1
Cabinet Nod for Six New ilMs H
Poiavaram: SC Refuses to Look into
Displacement 12
Maharashtra Gets'State Butterfly' 12 :
Nuclear Insurance Pool Set UP 12
Government Plans 20 Million Houses for
Urban Poor 12
Government Decides to Build jP Memorial In
Bihar 13
India Richer by 349 New Species 13
No Mediation in Rape Cases: SC 13
SC Transfers Vyapam Investigation to
CBI 14
PSLV C-28 Launches Five Satellites 14 ^
Satellite-Based Navigation System *
Launched 14 •-
Lodha Committee Pronounces <
Punishment 15
Skill India Programme Launched 15
Net Neutrality Panel Submits Report 15
1993 Blasts Case: Yakub Memon
Hanged 16
Centre Inks Peace Accord with
Naga Insurgent Outfit 16
Citizenship Soon for Those who Fled Religious
Persecution 17
Aadhaar not Mandatory: SC 17
Govt Considering Bill to Ensure Right to
Services 17
Census 201 1 Data on Religious Communities
Released 18
Law Panel for Early Childcare as a Legal
Entitlement 18
Successful Launch of GSAT-6 IS
Contents xlv
2. Economic Affairs i 9
Changes in Companies Act Notified 19
Norms Eased for Investments by NRIs, PIOs,
OCIs 19
Bl Relaxes Norms for IDF-NBFCS 19
Framework Notified for MSMES
Rehabilitation 19
Three New Schemes. Launched 19
Smart Cities Mission and Amrut
Approved 20
Verdict in Country's Largest-Ever Corporate
Fudging Case 20
RBI Revises Norms for Priority Sector
Lending 21
PM Launches Mudra Yojana 21
Insurance Bill Passed 21
Price Stabilisation Fund Approved 21
Coal. Mines Bills Cleared 22
14'^ Finance Commission's Recommendations
Accepted 22
First Meeting of NITI Aayog 23
Buffer Norms for Foodgrains Revised 23
SEBl Relaxes Regulation for Delisting
of Shares 23
Railway Restructuring Committee Submits
Report 23
Two Panels to Facilitate Rollout of GST 24
Import Duty on Select Steel Items
Hiked 24
India Ranked Best for Investment 24
Top Corporates Back Digital India 25
India is Now a $2-Trillion Economy 25
Socio-Economic Census Released 25
India's Population Crosses 127-Crore
Mark 26
RBI Sets up Panel on Fii anclal Inclusion 26
BHEL Commissions Po 'er Plant at
Vindhyachal 26
Government to Transfe Ownership in PSU
Banks 27
Moody's Lowers India's Growth
Forecast 27
Nod for Payments Bank 27
Big Crash in Stock and Currency
Markets 28
3. India and the World 28
India Inks Port Deal with Iran 28
India, China Sign 24 Pacts 28
India-Mongolia Economic Cooperation 29
Indo-French Defence and Nuclear
Deals 29
PM Modi's Visit to Gernrrany 29
Indo-Canadian Pacts on Uranium and
Others 30 ;
India, Qatar Sign Prisoner Exchange
Deal 30
India-Sri Lanka Relations 30
India and Mauritius Announce Security
Cooperation Pact 31
India Inks Nuclear Pact with Sri Lanka 31
India, Russia and China Meeting 31
EU Lifts Ban on Indian Mangoes 32
US President Obama Visits India 32
India Signs Pact or0utdmatic Exchange
of Tax Informaion; 32
' India, Belarus Agr^e on Road Map for
Stronger Ties^ 33
Modi's Visit to Bangladesh 33
India Signs Motor Vehicle Pact with
Three Nations 33
India, U.S. Sign Pact to Implement
India, Kyr^'zstan Sign Four Pacts 34
India, Tajikistan to Intensify
Anti-Terror Cooperation 34
India, UAE Decry State-Sponsored
Terror 35
Iran no Longer on Restricted Visa List 35
India-Seychelles Pact to Curb Black
Money 35
4. Intemaitibn^ iEvents 36
WHO Declare Liberia Ebola-^Free 36
France Signs Rafale ©eali with Qatar 36
World Hunger Report (2015) Released 36
G nance Ministers'Meeting 37
Malaysia, Indonesia Reach Agreement on Boat
Migrants 37
World Health Statistics (2015) Released 37
Japan Unveils $ 1 10 Billion Plan for Asian
Projects 38
Ireland Becomes First Country to Legalise Gay
Wedlock Through Popular Vote 38
' Palestine Joins ICC 38
U.N. Imposes Arms Embargo on
Huthi Rebels 39
China Launches $ 46-Bn Investment Plan in
Pakistan 39
Summit of the Americas (2015) 39
U.S. and Cuban Presidents Held First Meeting
in Over 50 Years 40
Mission Tikrit: Iraqi Govt. Declares
Victory 40
Social Progress Index (2015) Released 40
Sri Lanka Adopts 19* Constitutional
Amendment 41
Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance to IS 41
US Decides to Keep Troops in
Afghanistan 41.
France Votes in Favour of 'Sleep Before
Death'Law 41
UN Probe Points to Genocide Against
Yazidis 42
Pakistan Tests Homemade Armed Drone,
Missile 42
Sri Lanka-China Relations 42
World Press Freedom Index (2015)
Released 42
Rebels Take Over Yemen 43
China's 'Silk Road Fund' Becomes
Operatior^al 43
Ukraine Ceasefire Deal Reached * 43
Sirisena Deposes Raiapaksa
in Sri Lanka 43
iCB Makes Last- Ditch Attempt to Revive
Euro Economy 44
U.S; Think Tank Flags Readiness of Pak,
Redactor 44
Tsipras SwOm in ■ jreek PM as
Anti-Bailout C oalition Forms Govt. 44
G7 Summit (2015) 45
Global Rule of Law Index (2015)
Released 45
U.S. Passes NSA Surveillance Reform 46
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Takes
Shape 46
Africa: 26-Nation Free Trade Pact
Signed 46
Vatican Recognizes Palestine 47
Myanmar Votes to Keep Military Veto 47
US Supreme Court Removes Ban on Gay
Marriages 47
BP to Pay $ 18.7 Bn for Oil Spill 48 i
BRIGS Summit (2015) 48
Greece Reaches Bailout Deal with
Eurozone 48
Iran Reaches Historic Nuclear Deal 49
Japan Passes Security Bills 49
New Development Bank of BRIGS
Opens 49
NATO Backs Turkey's W?ir on 'Terror' 50
Beijing Slams U.S. for Militarising South
China Sea 50 r
Obama Takes 'Biggest Step' to Tackle
Climate Change St) :
Nepal Inks Pact on New Constitution 5 fz
Iraq PM Rolls Out Reforms to Rein In
Corruption 51
Egypt's SISI Approves Anti-Terrorism
Law 52
China to Build $ I OBn N-Plants in Pak 52
Sri Lankan Elections 52
Ranil Sworn in Sri Lanka's PM 53
Britain, Iran Reopen Embassies 53
5. Science and Technology 53
SpaceX Cargo Ship Returns to Earth 53
New Strategy to Strave HIV to Death 53
Dogs Domesticated Over 27,000 Years
Ago 54
Mars Might have Transient Liquid Water 54
' Rosetta Mission on Comet 67P 54
Maglev Train Sets a New World Speed
Record 54
Remains of Ancient Civilisation
Uncovered 55
Oldest Primitive Animal Fossil Found 55
Archaeologists Discover Mayan
'Melting Pot' 55
Britain Gives NOD to 'Three-Parent'
Babies 55
World's Biggest Solar Telescope 56
Saturn's Position Pinpointed 56
Fossils of Dolphin-Like Creature Found 56
Scientists Document 'Virgin Births' of
Endangered Sawfish 56
LHC Restarts with Doubled Energy
Levels 56
Rare Inscription of Biblical Name Found 57
Gigantic Stars Found 57
First Electric Planes Fly Over English
Channel 57
Conference on Preventive Healthcare
(2015) 57
The Science of Screams Deciphered 58
Hawking Launches Biggest-Ever Search
for Alien Life 58
Scientists Can now Forecast Flu
Outbreaks 58
World's Smallest Insect Found in India
Too 58
Fossilised Remains of World's Oldest Flower
Found 59
PrerHistoric Mouthwatering Bread is
V Back 59
6, Awards and Prizes 59
Samman (2014) 59
Sahitya Akademi Award for Sanskrit 59
Filmfare Awards (2014) 60
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman (2015) 60
DSC Literature Prize (2015) 60
Padma Awards (2015) 60
Golden Globe Awards SO
Martin Luther King junior Award 60
Khushwant Singh Memorial Prize (2015) 60
Natya Kala Acharya Honour 60
Ashok Chakra 60
Miss Universe (2014) 60
NTCA Award 61
AIFF Awards (2014) 61
Berlin International Film Festival
Awards 61
Jnanpith Award (2014) 61
BAFTAAwards(20l5) 61
Nayudamma Award (2014) 61
National Science Foundation Career
Award 61
Oscar Awards (2015) 61
World Press Photo Award 61
Grammy Awardsp.0IS) 61
Bhimsen Joshi Av/ard 61
King Faisal International Prize (2015) 62
India Golf Awards 62
Keynes Prize 62
Yash Bharti Award 62
Laadii Voice of the Century Award 62
Folio Prize 62
Abel Prize (2015) 62 •
Saraswati Samman (2014) 62
National Film Awards (2014) 62
Miss India World (2015) 62
Bharat Ratna 62
Gandhi Peace Prize (2014) 62
Tyler Prize 63
Dadasaheb Phaike Award (2014) 63
Prime Minister's Award for Excellence
in Public Administration 63
Sahitya Shiromani Samman 63
Officer Dela Legion d'Honneur 63
Wisden Honours 63
Pulitzer Prizes (2015) 63
Pakistan's Highest Civilian Award 63
Unesco Press Prize 63
Uadasaheb Phaike Film Foundation Award
(2015) 63
'^inanath Mangeshkar Award 63
Heinz Award 63
Commonwealth Short Story Prize in Asia
Region (2015) 3
Asian Awards f
. r.
Laureus World Sports Awards 64
Man Booker International Prize (2015) 64
Presidential Awards for Classical Tamil 64
Award for Excellence in Teaching 64
CEAT Awards 64
Cannes Film Festival Awards 64
G.K. Reddy Award 64
Order of the Rising Sun 64
PEN Award 64
UN Dag Hammarskjold Medal 64
Encore Literary Award 64
Sangitha Kalanidhi Award (2015) 64
Cricket South Africa Awards 64
UN Nelson Mandela Prize 64
UN Public Service Award (2015) 65
Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards 65
Queen Young Leaders Awards 65
Award of Liberation War Honour 65
Fukuoka Prize (2015) 65
Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction 65
Moorti Devi Award (2014) 65
UFA Awards (2015) 65
US Presidential Prize 65
PATA Award 65
Pritiman Sarkar Award 65
Royal Society's Copley Medal 65
French Civilian Honour 65
Ramon Magsaysay Awards (2015) 66
World Food Prize (2015) 66
Nelson Rolihiahia Mandela Prize 66
UK Film Fest Award 66
GD Biria Award 66
Sunhak Peace Prize 66
Peter Mackler Award 66
Udhampur Bravehearts Honoured 66
Gopi Chand Honoured 67
Seychelles Honour 67
France Honours Train Heroes 67
Stockholm Water Prize (2015) 67
Ramanujan Prize 67
Prem Bhatia Award 67
National Sports Awards (2015) 67
7. People in News
8. Places in News
9. Latest Books and Authors
10. Sports and Games
IPL Championship (2015) 76
Practice Test Paper - 1
Answers 11
Practice Test Paper - 2
Answers 20
Question Paper 201 1
Answers 11
Explanatory Notes 11
Question Paper 2012
Answers 23
Explanatory Notes 24
Question Paper 2013 V
Answers 38 ^
National Games (201S) 77
Cricket World Cup (2015) 78
Special Olympics (2015) 79
Multiple Choice Questions 84
Answers 89
Practice Test Paper - 3
Answers 29
Practice lest Paper - 4
Answers 39
Explanatory Notes 38
Question Paper 2014
Answers 52
Explanatory Notes 52
Question Paper 2015
Answers 62
Explanatory Notes 63

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