The mines and minerals (development and regulation) act,1957 (Bare Act)/ Universal Law Publishing

Material type: TextTextPublication details: New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing, 2010Description: 295 pDDC classification: 343.54
THE MINES AND MINERALS (DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATION) ACT, 1957 Introduction . . . 1 PRELIMINARY Sections 1. Short title, extent and commencement . . . 2 2. Declaration as to the expediency of Union control . . . 2 3. Definitions . . . 2 GENERAL RESTRICTIONS ON UNDERTAKING PROSPECTING AND MINING OPERATIONS 4. Prospecting or mining operations to be under licence or lease. . 3 4A. Termination of prospecting licences or mining leases . . . 4 5. Restrictions on the grant of prospecting licences or mining leases . 5 6. Maximum area for which a prospecting licence or mining lease may be granted . . . 6 7. Periods for which prospecting licences may be granted or renewed . . . 7 8. Periods for which mining leases may be granted or renewed . . 7 9. Royalties in respect of mining leases . . . 8 9A. Dead rent to be paid by the lessee . . . 9 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PROSPECTING LICENCES OR MINING LEASES IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST IN THE GOVERNMENT 10. Application for prospecting licences or mining leases . . . 9 11. Preferential right of certain persons . . . 40 12. Registers of prospecting licences and mining leases . . . 11 RULES FOR REGULATING THE GRANT OF PROSPECTING LICENCES AND MINING LEASES 13. Power of Central Government to make rules in respect of minerals . 12 13A. Power of Central Government to make rules for the grant of prospecting licences or mining leases in respect of territorial waters or continental shelf of India . . . 14 14. Sections 5 to 13 not to apply to minor minerals . . . 14 15. Power of State Governments to make rules in respect of minor minerals . . . 14 16. Power to modify mining leases granted before 25th October, 1949 . 16 SPECIAL POWERS OF CENTk'AL GOVERNMENT TO UNDERTAKE PROSPECTING OR MINING OPERATIONS IN CERTAIN CASES 17. Special powers of Central Government to undertake prospe<iing or mining operations in certain lands . . . 17 17A. Reservation of area for purposes of conservation . . •. 17 DEVELOPMENT OF MINERALS 18. Mineral development . . . 18 18A. Power to authorise Geological Survey of India, etc., to make investigation . . . 20 MISCELLANEOUS 19. Prospecting licences and mining leases to be void if in contravention of Act . . . 21 20. Act and rules to apply to all renewals of prospecting licences and mining leases . . . 21 21. Penalties . . . 21 22. Cognizance of offences . . . 22 23. Offences by companies . . . 22 23A. Compounding of offences . . . 23 23B. Power to search . . . 23 23C. Power of State Government to make rules for preventing illegal miriing, transportation and storage of minerals . . . 23 24. Power of entry and inspection . . . 24 24A. Rights and liabilities of a holder of prospecting licence or mining lease . . . 24 25. Recovery of certain sums as arrears of land revenue . . . 25 26. Delegation of powers . . . 25 27. Protection of action taken in good faith . . . 26 28. Rules and notifications to be laid before Parliament and certain rules to be approved by Parliament . . . 26 29. Existing rules to continue . . . ' 26 30. Power of revision of Central Government . . . 26 30A. Special provisions relating to mining leases for coal granted before 25th October, 1949 . . . 27 31. Relaxation of rules in special cases . . . 27 32. Amendments to Act 53 of 1948.—(Rep. by the Rqjenlhig and Amending Act, 1960 (58 of 1960), sec. 2 and Sch. /. (w.e.f 26-12-1960}.] . . . 27 33. Validation of certain acts and indemnity . . . 27 THE FIRST SCHEDULE.—Specified Minerals . . . 29 THE SECOND SCHEDULE—Rates of Royalty . . . 30 THE THIRD SCHEDULE.—Rates of Dead Rent . . . 33 THE MINERAL CONCESSION RULES, 1960 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Rules • 1. Short title ,. 35 2. Definitions 35 3. Saving of Act 33 of 1962 35 CHAPTER II GRANT OF RECONNAISSANCE PERMITS 4. Application for reconnaissance permit 35 4A. Acknowledgement of application 36 5. Refusal of application for a reconnaissance permit 36 6. Status of grant on death of the applicant for reconnaissance permit. 36 7. Conditions of a reconnaissance permit 37 7A. Reconnaissance permit to be executed within three months 38 7B. Security deposit 39 7C. Prospecting licences and mining leases of other minerals. 39 7D. Registers ' 39 CHAPTER III GRANT OF PROSPECTING LICENCES IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST IN THE GOVERNMENT 8. Applicability of Chapter II, Chapter III and Chapter IV . . . 39 9. Application for prospecting licence and its renewal . . . 39 10. Acknowledgement of application . . . 41 11. Disposal of application for the grant and renewal of prospecting licence 41 12. Refusal of application for a prospecting licence . . . 42 13. [Omitted] . . . 42 13A. Status of grant on death of the applicant for prospecting licence . 43 14. Conditions of a prospecting licence . . . ^ 43 15. Licence to be executed within three months . . . 45 15A. . . . 46 16. Report of information obtained by the licensee . . . 46 17. [Omitted] . . . 46 18. Maintenance of accounts . . . 46 19. Inspection . . . 46 20. Security deposit . . . 46 21. Registers . . . 47 CHAPTER IV GRANT OF MINING LEASES IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST IN THE GOVERNMENT 22. Applications for grant of mining leases . . . 47 22A. Mining operations to be in accordance with Mining Plans . . 52 Rules Mining plan to be prepared by recognised persons Grant of recognition by Central Government. Minimum size of the mining lease Acknowledgement of application [Omitted] Disposal of application for mining lease Renewal of mining lease Renewal of mining lease in favour of a person using the mineral in his own industry [Omitted] Status of the grant on the death of applicant for mining lease Refusal of application for grant and renewal of mining lease Conditions Lapsing of leases Restrictions on determination of lease Provision for closure Rights of lessee Lease to be executed within six months Security deposit Survey of the area leased Manner of exercise of preferential rights for mining lease Preferential rights of certain persons Boundaries below the surface Transfer of lease Transfer of lease to be executed within three months Amalgamation of leases Pending applications for transfer and amalgamation Registers CHAPTER V PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A PROSPECTING LICENCE OR MINING LEASE IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST IN A PERSON OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENT Applicability of this chapter Restrictions on the grant of prospecting licence and mining lease [Omitted] Conditions of prospecting licence Conditions of mining lease Transfer or assignment Submission of copy of licence or lease Communication of transfer or assignment 49. Prohibition of premium 50. Prohibition of working of mines 51. Returns and Statements • • 52. Penalty CHAPTER VI GRANT OF PROSPECTING LICENCES AND MINING LEASES IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST PARTLY IN THE GOVERNMENT AND PARTLY IN PRIVATE PERSONS 53. Chapters III and IV to apply to prospecting licences and mining leases in respect of minerals which vest partly in Government and partly in private persons CHAPTER VI REVISION 54. Application for revision 55. Orders on revision application CHAPTER VIII MISCELLANEOUS 56. Power to rectify apparent mistakes 57. Copies of licences and leases and annual returns to be supplied to Government 58. lOmitted] 59. Availability of area for regrant to be notified 60. Premature applications 61. Lessor to supply certain information to the lessee 62. Change of name, nationality, etc. to be intimated 63. Previous approval of the Central Government to be obtained through State Government 63A. 64. How the fees and deposit to be made 64A. 64B. Charging of royalty in case of minerals subjected to processing 64C. Royalty on tailings or rejects 64D. Manner of payment of royalty on minerals on ad valorem basis 65. Facilities for training of students 66. Geophysical data to be supplied to the Geological Survey of India and the Department of Atomic Energy 66A. Special provisions relating to atomic minerals 67. Lease period 68. Repeal CHAPTER IX 69. Associated minerals 70. Sand not be treated as minor mineral when used for certain purposes 71. [Omitted] CHAPTER X 72. Payment of compensation to owner of surface rights, etc. . . 81 73. Assessment of compensation for damage . . . 81 74. Issue of notification where prospecting operations are to be*undertaken by the Geological Survey of India, etc. . . . 82 75. Prospecting or mining operation by State Governments . . ' . 82 SCHEDULE 1.— . . . 82 FORM A.—Application for reconnaissance permit . . . 83 FORM Al.—[Omitted] . . . 84 FORM A2.—[Omitted] . . . 84 FORM B.—Application for prospecting licence . . . 85 FORM C.—[Omitted] . . . 88 FORM D.—Receipt of applications for prospecting licence/mining lease or renewals . . . 89 FORM Dl.—Receipt of application for reconnaissance permit . 89 FORM E.—Application for renewal of prospecting licence . . 89 FORM F.—Application for prospecting licence . . . 92 FORM Fl.—Reconnaissance permit deed • • • 103 FORM G.—Register of applications for prospecting licences. . HI FORM Gl.—Register of applications for reconnaissance permits FORM H.—Register of prospecting licences FORM HI.—Register of reconnaissance permits . . . 112 FORM 1.—Application for mining lease . . . 113 FORM J.—Application for renewal of mining lease . FORM K.—Mining lease deed FORM L.—Register of applications for mining lease . FORM M.—Register of mining leases FORM N.—Application for revision FORM O.—Model form for transfer of mining lease . . . 142 FORM P.—Model form for transfer of prospecting licence . • 144 SCHEDULE I.—Location and area of the lease • • • SCHEDULE //.—Application fee for prospecting licences. SCHEDULE III.—Maximum quantities of ores and minerals removable SCHEDULE IV.—[Omitted] . . . SCHEDULE V.—Institutions/Banks/Corporations THE MINERAL CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT RULES, 1988 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Rules ■ J5Q 1. Short title and commencement • • 2. Application ' ' " 3. Definitions CHAPTER lA RECONNAISSANCE OPERATIONS 3A. Scheme of reconnaissance 3B. Modification of scheme of reconnaissance 3C. Reconnaissance operations to be carried out in accordance with the scheme of reconnaissance 3D. Initimation about reconnaissance operations 3E. Submission of reports about recormaissance operations . CHAPTER 11 PROSPECTING OPERATIONS 4. Scheme of prospecting • 5. Modification of scheme of prospecting 6. Prospecting operation to be carried out in accordance with scheme of prospecting 7. Intimation about prospecting operations 8. Report of prospecting operations CHAPTER III MINING OPERATIONS 9. Mining Plan 10. Modification of mining plan 11. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee 12. Review of mining plan 13. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plans 14. Prospecting and mining operatiorrs 15. Opencast working 16. Separate stacking of non-salable minerals 17. Underground mining operations 18. Sub-grade minerals to be brought to surface 19. Prohibition of reduction of blocks 20. Beneficiation studies to be carried out 21. Machinery and plant 22. Notice for opening of a mine 23. Abandonment of mines 23A. Mine Closure Plan 23B. Submission of Progressive Mine Closure Plan 23C. Submission of Final Mine Closure Plan 23D. The modification of Mine Closure Plan 23E. Responsibility of the holder of mining lease 23F. Financial assurance 24. Notice of temporary discontinuance of work in mines and obligations of the lease-holder 25. Intimation of reopening of a mine 26. Sloping of vein, etc. CHAPTER IV FLANS AND SECTIONS 27. General requirements about plans and sections 28. Types of plans and sections 29. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted 30. Preparation of plans CHAPTER V ENVIRONMENT 31. Protection of environment 32. Removal and utilisation of top soil 33. Storage of overburden, waste rock, etc. 34. Reclamation and rehabilitation of lands 35. Precaution against ground vibrations 36. Control of surface subsidence 37. Precaution against air pollution 38. Discharge of toxic liquid 39. Precaution against noise 40. Permissible limits and standards 41. Restoration of flora CHAPTER VI EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS 42. Employment of geologist and mining engineer 43. Duties of geologist 44. Duties of mining engineer CHAPTER Vn NOTICES AND RETURNS 45. Monthly, quarterly and annual returns 46. Notice of certain appointments 47. Notice of shaft sinking and boreholes 48. Records of shafts and boreholes 49. Change in the name of mine to be notified 50. Notice of transfer of prospecting licence or mining lease 50A. Notice of amalgamation of mining lease 51. Transfer of records to transferees 52 Copies of notices/returns to be submitted to the State Government 53. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained CHAPTER VIII EXAMINATION OF MINERALS AND ISSUE OF DIRECTIVES 54. Power to issue directions 55. Examination of mineral deposits and taking of samples . 56. Prohibition of deployment in certain cases CHAPTER IX REVISION AND PENALTY 57. Revision 58. Penalty CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS 59. Preservation of cores, etc. 60. Facilities for undertaking research or traning 61. Submission of records/reports regarding research in geology or mining 62. Territorial jurisdiction of Controller of Mines/Regional Controller . 63. Obligation to supply other information 64. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 65. Chief Controller of Mines, etc. to exercise powers of the Regional Controller of mines 66. Repeal and savings SCHEDULE FORM A.— Notice of commencement of prospecting operations . FORM AA.—Notice of commencement of reconnaissance operations FORM B.— Yearly Report of the prospecting operations carried out FORM BE.— [Yenrli/ Report about reconnaissance operations— See rule 3E] FORM C.— Notice of intimation of opening/re-opening of mine/change in the name of mine FORM D.— Notice of intention of abandonment of mine or part of the mine FORM Dl.—Notice of temporary discontinuance of mine FORM E.— Notice of commencement of stoping FORM Fl.— Monthly Return [S^e rule 45(l)(a)(i)] FORM F2.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(ii)] FORM F3.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a}(iii)] FORM F4.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(iv)] FORM F5.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(v}] FORM F6.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(2)(a}(vi)] FORM F7.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(J)(a)(im)] FORM F8.— Monthly Return [S(V rule 45(l)(n)(viii)] . FORM F9.— Monthly Return [Set? rule 45(l)(a)(ix)] THE GRANITE CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT RULES, 1999 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Rules 1. Short title and commencement 2. Application 3. Definitions CHAPTER II PROSPECTING AND MINING OF GRANITE ^ 4. Prospecting to precede mining operations 5. Period for which prospecting licence may be granted or renewed . 6. Period for which leases may be granted or renewed 7. Minimum and maximum area for grant of a mining lease CHAPTER III PROSPECTING OPERATIONS 8. Scheme of prospecting 9. Modification of scheme of prospecting 10. Prospecting operations to be carried out in accordance with scherne of prospecting 11. Report of prospecting operations CHAPTER IV MINING PLAN 12. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the grant of lease 13. Mining plan to be prepared by a recognised person 14. Grant recognition by State Government 15. Approval and submission of mining plan CHAPTER V MINING OPERATIONS 16. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the commencement of mining operations 252 17. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee 18. Review of mining plan 19. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plan 20. Prospecting and mining operations 21. System of working 22. Separate stacking of non-saleable granite 23. Notice for opening of a mine and intimation of existence of a 24. Abandonment or surrender of quarries 25. Notice of temporary discontinuance of work in quarries. 26. Intimation of reopening of a quarry 27. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted 28. Preparation of plans CHAPTER VI SYSTEMATIC AND SCIENTIFIC MINING 29. Protection of environment 30. Removal and utilisation of top soil 31. Storage of overburden, waste rock, etc. 32. Reclamation and Rehabilitation of lands 33. Precaution against air pollution 34. Discharge of effluents 35. Precaution against noise 36. Permissible limits and standard 37. Restoration of flora CHAPTER VII EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS 38. Emplojmient of mining engineer 39. Duties of mining engineer 40. Supply of materials, appliances and facilities mine CHAPTER VIII NOTICES AND RETURNS 41. Half yearly and annual returns 42. Notice of certain appointments 43. Records of boreholes 44. Transfer of records of transferees 45. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained CHAPTER IX REVISION AND PENALTY 46. Revision 47. Penalty CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS 48. Facilities for undertaking research or training 49. Territorial jurisdiction 50. Obligation to supply other information 51. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 52. Applicability of the provisions of Minor Mineral Concession Rules framed by the State Government 53. Delegation of powers SCHEDULE FORM A.— Yearly Report of Prospecting Operations Carried Out FORM B.— Notice of Intimation of Opening of Mine/Quarry FORM C.— Notice of Intention Abandonment/Surrender of Mine/Quarry or Part of The Mine/Quarry . FORM D.— Notice of Temporary Dis-continuance of Quarry/Mine FORM E.— Notice of Intimation of Reopening of Quarry/Mine FORM F.— Half Yearly Return FORM G.—Annual Return FORM H.—Notice of Certain Appointment/Resignation/ Termination/Change of Address FORM I.— Particulars to be Recorded in A Durable Bound Paged Book In Respect of Each Bore Hole/Pit THE MARBLE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION RULES, 2002 CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Rules 1. Short title and commencement 2. Application 3. Definitions 274 CHAPTER 11 PROSPECTING AND MINING OF MARBLE , 4. Prospecting to precede mining operations 275 5. Period for which prospecting licence may be granted 275 6. Period for which leases may be granted 275 7. Minimum and maximum area for grant of a mining lease 276 CHAPTER III PROSPECTING OPERATIONS 8. Scheme of prospecting 276 9. Modification of scheme of prospecting 276 10. Prospecting operations to be carried out in accordance with scheme of prospecting 276 11. Report of prospecting operations 277 CHAPTER IV MINING PLAN 12. Mining Plan as a pre-requisite to the grant of lease 277 13. Mining plan to be prepared by a recognised person 277 14. Grant of recognition by State Government 278 15. Approval and submission of mining plan 278 CHAPTER V MINING OPERATIONS 16. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the commencement of mining operations 279 17. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee 279 18. Review of mining plan 280 19. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plan 280 20. Prospecting and mining operations 281 21. System of working 281 22. Separate stacking of non-saleable marble ^ 282 23. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted 282 24. Preparation of plans 282 CHAPTER VI SYSTEMATIC AND SCIENTIFIC MINING 25. Protection of environment 282 26. Removal and utilisation of top soil 282 27. Storage of overburden waste rock, etc. 283 28. Reclamation and Rehabilitation of lands 283 29. Precaution against air pollution 283 30. Discharge of effluents 283 31. Precaution against noise 283 32. Permissible limits and standards 283 33. Restoration of flora 283 CHAPTER VII EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS 34. Employment of mining engineer 284 35. Duties of mining engineer . , . 285 36. Supply of materials, appliances and facilities 285 CHAPTER VIII NOTICES AND RETURNS 37. Half yearly and annual returns 285 38. Transfer of records of transferees 285 39. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained 286 CHAPTER IX REVISION AND PENALTY 40. Revision 286 41. Penalty 286 CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS 42. Facilities for undertaking research or training 287 43. Territorial jurisdiction 287 44. Obligation to supply other information 287 45. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 287 46. Applicability of the provisions of Minor Mineral Concession Rules framed by the State Government 287 47. Delegation of powers 287 SCHEDULE 287 FORM A.—Yearly Report of Prospecting Operations carried out 287 FORM B.— Half Yearly Return 289 FORM C.— Annual Return 291 THE COLLIERY CONTROL RULES, 2004 1. Short title and commencement 2. Definitions 3. Categorisation of Coal 4. Procedure for categorisation of coal 5. Submission of returns and information to Coal Controller 6. Directions to regulate the disposal of coal stocks 7. Power of the Coal Controller for quality surveillance 8. Power to prohibit or limit the mining or production of coal 9. Requirement of prior permission to open a coal mine, seam or section of a seam 10. Notice of suspension or closure 11. Power to restrict sub-division of a coal mine 12. Power of inspect collieries 13. 14. 15. Delegation of powers to Coal Controller 16. Power to exempt
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Introduction . . . 1
1. Short title, extent and commencement . . . 2
2. Declaration as to the expediency of Union control . . . 2
3. Definitions . . . 2
4. Prospecting or mining operations to be under licence or lease. . 3 4A. Termination of prospecting licences or mining leases . . . 4
5. Restrictions on the grant of prospecting licences or mining leases . 5 6. Maximum area for which a prospecting licence or mining lease may be granted . . . 6 7. Periods for which prospecting licences may be granted
or renewed . . . 7
8. Periods for which mining leases may be granted or renewed . . 7 9. Royalties in respect of mining leases . . . 8
9A. Dead rent to be paid by the lessee . . . 9
10. Application for prospecting licences or mining leases . . . 9 11. Preferential right of certain persons . . . 40 12. Registers of prospecting licences and mining leases . . . 11
LICENCES AND MINING LEASES 13. Power of Central Government to make rules in respect of minerals . 12 13A. Power of Central Government to make rules for the grant of prospecting licences or mining leases in respect of territorial
waters or continental shelf of India . . . 14 14. Sections 5 to 13 not to apply to minor minerals . . . 14 15. Power of State Governments to make rules in respect of minor minerals . . . 14 16. Power to modify mining leases granted before 25th October, 1949 . 16
SPECIAL POWERS OF CENTk'AL GOVERNMENT TO UNDERTAKE PROSPECTING OR MINING OPERATIONS IN CERTAIN CASES 17. Special powers of Central Government to undertake prospe<iing or mining operations in certain lands . . . 17
17A. Reservation of area for purposes of conservation . . •. 17
18. Mineral development . . . 18 18A. Power to authorise Geological Survey of India, etc., to make investigation . . . 20
MISCELLANEOUS 19. Prospecting licences and mining leases to be void if in contravention of Act . . . 21 20. Act and rules to apply to all renewals of prospecting licences and mining leases . . . 21
21. Penalties . . . 21
22. Cognizance of offences . . . 22
23. Offences by companies . . . 22 23A. Compounding of offences . . . 23
23B. Power to search . . . 23
23C. Power of State Government to make rules for preventing illegal miriing, transportation and storage of minerals . . . 23 24. Power of entry and inspection . . . 24 24A. Rights and liabilities of a holder of prospecting licence or mining lease . . . 24
25. Recovery of certain sums as arrears of land revenue . . . 25
26. Delegation of powers . . . 25 27. Protection of action taken in good faith . . . 26
28. Rules and notifications to be laid before Parliament and certain rules to be approved by Parliament . . . 26
29. Existing rules to continue . . . ' 26
30. Power of revision of Central Government . . . 26 30A. Special provisions relating to mining leases for coal granted before 25th October, 1949 . . . 27 31. Relaxation of rules in special cases . . . 27 32. Amendments to Act 53 of 1948.—(Rep. by the Rqjenlhig and Amending Act, 1960 (58 of 1960), sec. 2 and Sch. /. (w.e.f 26-12-1960}.] . . . 27 33. Validation of certain acts and indemnity . . . 27 THE FIRST SCHEDULE.—Specified Minerals . . . 29 THE SECOND SCHEDULE—Rates of Royalty . . . 30 THE THIRD SCHEDULE.—Rates of Dead Rent . . . 33
• 1. Short title ,. 35
2. Definitions 35 3. Saving of Act 33 of 1962 35
4. Application for reconnaissance permit 35
4A. Acknowledgement of application 36 5. Refusal of application for a reconnaissance permit 36 6. Status of grant on death of the applicant for reconnaissance permit. 36 7. Conditions of a reconnaissance permit 37
7A. Reconnaissance permit to be executed within three months 38
7B. Security deposit 39
7C. Prospecting licences and mining leases of other minerals. 39
7D. Registers ' 39
8. Applicability of Chapter II, Chapter III and Chapter IV . . . 39
9. Application for prospecting licence and its renewal . . . 39
10. Acknowledgement of application . . . 41 11. Disposal of application for the grant and renewal of prospecting licence 41 12. Refusal of application for a prospecting licence . . . 42
13. [Omitted] . . . 42 13A. Status of grant on death of the applicant for prospecting licence . 43 14. Conditions of a prospecting licence . . . ^ 43
15. Licence to be executed within three months . . . 45
15A. . . . 46
16. Report of information obtained by the licensee . . . 46
17. [Omitted] . . . 46
18. Maintenance of accounts . . . 46
19. Inspection . . . 46 20. Security deposit . . . 46
21. Registers . . . 47
THE MINERALS VEST IN THE GOVERNMENT 22. Applications for grant of mining leases . . . 47 22A. Mining operations to be in accordance with Mining Plans . . 52

Mining plan to be prepared by recognised persons
Grant of recognition by Central Government.
Minimum size of the mining lease Acknowledgement of application
[Omitted] Disposal of application for mining lease
Renewal of mining lease Renewal of mining lease in favour of a person using the mineral in his own industry
[Omitted] Status of the grant on the death of applicant for mining lease Refusal of application for grant and renewal of mining lease
Conditions Lapsing of leases
Restrictions on determination of lease
Provision for closure
Rights of lessee
Lease to be executed within six months
Security deposit Survey of the area leased Manner of exercise of preferential rights for mining lease Preferential rights of certain persons
Boundaries below the surface
Transfer of lease
Transfer of lease to be executed within three months Amalgamation of leases Pending applications for transfer and amalgamation
PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A PROSPECTING LICENCE OR MINING LEASE IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST IN A PERSON OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENT Applicability of this chapter Restrictions on the grant of prospecting licence and mining lease [Omitted] Conditions of prospecting licence
Conditions of mining lease
Transfer or assignment Submission of copy of licence or lease
Communication of transfer or assignment

49. Prohibition of premium 50. Prohibition of working of mines
51. Returns and Statements • •
52. Penalty
GRANT OF PROSPECTING LICENCES AND MINING LEASES IN RESPECT OF LAND IN WHICH THE MINERALS VEST PARTLY IN THE GOVERNMENT AND PARTLY IN PRIVATE PERSONS 53. Chapters III and IV to apply to prospecting licences and mining leases in respect of minerals which vest partly in Government and partly in private persons
54. Application for revision
55. Orders on revision application
56. Power to rectify apparent mistakes 57. Copies of licences and leases and annual returns to be supplied to Government
58. lOmitted] 59. Availability of area for regrant to be notified
60. Premature applications 61. Lessor to supply certain information to the lessee 62. Change of name, nationality, etc. to be intimated 63. Previous approval of the Central Government to be obtained through State Government
63A. 64. How the fees and deposit to be made
64A. 64B. Charging of royalty in case of minerals subjected to processing 64C. Royalty on tailings or rejects 64D. Manner of payment of royalty on minerals on ad valorem basis 65. Facilities for training of students 66. Geophysical data to be supplied to the Geological Survey of India and the Department of Atomic Energy 66A. Special provisions relating to atomic minerals 67. Lease period
68. Repeal
69. Associated minerals 70. Sand not be treated as minor mineral when used for certain purposes
71. [Omitted]

CHAPTER X 72. Payment of compensation to owner of surface rights, etc. . . 81 73. Assessment of compensation for damage . . . 81 74. Issue of notification where prospecting operations are to be*undertaken by the Geological Survey of India, etc. . . . 82 75. Prospecting or mining operation by State Governments . . ' . 82 SCHEDULE 1.— . . . 82 FORM A.—Application for reconnaissance permit . . . 83 FORM Al.—[Omitted] . . . 84 FORM A2.—[Omitted] . . . 84 FORM B.—Application for prospecting licence . . . 85 FORM C.—[Omitted] . . . 88 FORM D.—Receipt of applications for prospecting licence/mining lease or renewals . . . 89 FORM Dl.—Receipt of application for reconnaissance permit . 89 FORM E.—Application for renewal of prospecting licence . . 89 FORM F.—Application for prospecting licence . . . 92 FORM Fl.—Reconnaissance permit deed • • • 103 FORM G.—Register of applications for prospecting licences. . HI FORM Gl.—Register of applications for reconnaissance permits FORM H.—Register of prospecting licences FORM HI.—Register of reconnaissance permits . . . 112 FORM 1.—Application for mining lease . . . 113 FORM J.—Application for renewal of mining lease . FORM K.—Mining lease deed FORM L.—Register of applications for mining lease . FORM M.—Register of mining leases FORM N.—Application for revision FORM O.—Model form for transfer of mining lease . . . 142 FORM P.—Model form for transfer of prospecting licence . • 144 SCHEDULE I.—Location and area of the lease • • • SCHEDULE //.—Application fee for prospecting licences. SCHEDULE III.—Maximum quantities of ores and minerals removable SCHEDULE IV.—[Omitted] . . . SCHEDULE V.—Institutions/Banks/Corporations
PRELIMINARY Rules ■ J5Q 1. Short title and commencement • • 2. Application ' ' "
3. Definitions

3A. Scheme of reconnaissance
3B. Modification of scheme of reconnaissance 3C. Reconnaissance operations to be carried out in accordance
with the scheme of reconnaissance
3D. Initimation about reconnaissance operations 3E. Submission of reports about recormaissance operations .
4. Scheme of prospecting • 5. Modification of scheme of prospecting 6. Prospecting operation to be carried out in accordance with scheme of prospecting
7. Intimation about prospecting operations 8. Report of prospecting operations
9. Mining Plan
10. Modification of mining plan 11. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee
12. Review of mining plan 13. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plans 14. Prospecting and mining operatiorrs
15. Opencast working 16. Separate stacking of non-salable minerals 17. Underground mining operations 18. Sub-grade minerals to be brought to surface
19. Prohibition of reduction of blocks
20. Beneficiation studies to be carried out 21. Machinery and plant
22. Notice for opening of a mine
23. Abandonment of mines
23A. Mine Closure Plan 23B. Submission of Progressive Mine Closure Plan
23C. Submission of Final Mine Closure Plan
23D. The modification of Mine Closure Plan 23E. Responsibility of the holder of mining lease
23F. Financial assurance 24. Notice of temporary discontinuance of work in mines and obligations of the lease-holder

25. Intimation of reopening of a mine
26. Sloping of vein, etc.
27. General requirements about plans and sections
28. Types of plans and sections
29. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted
30. Preparation of plans
31. Protection of environment
32. Removal and utilisation of top soil
33. Storage of overburden, waste rock, etc.
34. Reclamation and rehabilitation of lands
35. Precaution against ground vibrations
36. Control of surface subsidence
37. Precaution against air pollution
38. Discharge of toxic liquid
39. Precaution against noise
40. Permissible limits and standards
41. Restoration of flora
42. Employment of geologist and mining engineer
43. Duties of geologist
44. Duties of mining engineer
45. Monthly, quarterly and annual returns
46. Notice of certain appointments
47. Notice of shaft sinking and boreholes
48. Records of shafts and boreholes 49. Change in the name of mine to be notified 50. Notice of transfer of prospecting licence or mining lease 50A. Notice of amalgamation of mining lease 51. Transfer of records to transferees 52 Copies of notices/returns to be submitted to the State Government 53. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained

54. Power to issue directions 55. Examination of mineral deposits and taking of samples . 56. Prohibition of deployment in certain cases
57. Revision
58. Penalty
59. Preservation of cores, etc. 60. Facilities for undertaking research or traning 61. Submission of records/reports regarding research in geology or mining 62. Territorial jurisdiction of Controller of Mines/Regional Controller . 63. Obligation to supply other information 64. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 65. Chief Controller of Mines, etc. to exercise powers of the Regional Controller of mines 66. Repeal and savings
SCHEDULE FORM A.— Notice of commencement of prospecting operations .
FORM AA.—Notice of commencement of reconnaissance operations FORM B.— Yearly Report of the prospecting operations
carried out FORM BE.— [Yenrli/ Report about reconnaissance operations— See rule 3E] FORM C.— Notice of intimation of opening/re-opening of mine/change in the name of mine
FORM D.— Notice of intention of abandonment of mine or part of the mine FORM Dl.—Notice of temporary discontinuance of mine FORM E.— Notice of commencement of stoping FORM Fl.— Monthly Return [S^e rule 45(l)(a)(i)] FORM F2.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(ii)] FORM F3.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a}(iii)] FORM F4.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(iv)] FORM F5.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(l)(a)(v}] FORM F6.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(2)(a}(vi)] FORM F7.— Monthly Return [See rule 45(J)(a)(im)]
FORM F8.— Monthly Return [S(V rule 45(l)(n)(viii)] .
FORM F9.— Monthly Return [Set? rule 45(l)(a)(ix)]

1. Short title and commencement
2. Application
3. Definitions
4. Prospecting to precede mining operations 5. Period for which prospecting licence may be granted or renewed . 6. Period for which leases may be granted or renewed 7. Minimum and maximum area for grant of a mining lease
8. Scheme of prospecting
9. Modification of scheme of prospecting 10. Prospecting operations to be carried out in accordance with scherne of prospecting 11. Report of prospecting operations

MINING PLAN 12. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the grant of lease 13. Mining plan to be prepared by a recognised person 14. Grant recognition by State Government 15. Approval and submission of mining plan

MINING OPERATIONS 16. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the commencement of mining operations 252 17. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee 18. Review of mining plan 19. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plan 20. Prospecting and mining operations 21. System of working 22. Separate stacking of non-saleable granite 23. Notice for opening of a mine and intimation of existence of a 24. Abandonment or surrender of quarries 25. Notice of temporary discontinuance of work in quarries. 26. Intimation of reopening of a quarry 27. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted 28. Preparation of plans
29. Protection of environment 30. Removal and utilisation of top soil 31. Storage of overburden, waste rock, etc.
32. Reclamation and Rehabilitation of lands 33. Precaution against air pollution 34. Discharge of effluents 35. Precaution against noise
36. Permissible limits and standard
37. Restoration of flora
EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS 38. Emplojmient of mining engineer 39. Duties of mining engineer 40. Supply of materials, appliances and facilities

NOTICES AND RETURNS 41. Half yearly and annual returns 42. Notice of certain appointments
43. Records of boreholes
44. Transfer of records of transferees 45. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained
46. Revision 47. Penalty

48. Facilities for undertaking research or training
49. Territorial jurisdiction 50. Obligation to supply other information 51. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 52. Applicability of the provisions of Minor Mineral Concession Rules framed by the State Government 53. Delegation of powers
FORM A.— Yearly Report of Prospecting Operations
Carried Out FORM B.— Notice of Intimation of Opening of Mine/Quarry FORM C.— Notice of Intention Abandonment/Surrender of Mine/Quarry or Part of The Mine/Quarry . FORM D.— Notice of Temporary Dis-continuance of Quarry/Mine FORM E.— Notice of Intimation of Reopening of Quarry/Mine FORM F.— Half Yearly Return
FORM G.—Annual Return FORM H.—Notice of Certain Appointment/Resignation/ Termination/Change of Address FORM I.— Particulars to be Recorded in A Durable Bound Paged Book In Respect of Each Bore Hole/Pit
1. Short title and commencement
2. Application

3. Definitions 274
PROSPECTING AND MINING OF MARBLE , 4. Prospecting to precede mining operations 275 5. Period for which prospecting licence may be granted 275 6. Period for which leases may be granted 275 7. Minimum and maximum area for grant of a mining lease 276
PROSPECTING OPERATIONS 8. Scheme of prospecting 276 9. Modification of scheme of prospecting 276 10. Prospecting operations to be carried out in accordance with scheme of prospecting 276 11. Report of prospecting operations 277
MINING PLAN 12. Mining Plan as a pre-requisite to the grant of lease 277 13. Mining plan to be prepared by a recognised person 277 14. Grant of recognition by State Government 278 15. Approval and submission of mining plan 278
MINING OPERATIONS 16. Mining plan as a pre-requisite to the commencement of mining operations 279 17. Mining plan to be submitted by the existing lessee 279 18. Review of mining plan 280 19. Mining operations to be in accordance with mining plan 280 20. Prospecting and mining operations 281 21. System of working 281 22. Separate stacking of non-saleable marble ^ 282 23. Copies of plans and sections to be submitted 282 24. Preparation of plans 282
SYSTEMATIC AND SCIENTIFIC MINING 25. Protection of environment 282 26. Removal and utilisation of top soil 282 27. Storage of overburden waste rock, etc. 283 28. Reclamation and Rehabilitation of lands 283 29. Precaution against air pollution 283 30. Discharge of effluents 283 31. Precaution against noise 283 32. Permissible limits and standards 283 33. Restoration of flora 283
CHAPTER VII EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED PERSONS 34. Employment of mining engineer 284 35. Duties of mining engineer . , . 285 36. Supply of materials, appliances and facilities 285
CHAPTER VIII NOTICES AND RETURNS 37. Half yearly and annual returns
285 38. Transfer of records of transferees 285 39. Copies of notices and returns to be maintained 286
REVISION AND PENALTY 40. Revision 286 41. Penalty 286
MISCELLANEOUS 42. Facilities for undertaking research or training 287 43. Territorial jurisdiction 287 44. Obligation to supply other information 287 45. Provisions of these rules to be applicable to Government 287 46. Applicability of the provisions of Minor Mineral Concession Rules framed by the State Government 287 47. Delegation of powers 287 SCHEDULE 287 FORM A.—Yearly Report of Prospecting Operations
carried out 287 FORM B.— Half Yearly Return 289
FORM C.— Annual Return 291
1. Short title and commencement
2. Definitions 3. Categorisation of Coal 4. Procedure for categorisation of coal 5. Submission of returns and information to Coal Controller 6. Directions to regulate the disposal of coal stocks 7. Power of the Coal Controller for quality surveillance 8. Power to prohibit or limit the mining or production of coal 9. Requirement of prior permission to open a coal mine,
seam or section of a seam 10. Notice of suspension or closure 11. Power to restrict sub-division of a coal mine 12. Power of inspect collieries
14. 15. Delegation of powers to Coal Controller 16. Power to exempt

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