Unix concepts and applications (Record no. 2276)

MARC details
fixed length control field 13144nam a2200181 4500
International Standard Book Number 9780070635463 (pb)
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 005.13
Item number DAS/U
Personal name Das, Sumitabha
Title Unix concepts and applications
Statement of responsibility, etc. Sumitabha Das
Edition statement 4th ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Tata Mc GRaw Hill ,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2006.
Extent xviii, 671 p.
Other physical details ill. ;
General note includes appendix and index
Formatted contents note CHAPTER 1<br/>1.1 The Operating System 4<br/>1.2 The UNIX Operating System<br/>1.3 Knowing \bur Machine 6<br/>1.4 A Brief Session 7<br/>1.5 How It All Clicked 15<br/>1.6 Linux and GNU 17<br/>1.7 Conclusion 18<br/>Wrap Up 18<br/>Test Your Understanding 19<br/>Flex Your Brain 19<br/>CHAPTER 2<br/>2.1 The UNIX Architecture 22<br/>2.2 Features of UNIX 25<br/>2.3 POSIX and the Single UNIX Specification 27<br/>2.4 Locating Commands 28<br/>2.5 Internal and External Commands 29<br/>2.6 Command Structure 30<br/>2.7 Flexibility of Command Usage 32<br/>2.8 Man Browsing the Manual Pages On-line 33<br/>2.9 Understanding the man Documentation 34<br/>2.10 Further Help with man -k, apropos and whatis 37<br/>2.11 When Things Go Wrong 39<br/>2.12 Conclusion 41<br/>Wrap Up 41<br/>Test Your Understanding 42<br/>Flex Your Brain 43<br/>CHAPTER OTNERAl-PtJRPOSE UTILmES<br/>3.1 cal: The Calendar 45<br/>3.2 date: Displaying the System Date 45<br/>3.3 echo: Displaying a Message 46<br/>3.4 printf: An Alternative to echo 48<br/>3.5 be: The Calculator 49<br/>3.6 script: Recording\bur Session 50<br/>3.7 Email Basics 51<br/>3.8 mailx: The Universal Mailer 52<br/>3.9 passwd: Changing "Vfour Password 55<br/>3.10 who: Who Are the Users.? 57<br/>3.11 unaroe: Knowing \bur Machine's Characteristics 58<br/>3.12 tty: Knowing "Ifour Terminal 59<br/>3.13 stty: Displaying and Setting Terminal Characteristics 59<br/>3.14 Conclusion 61<br/>Wrap Up 61<br/>Test Your Understanding 62<br/>Flex Your Brain 62<br/>CHAPTER 4 THE FILE SYSTEM<br/>4.1 The File 65<br/>4.2 What's in a (File)name.? 67<br/>4.3 The Parent-Child Relationship 67<br/>4.4 The HOME Variable: The Home Directory 68<br/>4.5 pwd: Checking \bur Current Directory 69<br/>4.6 cd: Changing the Current Directory 69<br/>4.7 mkdir: Making Directories 71<br/>4.8 rmdir: Removing Directories 71<br/>4.9 Absolute Pathnames 73<br/>4.10 Relative Pathnames 74<br/>4.11 Is: Listing Directory Contents 75<br/>4.12 The UNIX File System 79<br/>4.13 Conclusion 80<br/>Wrap Up 80<br/>Test Your Understanding 80<br/>Flex Your Brain 81<br/>■»<br/>CHAPTER5<br/>5.1 cat: Displaying and Creating Files 83<br/>5.2 cp: Copying a File 84<br/>5.3 rm: Deleting Files 85<br/>5.4 mv: Renaming Files 87<br/>5.5 more: Paging Output 88<br/>5.6 The Ip Subsystem: Printing a File 91<br/>5.7 file: Knowing the File Types 92<br/>5.8 wc: Counting Lines, Words and Characters 93<br/>5.9 od: Displaying Data in Octal 94<br/>5.10 cmp: Comparing Two Files 95<br/>5.11 coram: What is Common.? 95<br/>5.12 diff: Converting One File to Other 96<br/>5.13 dos2unix and unix2dos: Converting Between DOS and UNIX 97<br/>5.14 Compressing and Archiving Files 98<br/>5.15 gzip and gunzip: Compressing and Decompressing Files 99<br/>5.16 tar: The Archival Program 100<br/>5.17 zip and unzip: Compressing and Archiving Together 102<br/>5.18 Conclusion 103<br/><br/>V7rap Up 103<br/>Test Your Understanding 104<br/>Flex Your Brain 104<br/>CHAPTER 6<br/>6.1 Is -1: Listing File Attributes 106<br/>6.2 The-d Option: Listing Directory Attributes 108<br/>6.3 File Ownership 109<br/>6.4 File Permissions 109<br/><br/>6.5 chmod: Changing File Permissions 110<br/>6.6 Directory Permissions 115<br/>6.7 Changing File Ownership 116<br/>6.8 Conclusion 117<br/>Wrap Up 117<br/>Test Your Understanding 118<br/>Flex Your Brain 119<br/>CHAPTER 7THE.< EDITOR<br/>7.1 vi Basics 121<br/>7.1 Input Mode—Entering and Replacing Text 124<br/>■'<br/>7.3 Saving Text and Quitting—^The ex Mode 128<br/>7.4 Navigation 131<br/>7.5 Editing Text 134<br/>7.6 Undoing Last Editing Instructions (U and U) 137<br/>7.7 Repeating the Last Command (.) 138<br/>7.8 Searching for a Pattern (/ and ?) 138<br/>7.9 Substitution—Search and Replace (;s) 140<br/>7.10 Conclusion 141<br/>Wrap Up 141<br/>Test Your Understanding 142<br/>Flex Your Brain 143<br/>8.1 The Shell's Interpretive Cycle 146<br/>8.2 Shell Offerings 147<br/>8.3 Pattern Matching—^The Wild-cards 147<br/>8.4 Escaping and Quoting 152<br/>8.5 Redirection; The Three Standard Files 154<br/>8.6 /dev/nuU and/dev/tty: Two Special Files 160<br/>8.7 Pipes 161<br/>8.8 tee: Creating a Tee 164<br/>8.9 Command Substitution 165<br/>8.10 Shell Variables 166<br/>8.11 Conclusion 169<br/>Wrap Up 170<br/>Test Your Understanding 170<br/>Flex Your Brain 171<br/>9.1 Process Basics 174<br/>9.2 ps: Process Status 176<br/>9.3 System Processes (-0 or-a) 178<br/>9.4 Mechanism of Process Creation 179<br/>9.5 Internal and External Commands 181<br/>9.6 Process States and Zombies 181<br/>9.7 Running Jobs in Background ,182<br/>9.8 nice: Job Execution with Low Priority 183<br/>9.9 Killing Processes with Signals 184<br/>9.10 Job Control 185<br/>9.11 at and batch: Execute Later 187<br/>9.12 cron: Running Jobs Periodically 188<br/>9.13' time: Timing Processes 190<br/>9.14 Conclusion 190<br/>Wrap Up 190<br/>Test Your Understanding 191<br/>Flex Your Brain 192<br/>jHAmRiP.aiiroMEiNG.iim<br/>10.1 The Shells 194<br/>10.2 Environment Variables 194<br/>10.3 The Common Environment Variables 195<br/>10.4 Aliases (bash and ksh) 199<br/>10.5 Command History (bash and ksh) 200<br/>10.6 In-line Command Editing (bash and ksh) 203<br/>10.7 Miscellaneous Features (bash and ksh) 204<br/>10.8 The Initialization Scripts 205<br/>10.9 Conclusion 207<br/>Wrap Up 208<br/>Test Your Understanding 208<br/>Flex Your Brain 209<br/>11.1 File Systems and Inodes 211<br/>11.2 Hard Links 212<br/>11.3 Symbolic Links and 1 n 215<br/>11.4 The Directory 216<br/>11.5 umask: Default File and Directory Permissions 218<br/>11.6 Modification and Access Times 218<br/>11.7 find: Locating Files 220<br/>11.8 Conclusion 224<br/>Wrap Up 224<br/>Test Your Understanding 225<br/>Flex Your Brain 226<br/>CHAPTER 12 SIMPLE FILTERS<br/>12.1 The Sample Database 228<br/>12.2 pr: Paginating Files 229<br/>12.3 head: Displaying the Beginning of a File 230<br/>12.4 tail: Displaying the End of a File 231<br/>12.5 cut: Slitting a File Vertically 231<br/>12.6 paste: Pasting Files 233<br/>12.7 sort: Ordering a File 234<br/>12.8 uniq: Locate Repeated and Nonrepeated Lines 238<br/>12.9 tr: Translating Characters 239<br/>12.10 An Example: Displaying a Word-count List 241<br/>12.11 Conclusion 242<br/>Wrap Up 242<br/>Test Your Understanding 243<br/>Flex Your Brain 243<br/>-ILTEBS.tJSING BEQULAR EXPRE^IONS^rep^.wl<br/>13.1 grep: Searching for a Pattern 246<br/>13.2 Basic Regular Expressions (BRE)—^An Introduction 249<br/>13.3 Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) and egrep 254<br/>13.4 sed: The Stream Editor 255<br/>13.5 Line Addressing 256<br/>13.6 Using Multiple Instructions (-E and -F) 257<br/>13.7 Context Addressing 258<br/>13.8 Writing Selected Lines to a File (w) 258<br/>13.9 Text Editing 259<br/>13.10 Substitution (s) 260<br/>13.11 Basic Regular Expressions Revisited 263<br/>13.12 Conclusion 266<br/>Wrap Up 266<br/>Test Your Understanding 267<br/>Flex Your Brain 268<br/><br/>CHAPTER 14<br/>14.1 Shell Scripts 271<br/>14.2 read: Making Scripts Interactive 272<br/>14.3 Using Command Line Arguments 273<br/>14.4 exit and Exit Status of Command 275<br/>14.5 The Logical Operators && and 1 1—Conditional Execution 276<br/>14.6 The i f Conditional 277<br/>14.7 Using test and [] to Evaluate Expressions 278<br/>14.8 The case Conditional 283<br/>14.9 expr: Computation and String Handling 285<br/>14.10 $0: Calling a Script by Different Names 288<br/>14.11 while: Looping 289<br/>14.12 for: Looping with a List 291<br/>14.13 set and shift: Manipulating the Positional Parameters 294<br/>14.14 The Here Document («) 296<br/>14.15 trap: Interrupting a Program 297<br/>14.16 Debugging Shell Scripts with set -x 298<br/>14.17 Sample Validation and Data Entry Scripts 299<br/>14.18 Conclusion 302<br/>W I, d# H! I H<br/>Wrap Up 302<br/>Test Your Understanding 303<br/>Flex Your Brain 303<br/>CHAPTER 15<br/>15.1 root: The System Administrator's Login 306<br/>15.2 The Administrator's Privileges 307<br/>15.3 Maintaining Security 308<br/>15.4 User Management 311<br/>15.5 Startup and Shutdown 313<br/>15.6 Managing Disk Space 315<br/>15.7 Device Files 317<br/>15.8 Handling Floppy Diskettes 319<br/>15.9 cpio: A Backup Program 321<br/>15.10 tar: The "Tape" Archive Program 325<br/>15.11 Conclusion 328<br/>Wrap Up 328 '<br/>Test Your Understanding 329<br/>Flex Your Brain 330<br/>^&TER X WINDOW system<br/>16.1 X Basics 334<br/>PART II<br/>CHAPTER 16<br/>16.2 The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) 336<br/>16.3 Starting and Quitting X 338<br/>16.4 The Terminal Emulator 338<br/>16.5 Cut-and-Paste Operations 339<br/>16.6 Running X Clients Remotely 341<br/>16.7 Command Line Options 343<br/>16.8 Some Standard X Clients 344<br/>16.9 The Startup Files 347<br/>16.10 X Resources 348<br/>16.11 Conclusion 349<br/>Wrap Up 349<br/>Test Your Understanding 350<br/>Flex Your Brain 350<br/>CHAPTER 17<br/>17.1 TCP/IP Basics 352<br/>17.2 Resolving IP Addresses 354<br/>17.3 The Applications 355<br/>17.4 ping: Checking the Network 356<br/>17.5 telnet: Remote Login 356<br/>17.6 ftp: File Transfer Protocol 357<br/>17.7 Cryptography Basics 360<br/>17.8 SSH: The Secure Shell 362<br/>17.9 The SSH Tools 366<br/>17.10 The Domain Name System (DNS) 368<br/>17.11 Internet Mail 370<br/>17.12 MIME: Handling Binary Attachments in Mail 372<br/>17.13 The World Wide Web 373<br/>17.14 Multimedia on the Web: MIME Revisited 377<br/>17.15 Conclusion 378<br/>Wrap Up 378<br/>Test Your Understanding 379<br/>Flex Your Brain 380<br/>CHAPTER 18<br/>18.1 Simple awk Filtering 382<br/>18.2 Splitting a Line into Fields 383<br/>18.3 pri ntf: Formatting Output 384<br/>18.4 Variables and Expressions 384<br/>18.5 The Comparison Operators 385<br/>18.6 Number Processing 388<br/>18.7 Variables 388<br/>18.8 The -f Option: Storing awk Programs in a File 388<br/>18.9 The BEGIN and END Sections 389<br/>18.10 Built-in Variables 390<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>perl Preliminaries<br/>The chop Function: Removing the Last Character 403<br/>Variables and Operators 404<br/>The String Handling Functions 405<br/>Specifying Filenames in Command Line 406<br/>: The Default Variable 407<br/>Current Line Number ($.) and the Range Operator (..)<br/>Lists and Arrays 408<br/>for each: Looping Through a List 412<br/>spl i t: Splitting into a List or Array 413<br/>join: Joining a List 415<br/>dec Zbi n. pi: Converting a Decimal Number to Binary 416<br/>grep: Searching an Array for a Pattern 416<br/>Associative Arrays 417<br/>Regular Expressions and Substitution 420<br/>File Handling 423<br/>File Tests 425<br/>Subroutines 426<br/>Conclusion 427<br/>Wrap Up 427<br/>Test Your Understanding 428<br/>Flex Your Brain 429<br/>Operators 431<br/>PPiP<br/>mmm<br/>The ex Mode: Handling Multiple Files 435<br/>Named Buffers: Storing Multiple Text Sections 437<br/>Numbered Buffers': Undoing Multiple Line Deletions 438<br/><br/>20.5 Entering Control Characters (/C/rZ-fc-y) 439<br/>20.6 Searching for a Character 439<br/>20.7 Marking Text 440<br/>20.8 Customizing vi 440<br/>20.9 Conclusion 444<br/><br/>Test Your Understanding 444<br/>Flex Your Brain 445<br/>CHAPTER212<br/>a)VANCED SHELL PROGRAMMING<br/>21.1 Shells and Sub-shells 447<br/>21.2 0 and {}: Sub-shell or Current Shell.? 447<br/>21.3 export: Exporting Shell Variables 448<br/>21.4 Running a Script in the Current Shell: The . Command 449<br/>21.5 let: Computation—a Second Look (Korn and Bash) 450<br/>21.6 Arrays (Korn and Bash) 450<br/>21.7 String Handling (Korn and Bash) 452<br/>21.8 Conditional Parameter Substitution 453<br/>21.9 Merging Streams 455<br/>21.10 Shell Functions 456<br/>21.11 eval: Evaluating Twice 459<br/>21.12 The exec Statement 461<br/>21.13 Conclusion 464<br/>Wrap Up 464<br/>Test Your Understanding 464<br/>Flex Your Brain 465<br/><br/>22.1 Handling Multisource C Applications 466<br/>22.2 A Multisource Application 467<br/>22.3 make: Keeping Programs Up-to-date 471<br/>22.4 ar: Building a Library (Archive) 475<br/>22.5 Static and Shared Libraries 477<br/>22.6 Version Control With SCCS and RCS 478<br/>22.7 An SCCS Session 479<br/>22.8 Activity and History Information 483<br/>22.9 Continuing Editing with SCCS 484<br/>22.10 The Revision Control System (RCS) 486<br/>22.11 Conclusion 490<br/>Wrap Up 490<br/>Test Your Understanding 490<br/>Flex Your Brain 491<br/>23.1 System Call Basics 493<br/>23.2 Opening and Closing a File 495<br/>23.3 Using the I/O Calls 497<br/>23.4 Buffered and Unbuffered I/O 502<br/>23.5 umask: Modifying File Permissions During Creation 503<br/>23.6 Handling Errors 504<br/>23.7 File Sharing 509<br/>23.8 Directory Navigation 512<br/>23.9 Reading a Directory 513<br/>23.10 Modifying Entries in Directory 514<br/>23.11 Reading the Inode: stat 516<br/>23.12 Checking a File's Access Rights 521<br/>23.13 Modifying File Attributes 526<br/>23.14 Conclusion 529<br/>Wrap Up 530<br/>Test Your Understanding 531<br/>Flex Your Brain 532<br/>24.1 Process Abstractions 534<br/>24.2 process.c: Looking Up Some Process Credentials 536<br/>24.3 Creating a Process 537<br/>24.4 _exit and exit: Process Termination 540<br/>24.5 Waiting to Pick Up Child's Exit Status 542<br/>24.6 Process Groups 545<br/>24.7 Zombies and Orphans 545<br/>24.8 exec: The Final Step in Process Creation 546<br/>24.9 she! 1 .c: A Program with a Shell-like Capability 551<br/>24.10 File Descriptor Manipulation 553<br/>24.11 pipe: Inter-process Communication 557<br/>24.12 Signal Handling 560<br/>24.13 signal: Installing a Signal Handler 563<br/>24.14 killprocess.c: The Final Program Using kill 566<br/>24.15 Conclusion 569<br/><br/><br/>Partitions and File Systems 574<br/>The Standard File Systems and Their Types 577<br/>fdisk: Creating Partitions 578<br/>mkfs: Creating a File System 580<br/>Mounting and Unmounting File Systems 580<br/>f sck: File System Checking 583<br/>System Startup and init 585<br/>Shutdown and the sync Operation 589<br/>25.10 Backups 589<br/>25.11 Conclusion 591<br/>Wrap Up 591<br/>Test Your Understanding 592<br/>Flex Your Brain 593<br/>
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