Child development: Myths and misunderstandings/ (Record no. 177931)

MARC details
fixed length control field 00382nam a2200145Ia 4500
International Standard Book Number 1452217688
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 305.231
Item number MER/C
Title Child development: Myths and misunderstandings/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Mercer, Jean A.
Edition statement Second Edition
Place of publication, distribution, etc. London:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Sage,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2012.
Extent 334 p.
Formatted contents note Part I: Genetics and Prenatal Life<br/>Claim 1: Genetic factors play such a strong role in human<br/>development that genes alone can determine certain<br/>human behavioral characteristics. ,<br/>Claim 2: There is no harm in putting off childbearing until the<br/>mother's career is established.<br/>Claim 3: If a child's problem is genetically caused, the problem will<br/>be present at birth and will stay the same throughout life.<br/>Claim 4: Unborn babies are not influenced much by the<br/>environment outside the mother's body.<br/>Claim 5: As a mother-to-be gets closer to the date when her child<br/>will be born, she needs to be more careful about alcohol<br/>and drugs, because the risk of birth defects increases<br/>throughout pregnancy.<br/>Claim 6: If a woman who is taking antidepressant medication<br/>becomes pregnant, she should stop taking the drugs<br/>because they may cause birth defects in her baby.<br/>Claim 7: Mothers care for their babies well because they have a<br/>maternal instinct.<br/>Claim 8: Babies work hard to be born.<br/>Claim 9: "Crack babies" can't be cured and will always have<br/>serious problems.<br/>Claim 10: We can learn about human development from<br/>studying baby animals, especially primates.<br/>Part 11: Infants and Toddlers<br/>Claim 11: Parents need to have contact with their babies right<br/>after birth, so they can bond with them.<br/>Claim 12: Babies are born with emotional attachments to their<br/>mothers and can recognize their mothers at once.<br/>Claim 13: Feral children are individuals who have been brought<br/>up from infancy by animals.<br/>Claim 14: A baby's sleeping position can cause or prevent sudden<br/>infant death syndrome.<br/>Claim 15: Parents should not talk baby talk to their children,<br/>because this slows their language development.<br/>Claim 16: Being exposed to two different languages is confusing<br/>for babies and interferes with normal language<br/>development. «<br/>Claim 17: Breast-feeding makes babies more intelligent.<br/>Claim 18: When parents divorce, it's important for young children<br/>'to have certain experiences with both parents, or they<br/>will form an attachment to only one of them.<br/>Claim 19: Toddlers drop food on the floor because they want to<br/>make their parents mad.<br/>Claim 20: It is important for parents to work with babies and<br/>teach them how to walk.<br/>Claim 21: It is a good thing for an infant or a toddler to have<br/>experience with many caregivers, not just one or two.<br/>Claim 22: Some children would starve to death if their parents<br/>did not coax them to eat.<br/>Claim 23: Parents who were abused as children are likely to<br/>abuse their own children.<br/>Part III: Preschoolers<br/>Claim 24: Having kids listen to Mozart makes them smart.<br/>Claim 25: The time between birth and age 3 years is the most<br/>important period of development and learning in a<br/>person's life.<br/>Claim 26; People who were adopted will always be unhappy<br/>because they have suffered a Primal Wound.<br/>Claim 27: Children need to develop basic trust and show it by<br/>their confidence in other people.<br/>Claim 28: If a child is able to complete a task with an adult<br/>present, he or she is also able to do it alone.<br/>Claim 29: Preschoolers who hold their breath when angry are<br/>trying to upset their parents and get their own way.<br/>Claim 30: Vaccines and heavy metals cause autism.<br/>Claim 31: Autism rates are rising rapidly, especially in certain<br/>parts of the country, so something must be<br/>happening to cause more cases of this serious<br/>developmental problem.<br/>Claim 32: Children with brain injuries can be rehabilitated by a<br/>using practices like patterning, and other problems can<br/>be treated with similar approaches.<br/>Claim 33: Preschoolers who try to bargain with their parents<br/>really want to manipulate and control adults, and<br/>they should not be allowed to negotiate.<br/>Claim 34: A young child can tell when someone is just teasing.<br/>Claim 35: Children with attachment disorders must be treated<br/>very sternly and differently from typically developing<br/>children—even in ways that are ordinarily<br/>considered abusive.<br/>Claim 36: Spanking should never be used to discipline a child,<br/>because it is ineffective and causes children to model<br/>the aggression they experience.<br/>Part rV: School-Age Children<br/>Claim 37: Children who play with matches will grow up to<br/>be seriously disturbed and violent and will probably<br/>be serial killers, especially if they are also cruel<br/>to animals and wet their beds.<br/>Claim 38: Children have different learning styles, depending on<br/>whether they are left brained or right brained.<br/>Claim 39: Karate lessons help schoolchildren achieve<br/>self-discipline and improve their schoolwork.<br/>Claim 40: Birth order is an important factor that determines<br/>children's intelligence and personality.<br/>Claim 41: "When a child is mentally ill, any psychological<br/>treatment is better than no treatment.<br/>Claim 42: Bullying is a natural behavior for children, and<br/>there's nothing you can do to stop it.<br/>Claim 43: Sugar is a major cause of hyperactive behavior.<br/>Claim 44: Adopted children have many more problems of social<br/>and emotional development than do nonadopted children.<br/>Claim 45: If a child is sexually molested, he or she will probably<br/>repress the memory.<br/>Claim 46: Parents really don't influence their children's long-term<br/>development very much.<br/>Part V: Adolescents<br/>Claim 47: Children are more likely to become delinquent if their<br/>fathers are absent or uninvolved.<br/>Claim 48: Violent television programs and video games cause<br/>increased aggressive behavior.<br/>Claim 49: If parents are not strict enough, children will behave<br/>badly and may become criminals.<br/>Claim 50: Adolescents' brains go through some rapid changes;<br/>as a result, teenagers develop new ways of thinking about<br/>themselves and about the world.<br/>Claim 51: High self-esteem makes children perform<br/>better in school.<br/>Claim 52: Single-sex schools give better outcomes of academic<br/>achievement than do coeducational schools.<br/>Claim 53: The DARE program is an effective way to prevent<br/>children and adolescents from dealing or using drugs.<br/>Claim 54: Children and adolescents learn bad behavior from<br/>their peers.<br/>Claim 55: Young teenagers should be tried and sentenced as<br/>adults if they commit serious crimes.<br/>Claim 56: Adolescence is an emotionally dangerous time when<br/>teenagers are likely to attempt or commit suicide.<br/>Claim 57: Punishment is an effective way of changing children's<br/>and adolescents' undesirable behaviors.<br/>Claim 58: Children are reaching puberty earlier with<br/>each generation.<br/>Claim 59: Teenage boys and girls should have the same level of<br/>fat in their bodies, about 10%.<br/>/
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