Encyclopedia of activism and social justice/ (Record no. 162444)

MARC details
fixed length control field 01816cam a2200385 a 4500
International Standard Book Number 9781412918121
International Standard Book Number 141291812X
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 303.48403
Item number AND/E
Title Encyclopedia of activism and social justice/
Statement of responsibility, etc. editors, Gary L. Anderson & Kathryn G. Herr.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Sage Publications,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. c2007.
Extent 3 v. (li, 1712 p.):
Other physical details ill.;
Dimensions 29 cm.
440 #2 - SERIES
Title A SAGE reference publication.
Bibliography, etc Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted contents note 1. A-D -- 2. E-M -- 3. N-Z; Index. Abernathy, Ralph (1926-1990)-- Abolitionist Movements -- Abortion -- Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo -- Abu-Jamal, Mumia (1954-) -- Achebe, Chinua (1930-) -- ACORN -- Action for Children's Television -- Action Medic Groups -- Action Research -- Activism, Social and Political -- Activism in Australia and New Zealand -- Activism in Postconflict and Reconstruction -- ACT UP -- Addams, Jane (1860-1935) -- Adorno, Theodor -- Advocacy -- Affinity Groups -- Affirmative Action -- Afghan Resistance to Soviet Occupation -- African National Congress -- African Women and Social Justice -- Afrocentricity -- Agrarian Socialist Movement -- AIDS Memorial Quilt -- Air America Radio -- Al-Banna, Hasan (1906-1949) -- Albizu Campos, Pedro (1891-1965) -- Algebra Project -- Ali, Muhammad (1942-) -- Alinsky, Saul (1909-1972) -- Allende, Salvador (1908-1973) -- Alternative Bookstores -- Alternative Health -- Alternative Movements -- Alternative Press -- Amaru, Túpac, II (1738-1781) -- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- American Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) -- American Federation of Teachers -- American Gold Star Mothers -- American Indian Movement -- American Revolution -- Amnesty International -- Anarchism -- Anarcho-Syndicalism -- Animal Rights -- Anthony, Susan B. (1820-1906) -- Anti-Apartheid Movement -- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty -- Anti-Busing Movement -- Anti-Colonial Movements, Asia -- Anti-Colonial Movements, Latin America -- Anti-Colonial Movements, Middle East and North Africa -- Anti- Colonial Movements, South Pacific -- Anti-Colonial Movements, Sub-Saharan Africa -- Anti-Consumerism --Anti-Death Penalty Movement -- Anti-Globalization Movement -- Antigonish Movement -- Anti-Immigrant Politics -- Anti-Imperialism -- Anti-Lynching Movement -- Anti-Monopoly Movement -- Anti-Nuclear Movement -- Anti-Pornography Activism -- Anti-Prison Movement -- Anti-Racist Teaching -- Anti-Slavery Movement -- Anti-Smoking Campaigns -- Anti-Sweatshop Movement -- Anti-Vietnam War Movement -- Anti-Wal-Mart Movement -- Anzaldúa, Gloria (1942-2004) -- Apartheid -- Appropriate Technology Movement -- Aquino, Corazon (1933-) -- Arab American Activism -- Arafat, Yasser (1929-2004) -- Arbenz, Jacobo (1913-1971) -- Arenas, Reinaldo (1943-1990) -- Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) -- Arias, Oscar (1940-) -- Aristide, Jean-Bertrand (1953-) -- Armenian Genocide -- Arts-In-Medicine Movement -- Ashrawi, Hanan (1946-) -- Asian American and Pacific Islander Activism -- Atheism -- Attica Uprising -- Aung San (1915-1947) -- Awad, Mubarak (1951-) --Bachelet, Michelle (1951-) -- Baez, Joan (1941-) -- Bahá'í Faith and Social Action -- Baker, Ella (1903-1986) -- Baldwin, James (1924-1987) -- Ballot Initiatives -- Baraka, Amiri (1934-) -- Basque Separatist Movement -- Basquiat, Jean-Michel (1960-1988) -- Basta Ya! -- Battle of Seattle -- Bauhaus Photographers -- Beat Poets -- Belafonte, Harry (1927-) -- Bell, Derrick (1930-) -- Benefit Concerts -- Benjamin, Medea (1952-) -- Benn, Tony (1925-) -- Berlin Wall Destruction -- Berrigan Brothers --Berry, Wendell (1934-) -- Bhabha, Homi -- Bicycle Movement -- Biko, Stephen (1940-1977) -- Bilingual Education -- Billionaires for Bush -- Bill of Rights -- Blacklists -- Black Lung Movement -- Black Panther arty -- Black Power -- Blogging -- Boal, Augusto (1931-) -- Boff, Leonardo (1938-) -- Bolívar, Simón -- Bolsheviks -- Bonafini, Hebe -- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945) -- Bonner, Elena -- Bono (1962-) -- Bourdieu, Pierre (1930-2002) -- Bové, José (1953-) -- Boxer Rebellion -- Boycotts and Divestment -- Boyle, Father (1954-) -- Braden, Anne and Carl (1924-2006 and 1914-1975) -- Brazilian Workers Party --Bread and Puppet Theater -- Breastfeeding Movement -- Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956) -- Brown, H. Rap (1943-) -- Brown, John (1800-1859) --Brown v. Board of Education -- Bruce, Lenny (1925-1966) -- Brutus, Dennis (1924-) -- Burmese Resistance Movement -- Busing -- Butler, Judith (1956-) -- Buy Nothing Day -- Caldicott, Helen (1938-) -- Campaign to End the Death Penalty -- Campus Antiwar Network -- Camus, Albert (1913-1960) --Cárdenas, Lázaro (1895-1970) -- Carmichael, Stokely (1941-1998) -- Carson, Rachel (1907-1964) -- Carter, James Earl (1924-) -- Castro, Fidel (1926-) -- Catholic Worker Movement -- Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies -- Chautauqua -- Chávez, César (1927-1993) -- Chávez, Hugo (1954-) -- Chicago, Judy --Chicago Democratic Convention Demonstrations, 1968 -- Chicago Seven -- Chicano Movement -- Child Advocacy -- Child Labor Laws -- Children's Defense Fund -- Chisholm, Shirley (1924-2005) -- Chomsky, Noam (1928-) -- Christian Base Communities -- Christian Right -- CIA Repression of Social Movements -- Citizen School, The -- Citizenship and Patriotism -- Civil Disobedience -- Civil Rights Acts -- Civil Rights Movement --Civil Society -- Clamshell Alliance -- Clark, Ramsey (1927-) -- Climate Change and Global Justice -- Cloward, Richard A., and Piven, Frances Fox (1926-2001 and 1932-) -- Coalition Building -- Code Pink -- Coffin, William Sloane (1924-2006) -- COINTELPRO -- Committee for Cleaners' Rights -- Commodification -- Communism -- Communist Party USA -- Communitarianism -- Community Action Program -- Community-Based Ecological Resistance Movements -- Community Currencies -- Community Gardens -- Community Organizing -- Community Radio and Television -- Cone, James H. (1938-) -- Confucius (C. 551-479 BC) -- Congress of Racial Equality -- Conscientious Objectors to War -- Conyers, John, Jr. (1929-) -- Cooperatives -- Corrie, Rachel (1979-2003) -- Cotton, Samuel (1947-2003) -- Council to Aid the Jews -- Counter-Recruitment -- Counts, George (1889-1974) -- Coxey, Jacob S. (1854-1951) -- Craftivism -- Crazy Horse (1841-1877) -- Critical Literacy -- Critical Mass Bicycle Movement -- Critical Pedagogy -- Critical Race Theory -- Critical Theory -- Cuban Literacy Campaign -- Cuban Revolution -- Culture Jammers -- Cyber Rights -- Dalai Lama -- Dalton, Roque (1935-1975) -- Dance and Activism -- Darrow, Clarence (1857-1938) -- Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) -- Davis, Angela (1944-) -- Davis, Ossie (1917-2005) -- Day, Dorothy (1897-1980) -- Death Penalty -- De Beauvoir, Simone (1908-1986) -- Debs, Eugene V. (1855-1926) -- Debt Relief Movement -- De Certeau, Michel (1925-1986) -- Deconstruction -- Deep Ecology Movement -- Dees, Morris (1936-) -- De La Cruz, Sor Juana Inés (1648-1695) -- Dellinger, David (1915-2004) -- Dellums, Ronald (1935-) -- Deloria, Vine, Jr. (1933-2005) -- Democracy -- Democratic Socialism -- Demonstrations -- Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004) -- Dewey, John (1859-1952) -- Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) -- Difference -- Digital Activism -- Digital Equity -- Direct Action -- Disability Rights Movement -- Disability Studies -- Dissent -- Divestment -- Djilas, Milovan (1911-1995) -- Doctors Without Borders -- Dorfman, Ariel (1942-) -- Douglas, Marjory Stoneman (1890-1998) -- Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895) -- Dow, Unity (1959-) -- Draft Resistance -- Drug Laws, Resistance To -- Dubcek, Alexander (1921-1992) -- Du Bois, W. E. B. (1868-1963) -- Dunayevskaya, Raya (1910-1987) -- Dussel, Enrique (1934-) -- Dworkin, Andrea (1946-2005) -- Dylan, Bob (1941-) -- Earth Charter -- Earth Day -- Earth First! -- Earth Summit -- East Timor, Resistance to Indonesian Occupation -- East Timor Action etwork --Ebadi, Shirin (1947-) -- Ecofeminism -- Ecopaganism -- Edelman, Marion Wright (1939-) -- Ehrenreich, arbara (1941-) -- Eight-Hour-Day Movement -- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional -- Electronic Democracy -- Electronic Privacy Movement -- Elizabethan Poor Law -- Ellacuría, Ignacio (1930-1989) --Ellsberg, Daniel (1931-) -- El Saadawi, Nawal -- Emancipation Proclamation -- Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) -- Environmental Movement -- Environmental Racism -- Equal Rights Amendment -- ETA -- Ethical Culture Movement -- Eugenics Movement -- Eurocommunism -- Evers, Medgar (1925-1963) --Fabian Socialism -- Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) -- Fair Trade -- False Consciousness --Falwell, Jerry -- Fanon, Frantz -- Farmworkers' Movement -- Farrakhan, Louis (1933-) -- Fascism -- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) -- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) -- Feminism --Feminist Majority Foundation -- Feminist Research -- Filipino American Activism -- Film -- First, Ruth (1925-1982) -- First Amendment to the Constitution -- First Nations Peoples -- Fisk, Robert (1946-) -- Flores Magón, Ricardo (1873-1922) -- Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley (1890-1964) -- FMLN -- Fonda, Jane (1937-) -- Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) -- Frankfurt School of Critical Theory -- Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) -- Freedom Rides, 1961 -- Free Movement Activism -- Free Software Movement -- Free Speech Activism -- Freire, Paulo (1921-1997) -- French Revolution -- Friedan, Betty (1921-2006) -- Gage, Matilda Joslyn (1826-1898) -- Gandhi, Mohandas K. (1869-1948) -- Gangs and Activism -- García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-) -- Garvey, Marcus (1887-1940) -- Gay Liberation Front -- Gay-Straight Alliance Network -- Gender Equity Movement in Schools -- Genital Integrity Activists -- Genocide Studies -- Genocide Watch -- George, Henry (1839-1897) -- Geronimo (1829-1909) -- GI Bill -- Gideon v. Wainwright -- GI Movement -- Ginsberg, Allen (1926-1997) --Gitlin, Todd (1943-) -- Global Exchange -- Globalization -- Glocalization -- Golan Heights Druze Resistance -- Goldman, Emma (1869-1940) -- Gold Star Mothers -- Gómez-Peña, Guillermo (1955-) -- Gompers, Samuel (1850-1924) -- Gonzales, Rodolfo "Corky" -- Goodman, Amy (1957-) -- Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931-) --Gore, Al -- Government Suppression of Social Activism -- Graffiti Art -- Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937) --Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo -- Grange Movement -- Grape Boycotts -- Gray Panthers -- Great Society -- Greenback Movement -- Green Party -- Greenpeace -- Gregory, Dick (1932-) -- Guerrilla Girls --Guerrilla Movements -- Guerrilla Television -- Guerrilla Theater -- Guevara, Che (1928-1967) -- Gunder Frank, Andre (1929-2005) -- Gun Politics -- Guthrie, Woody (1912-1967) -- Gutiérrez, Gustavo (1928-) -- Habermas, Jürgen (1929-) -- Habitat for Humanity -- Hamer, Fannie Lou (1917-1977) -- Hampton, Fred (1948-1969) -- Hansberry, Lorraine (1930-1965) -- Harrington, Michael (1928-1989) -- Harris, Mary -- Havel, Václav (1936-) -- Hawai'ian Sovereignty Movement -- Hayden, Tom (1939-) -- Hezbollah -- Hidalgo, Miguel -- Highlander Center -- Hijos, Children of the Disappeared -- Hikmet, Nazim (1902-1963) -- Hill, Joe (1879-1915) -- Hill, Julia Butterfly (1974-) -- Hip-Hop -- Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) -- Hoffman, Abbie (1936-1989) -- Hollywood Blacklists -- Holocaust, Resistance -- Homeless Activism -- Homeopathy Movement -- Home Schooling --Homestead Riot -- Hooks, Bell (1952-) -- Hormel Strikes -- Horton, Myles (1905-1990) -- Hospice Movement -- Housing Movements -- Huerta, Dolores -- Hughes, Langston (1902-1967) -- Hull-House -- Human Rights Watch -- Identity Politics -- Ideology -- Immigrant Activism in France -- Immigration -- Imperialism -- Income Inequality -- Indian Mascot Protests -- Indigenous People and Environmentalism -- Indigenous People and Social Justice -- Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) -- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) -- Indymedia --Intelligent Design Movement -- International Campaign to Ban Landmines -- International Criminal Court -- Intifada (1987-1992, 2000-2003) -- Iranian Revolution (1963-1979) -- Iraq Women's Movement -- Irish Republican Army (IRA) -- Islamic Feminism -- Israeli Peace Movement -- Jackson, George (1942-1971) --Jackson, Jesse (1941-) -- Japanese Internment Camps -- Jara, Víctor (1932-1973) -- Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) -- Jesus Christ -- Jihad -- Joan of Arc (1412-1431) -- Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-1973) -- Jones, Mother (Mary) (1830-1930) -- Jordan, Barbara (1936-1996) -- Judicial Activism -- Justice for Janitors -- Just War Theory -- Kahlo, Frida (1907-1954) -- Keller, Helen (1880-1968) -- Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963) -- Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968) -- Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1943) -- Khmer Rouge -- Killing Fields --King, Coretta Scott (1927-2006) -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- King, Rodney -- Klein, Naomi (1970-) -- Kollwitz, Käthe (1867-1945) -- Koop, C. Everett (1916-) -- Kozol, Jonathan (1936-) -- Kuntsler, William (1919-1995) -- Kurdish Human Rights -- Kuti, Fela (1938-1997) -- Kwangju Uprising -- Kwanzaa -- Kyoto Accords -- Labor Culture -- Labor Law -- Laclau, Ernesto (1935-) -- Lafollette, Robert (1855-1925) --Landless Movement -- La Nueva Canción -- La Raza Unida Party -- Law and Social Movements -- Leadership, Participatory Democratic -- League of Nations -- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) -- Lebrón, Lolita (1920-) -- Lee, Barbara (1946-) -- Lee, Spike (1957-) -- Lenin, V. I. (1870-1924) --Lennon, John (1940-1980) -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Movement -- Letelier, Orlando (1932-1976) -- Lewis, John L. (1880-1969) -- Lewis, Sinclair (1885-1951) -- Liberalism -- Liberation Theology -- Libertarians -- Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) -- Lippmann, Walter (1889-1974) -- Literature and Activism -- Living Wage Movement -- Lobbying -- Locke, Alain (1886-1954) -- Locke, John (1632-1704) --Long, Huey P. (1893-1935) -- López Obrador, Andrés Manuel (1953-) -- Low-Income Housing -- Ludlow Massacre -- Lukács, Georg (1885-1971) -- Lula Da Silva, Luiz Inácio -- Luther, Martin (1483-1546) -- Luxemburg, Rosa (1871-1919) -- Maathai, Wangari (1940-) -- Machel, Graça (1945-) -- Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527) -- Madres De Plaza De Mayo -- Malcolm X (1925-1965) -- Mandela, Nelson (1918-) -- Mandela, Winnie (1936-) -- Mao Tse-Tung (1893-1976) -- Marcos, Subcomandante (1957?-) -- Marcuse, Herbert (1898-1979) -- Marley, Bob (1945-1981) -- Marshall, Thurgood (1908-1993) -- Martí, José (1853-1895) --Martín-Baró, Ignacio (1942-1989) -- Martínez, Betita (1925-) -- Marx, Karl (1818-1883) -- Marxist Theory --Mau Mau Movement -- May Day -- May Revolution, France -- McCarthyism -- McGovern, George (1922-) --McLuhan, Marshall (1911-1980) -- M.E.C.H.A. -- Media Activism -- Media Literacy -- Media Reform Movement -- Meer, Fatima (1928-) -- Meier, Deborah (1931-) -- Menchú Tum, Rigoberta (1959-) -- Mencken, H. L. (1880-1956) -- Mendes, Chico (1944-1988) -- Men's Movement -- Merton, Thomas (1915-1968) -- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) -- Mexican Muralists -- Mexican Revolution -- Mexican Student Movement -- Military-Industrial Complex -- Militia Movements -- Milk, Harvey (1930-1978) -- Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) -- Millennial and Apocalyptic Movements -- Miller, Arthur (1915-2005) -- Million Man March -- Mills, C. Wright (1916-1962) -- Minuteman Project -- MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left) -- Miranda v. Arizona -- Mississippi Freedom Schools -- Mohammed, Bibi Titi (1925-2000) -- Mondragón Cooperatives -- Mongela, Gertrude (1955-) -- Montgomery Bus Boycott --Moore, Michael (1954-) -- Morales, Evo (1959-) -- Moral Majority -- Moral Panic -- Morrison, Toni (1931-) --Moses, Robert (1935-) -- Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo -- Mother Teresa (1910-1997) -- Mouffe, Chantal (1943-) -- Movement of the Revolutionary Left -- Mtintso, Thenjiwe (1950-) -- Muhammad (570-632) -- Muhammad, Elijah (1897-1975) -- Multicultural Education -- Multiculturalism -- Multitude -- Mumia Abu-Jamal -- Mural Art -- Muslim Brotherhood -- Muste, A. J. (1885-1967) -- Myrdal, Gunnar (1898-1987) --Nader, Ralph (1934-) -- Names Project, The -- Nasrallah, Hassan (1960-) -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) -- National Consumers' League -- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force -- National Organization for Women (NOW) -- National Rifle Association (NRA) -- National Urban League -- Nation of Islam --Natural Childbirth Movement -- Nazism and Civilian Resistance -- Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964) -- Neoconservatism -- Neoliberalism -- Neruda, Pablo (1904-1973) -- New Deal -- New Profile -- New Social Movements -- Newton, Huey P. (1942-1989) --Ngugi Wa Thiong'o (1938-) --Nhat Hanh, Thich (1926-) -- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) -- Nkrumah, Kwame (1909-1972) -- Nobel Peace Prize -- Noncitizen Rights -- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) -- Non-Partisan League -- Nonviolence and Activism -- Northern Ireland -- Northern Ireland Peace Process -- Nuclear Power -- Ocean Hill-Brownsville Teachers' Strike -- Ochoa, Digna (1964-2001) -- Oglala, Incident at -- Old Left -- Ono, Yoko -- Operation Rescue -- Operation Solidarity -- Option for the Poor -- Organic Farming and Agribusiness -- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) -- Organizing -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Other, The -- Outsider Art -- Ovington, Mary White (1865-1951) -- Owen, Robert (1771-1858) -- Owen, Wilfred (1893-1918) -- Oxfam -- Pacifism -- Paine, Thomas (1737-1809) -- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) -- Palestine National Council -- Palmer Raids -- Pan-Africanism -- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) -- Parks, Rosa (1913-2005) -- Parra, Violeta (1917-1967) --Participatory Action Research -- Participatory Democratic Leadership -- Participatory Economics -- Partido Dos Trabalhadores -- PATCO Strike -- Patkar, Medha -- Peace Corps -- Peace Education -- Peace People, The -- Peltier, Leonard (1944-) --People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) --People Power Revolution --Performance Art, Political -- Performativity --Philanthropy for Social Action -- Philippine People Power Revolution -- Physicians for Social Responsibility -- Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) --Piercy, Marge (1936-) -- Piqueteros -- Pittsburgh Rail Strike of 1877 -- Piven, Frances Fox -- Plato -- Play, Creativity, and Social Movements -- Police Brutality -- Political Humor -- Political Opportunity Structure -- Political Satire -- Political Spectacle -- Polling -- Poor People's Campaign -- Popular Front -- Popular Unity Government -- Populism -- Pornography -- Postcolonial Theory -- Poster Art -- Postman, Neil (1931-2003) -- Postmodernism -- Power, Theories Of -- Prague Spring -- Praxis --Prejean, Sister Helen (1939-) -- Prison Abolition Movement -- Prison-Industrial Complex -- Private Property -- Professional Activist Organizations -- Progressive Movement, Education -- Protestantism -- Protest Music -- Public Access -- Public Citizen -- Public Theology -- Pueblo Revolt --Punk --Quakers --Queer Theory --Rabin, Yitzhak (1922-1995) -- Racism -- Radical Cheerleaders -- Rage Against the Machine -- Raging Grannies -- Rainforest Action Network -- Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) -- Randolph, A. Philip (1889-1979) -- Ransome-Kuti, Funmilayo (1900-1978) -- Rastafarians -- Rawls, John (1921-2002) -- Reagon, Bernice Johnson (1942-) -- Recuperated Factories in Argentina -- Red Cross -- Reed, John (1887-1920) -- Reed, Ralph -- Refugee Resettlement -- Reich, Wilhelm (1897-1957) -- Religious Activism -- Religious Society of Friends -- Reparations Movements -- Resistance -- Reverend Billy -- Rich, Adrienne (1929-) -- Rifkin, Jeremy (1945-) -- Riots -- Rivera, Diego (1886-1957) -- Robertson, Pat -- Robeson, Paul (1898-1976) -- Robinson, Jackie (1919-1972) -- Robinson, Mary (1944-) -- Rock Bands and Activism -- Rock 'n' Roll -- Romero, Oscar (1917-1980) -- Roosevelt, Eleanor (1884-1962) -- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882-1945) -- Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel (1918-1953 and 1915-1953) -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) -- Roy, Arundhati (1961-) -- Rushdie, Salman (1947-) -- Russian Revolution -- Rustin, Bayard (1912-1987) -- Saadawi, Nawal El (1931-) -- Sacco and Vanzetti (1891-1927 and 1888-1927) -- Sadker, Myra and David (1943-1995 and 1942-) -- Said, Edward (1935-2003) -- Sakharov, Andrei (1921-1989) -- Sánchez, George I. (1906-1972) -- Sanctuary Movement -- Sandinismo -- Sands, Bobby (1954-1981) -- Sanger, Margaret (1879-1966) -- Sankara, Thomas (1949-1987) -- Sarandon, Susan (1946-) -- Saro-Wiwa, Ken (1941-1995) -- Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) -- Save Narmada Movement -- Save the Children -- Savio, Mario (1942-1996) -- Schlafly, Phyllis (1924-) -- School of the Americas -- School of the Americas Watch -- Seale, Bobby (1936-) -- Seaman, Barbara (1935-) -- Seeger, Pete (1919-) -- Semiotic Warfare -- Serbian Civil Unrest -- Sex Workers' Rights -- Sharpton, Al (1954-) -- Shays' Rebellion -- Shcharansky, Anatoly -- Sheehan, Cindy (1957-) -- Shepard, Matthew (1976-1998) -- Shining Path Movement -- Sierra Club -- Silkwood, Karen (1946-1974) -- Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968) -- Sitting Bull (1831-1890) -- Situationist International -- Slam Poetry -- Slow Food Movement -- Smith, Adam (1723-1790) -- Smith, Anna Deavere (1950-) -- Smith, Samantha (1972-1985) -- Sobrino, Jon (1938-) -- Social Constructionism -- Social Democracy -- Social Gospel Movement -- Socialism -- Socialist Feminism -- Socially Responsible Investing -- Social Movements, Sociology Of -- Social Movement Unionism -- Social Reproduction -- Social Science Fiction -- Socrates (469-399 BC) -- Sojourners Movement -- Solar Energy Movement -- Solidarity, Poland -- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander -- Sontag, Susan (1933-2004) -- Sosa, Mercedes (1935-) -- Southern Christian Leadership Conference -- Southern Poverty Law Center -- Southern Student Organizing Committee -- Soviet Dissidents -- Spirituality and Peacemaking -- Spivak, Gayatri (1942-) -- Spock, Benjamin (1903-1998) -- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady -- Steinem, Gloria (1934-) -- Stiglitz, Joseph (1943-) -- Stonewall Rebellion -- Straight Edge Youth -- Strategies and Tactics in Social Movements -- Street Medics -- Student Activism, K-12 -- Student Activism, Latin American -- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) -- Students for a Democratic Society -- Subaltern -- Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925) -- Suppression of Social Activism -- Sustainable Living -- Suu Kyi, Aung San (1945-) -- Sweatshops -- Sweet Honey in the Rock -- Take Back the Night -- Talk Radio -- Taxation and Activism -- Teacher Unions -- Teamsters for a Democratic Union -- Tenant Organizations -- Tennessee Valley Authority -- Terkel, Studs (1912-) -- Testimonio -- Theatre of the Oppressed -- Theodorakis, Mikis (1925-) -- Thich Nhat Hanh -- Think Tanks -- Third-Party Politics -- Third World Cinema -- Thomas, Norman (1884-1968) -- Thompson, E. P. (1924-1993) -- Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) -- Tiananmen Square -- Tijerina, Reies López (1923-) -- Timerman, Jacobo (1923-1999) -- Torres Restrepo, Camilo (1929-1966) -- Touraine, Alain (1925-) -- Toussaint L'Ouverture (1743-1803) -- Transgender Movement -- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -- Treaty Rights Struggle -- Trocmé, André (1901-1971) -- Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940) -- Trotskyism -- Truth, Sojourner (1797-1883) -- Tubman, Harriet (1820-1913) -- Tupamaros -- Turner, Nat (1800-1831) -- Tutu, Desmond (1931-) -- Twain, Mark (1835-1910) -- Underground Railroad -- Unemployed Workers Movement -- Union Movements -- Union Songs -- United for a Fair Economy -- United for Peace and Justice -- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) -- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) -- Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- UPS Strike -- Urban Guerrilla Movements -- Urban Space, Politics Of -- Urban Uprisings, United States -- Utopian Communities -- Vegetarianism -- Veterans for Peace -- Vidal, Gore (1925-) -- Villa, Pancho (1878-1923) -- Violence, Theories Of -- Virtual Sit-Ins -- Voices in the Wilderness -- Voluntary Simplicity -- Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) -- Voting Rights -- Wald, Lillian (1867-1940) -- Walesa, Lech (1943-) -- Walker, Alice (1944-) -- Wallis, Jim (1948-) -- Wal-Mart -- Warren, Earl (1891-1974) -- War Resisters' International -- Warsaw Ghetto Uprising -- War Tax Resistance -- Weather Underground -- Weavers -- Webb, Gary (1955-2004) -- Welfare Rights Movement -- Wellman, Saul (1913-2003) -- Wells-Barnett, Ida B. (1862-1931) -- Wellstone, Paul (1944-2002) -- West, Cornel (1953-) -- Whiskey Rebellion -- Whistleblowers -- White Privilege -- Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) -- Wildcat Strikes -- Wilderness Preservation Act -- Wilkins, Roy (1901-1981) -- Williams, Jody (1950-) -- Willis, Paul (1945-) -- Witness for Peace -- Woman's Christian Temperance Union -- Women in Black -- Women's Collective Acts of Resistance -- Women's Health Activism -- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom -- Women's Suffrage Movement -- Woodson, Carter (1875-1950) -- Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) -- Workers Party, PT -- Working-Class Cinema -- World Court -- World Social Forum --Wounded Knee -- Ya Basta! -- Yippies -- Yomango -- Young Americans for Freedom -- Young Patriots Organization --Youth Organizing and Activism --Zapata, Emiliano (1879-1919) -- Zapatista Movement -- Zenger, Peter -- Zines -- Zinn, Howard (1922-) -- Zionism -- ZNet -- Zola, Émile (1840-1902).
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Social justice
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Social action
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Social movements
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Social reformers
Personal name Anderson, Gary L., ed.
Personal name Herr, Kathryn, ed.
Koha item type Reference Books
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      Not For Loan Reference Collection Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University Reference 29/08/2016 v. 1 303.48403 AND/E P17330 23/09/2022 Reference Books
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