Facets of spirituality: Dioluges and discourses of Swami Krishnananda/ (Record no. 158845)

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fixed length control field 00388nam a2200133Ia 4500
International Standard Book Number 8120800877
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 294.54
Item number BHA/F
Title Facets of spirituality: Dioluges and discourses of Swami Krishnananda/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Bhagyalakshmi, S
Place of publication, distribution, etc. Delhi:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Motilal Banarsidass,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 1986.
Extent 292 p.
Formatted contents note PART I: Swami Krishngnanda: THE MAN<br/>22 June 1977<br/>Genesis of the project—God-realisation is duty—<br/>Yoga-Therapy and Psychic Theraphy—Rasleela<br/>Pictures etc.—Panchikarana—Walking for Sadhaks—<br/>Kirtan by a mother and her children.<br/>18 December 1978; A Monday {No morning Darshan<br/>on Sundays)<br/>Why Durga-Saptasati is divided into three parts—<br/>Concern for sick Ashramite—Help in ill-health only<br/>in prayer—The fitting in of a 'Sadhak-intent' into<br/>the establishments of the Ashram—Maun staggers<br/>up energy—"Before Adam was I am".<br/>21 December 1978<br/>Compassion and cosmic-consciousness—Meditation<br/>and concentration—Recitation from the Vedas—<br/>The aim of life—Ordinary consciousness and<br/>higher consciousness—Shakti—Positive and Nega<br/>tive Forces—The meaning of Yoga—Yoga—Indi<br/>vidual reality and cosmic reality—Intellect, mind,<br/>feelings and personality—Jnana Shakti and Kundalini<br/>Shakti—Knowledge and wisdom.<br/>23 December 1978<br/>What causes perception of changes—Dream, its rele<br/>vance to Yoga—Yoga not a singled out subject—<br/>Application of Yoga to remove unhappiness—Spiri<br/>tuality, depression, lack of understanding—The re<br/>medy—The best religion—I want to stay in the<br/>Ashram.<br/>26 December 1978<br/>Simple method of starting concentration—The struc<br/>ture of the cosmos—Realisation of the unity of the<br/>'subject' and 'object'—Consciousness, gold in orna<br/>ments—Everything is charged with Divinity—After<br/>death?—Thoughts need background to understand<br/>them—The Absolute and the lesser deities—Kaliyuga<br/>in the cycle of four Yugas.<br/>30 December 1978<br/>Why do we have to search for our own soul?<br/>19 March 1979<br/>Difficulty in concentration—Think of God humbly<br/>without going into flights of philosophy—God will<br/>tell you what Truth is—Four dimensional reality—<br/>Sivananda Ashram and Jerusalem—"I will not ans<br/>wer that question."<br/>22 March 1979<br/>Control of mind—Relevance of the 'Glory of Gita' to<br/>its central study—Idle questions—Karma Yoga.<br/>Undated<br/>Western philosophers and Acharya Sankara—Reason<br/>—Satsanga—Repetition in the Vedas—The Leeks of<br/>the Lord—Meditation: thinking on the Divine; the<br/>concept of grace; maya and meditation—Zen and<br/>the conclusions of the Gita—The World and God.<br/>PART II: THE MENTOR<br/>Acquisition of strength by Yoga-practice Madhusudan<br/>Sarasvati—Lord Krishna s Leelas : a spiri<br/>tual interpretation—limit of tolerance—Jesus suffer<br/>ed—Negation and transcendence, the difference.<br/>Too much book-learning—Isvara: a discussion bet<br/>ween Sr. Krishnanandaji and Jim McMicheal No<br/>short-cut to God-Realisation—Asking for liberation<br/>—The attitudes of man and the Bhaktas to the Sun<br/>and God respectively—Meanings of technical terms<br/>in spirituality—Use of pilgrimages in spiritual life-<br/>God is just—Definition of morality—Intention<br/>bereft of understanding—short or long life?<br/>Recitation of Mantra—story—celibacy and Sages—<br/>Nirguna of the Vedas—Sarva-Mukti—War amongst<br/>the Hindu Gods—Sirasasana: benefit—"Avidya",<br/>its 'locus'—'Isvara' a name only for relational pur<br/>poses Logic and Metaphysics—Consciousness,<br/>awareness, self-consciousness—'Ananda'—views—<br/>• detachment—religion, religiosity—Truth—Tricks of<br/>the mind—Mauni Swami—Meaning of'giving up'—<br/>Xbve all, trust few—Japa and meditation—the com<br/>mon weal—Mahatma Gandhi—The brain washed<br/>mind—The waking and dream consciousness—Has<br/>a cat in the bag—God and effort.<br/>All problems are only a single one—Single problem of<br/>you and the universe—Unanswerable questions—<br/>Only Guru can—only a spiritual guide can answer—<br/>The universe is travail—stories of Ramadas, Narsi<br/>Mehta—Paryanka Vratam—Japanese Gods and<br/>the Hindu Gods—It is the soul that keeps asking—<br/>Offerings as food and prayers to the departed souls<br/>are M.O. to them. Souls need this till they reach<br/>God. The effect of these on the souls of the de<br/>parted.<br/>Blessings and curses—Story of Dharmaputra and the<br/>dog—Creation a 'lee!a'—Isvara—World a cosmic<br/>dream—Sankara and Ramanuja—The Vyavaharika<br/>and the Paramarthika levels of reality—Religion of<br/>God and the Atman—Arguing with dogmatised<br/>minds—^Technique of teaching other beliefs.<br/>The worth of man—Problems in Pranayama—Karmaphalatyagam—<br/>Solving an individuaPs personal<br/>problems—The Police and the Army, tlieir place in<br/>man'slife—Training the mind—Ways of contemplat<br/>ing on God—The meaning of 'Mleccha'.<br/>Instinct and reason<br/>The (naturally) blind professor has sighted wife and<br/>Sw. Krishnananda, discussions on philosophy and<br/>Sanskrit—Initiation into meditation.<br/>The Americans—Iranian Professor—Double devotion<br/>to the perceivable world and the abstract form<br/>of God—The Saguna and the Absolute—need of<br/>proper guide—wanting to build a house and wanting<br/>God-realisation through meditation need scientific<br/>approach.<br/>Yoga begins where philosophy ends.<br/>God is a stage of waking up to frightening awareness—<br/>Sleep in eternity awareness—Yajnavalkya's Madhu<br/>—Why do Gods decorate themselves?—which is<br/>better to have, God or the world?—How to work<br/>for God? Vidya—'self-love\<br/>Liberation when the Torces' withdraw and the ego<br/>goes—universe—Understand structure of God—<br/>God has not created the world.<br/>Why is the spiritual path so difficult—'Leela' as in the<br/>Kurukshetra War—Krishna a Kapata-nataka-Sutradhari—<br/>Understanding Him is to ^become' him like<br/>the gopis did—God plays like a child does with a<br/>mud-house etc. Do not try the logical and intel<br/>lectual methods to understand it—Lord Krishna a<br/>bundle of contradictions—^Ninda-Stuli' in Kusumanjaii—<br/>Knowing the limitations is transcending<br/>them—Bhaktas overstep their limitations; their law<br/>is different—Connotation of knowledge in the Gilain<br/>different contexts as the interpretation of devotion.<br/>Sivananda's words of praise—The Gita's authorship—<br/>Dharma and Rati—'Namaha'—The tenor of the<br/>Mahabharatam—Some doubts cleared—A personal<br/>psychological problem resolved—Definitions limit<br/>Truth—Affirmations true only for a particular level<br/>—Illumined intellect—Intelligence and intellect—<br/>Curiosity a desire—Atman the light that illumines—<br/>Chitta—Mind—Brahmacharya and its preservation<br/>is contextual in the lower and higher level—The<br/>whole world dies in one stroke and then?—<br/>Difficulties more and more intense in the progress<br/>of spirituality.<br/>'Guru' a must—"I am what I am to-day because of<br/>Sw. Sivananda my Guru"—Socrates questions val<br/>ues—Nyaya-Vaisheshikas—Vedantin Sriharsha and<br/>his Khandana-kavyam—Nihilists.<br/>Spirit and soul the same—Kindness and goodness—<br/>Austerity—Every standard is correct at its level—<br/>Does God spare the wrong-doer? Any justification<br/>forpujariof Kedarnathto be compelled to bathe even<br/>when suffering from typhoid fever? Absolute stan<br/>dard only in Krita-Yuga which begins the cycle of<br/>Yugas—To the Absolute Kali-Yuga is the same as<br/>describing darkness to the solar-Sun—if you want<br/>to say 'God exists' add the clause, 'and nothing else<br/>exists'—Mind must be gradually trained to this<br/>idea—Arjuna was thus trained.<br/>Idealism and mania—Should a seeker search for a<br/>Guru?—A seeker's attitude to his kith and kin a<br/>pre-requisite to become a Sadhak—Trisul of Swami<br/>Sivananda—Righteous anger—Truth defined as the<br/>uncontradictable is unsound logic—World and God<br/>exist if two words are used for one thing—Rishis<br/>and dry-leaves—Siddha-purusha and prarabdhas—<br/>God's grace intuits higher-knowledge—Fatalism<br/>—How does God change ugliness to perfection?—<br/>A Consciousness like God's sees only perfection—<br/>Sw. Sivananda, an episode in his life as to what the<br/>Master means by equal-vision—How to see God in<br/>everything, like the cookies and the crunchies?<br/>Should not get attached to a principle in following<br/>it—American visitors question: Is Prana Truth?—<br/>The Yaksha Kanya and Indira—Time, its technical<br/>meaning—Madhu-Vidya in the Brihadaranyaka<br/>Upanishad—Anandamaya Kosa.<br/>PART HI THE PHILOSOPHER<br/>1. Practical Hints on Sadhana<br/>2. A Talk on the Concluding Day of the Sadhana<br/>Week<br/>3. Significance of Japa and Prayer on the Anniver<br/>sary of Akhanda Namakirtan<br/>4. On Reason and Higher Life<br/>5. The Path of Devotion in the Epics and Puranas<br/>6. *Excerpts from The Yoga-Vcdanta Forest Uni<br/>versity Weeklies<br/>(i) What are the Brahma Sutras?<br/>7. Worship the Saints<br/>8. (ii)*Christ to the Spiritual Aspirant<br/>9. The Principles of the Bhagavad Gita<br/>10. The Call of Srikrishna<br/>11. A Pictorial Philosophy of Yoga<br/>12. (iii)*Prayer for the Departed Souls<br/>13. (iv)*An Article from "Panchadasi" Explained<br/>14. Four lectures delivered at the Lai Bahadur Shastri<br/>National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie<br/>on different occasions:<br/>(i) The Cosmology of Yoga Practice<br/>(ii) Yoga—The Science of Life<br/>(iii) The Organism of Administration<br/>(iv) Humanity As Yajna or Sacrifice of<br/>Pefection<br/>15. Talk Broadcast: on 27 August, 1980—The<br/>Principles of Education<br/>16. Foundations for an Educational Career (An ex<br/>cerpt from the journal of the Divine Life<br/>Society, Rishikesh, October, 1982)
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