The mines act,1952 (Bare Act)/ (Record no. 157848)

MARC details
fixed length control field 00327nam a2200121Ia 4500
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Classification number 343.54
Item number UNI/M
Title The mines act,1952 (Bare Act)/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Universal Law Publishing
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Universal Law Publishing,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2010.
Extent 139 p.
Formatted contents note THE MINES ACT, 1952<br/>Introduction<br/>Sections<br/>CHAPTER 1<br/>PRELIMINARY<br/>1. Short title, extent and commencement<br/>2. Definitions<br/>3. Act not to apply in certain cases 4. References to time of day<br/>CHAPTER II<br/>INSPECTORS AND CERTIFYING SURGEONS<br/>5. Chief Inspector and Inspectors 6. Functions of Inspectors<br/>7. Powers of Inspectors of Mines 8. Powers of Special Officer to enter, measure, etc.<br/>9. Facilities to be afforded to Inspectors 9A. Facilities to be provided for occupational health survey . 10. Secrecy of information obtained<br/>11. Certifying surgeons ,<br/>CHAPTER III<br/>COMMITTEES<br/>12. Committees<br/>13. Functions of the Committee<br/>14. Powers, etc., of the Committees<br/>15. Recovery of expenses<br/>CHAPTER IV<br/>MINING OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT OF MINES<br/>16. Notice to be given of mming operations<br/>17. Managers 18. Duties and responsibilities of owners, agents and managers ><br/>CHAPTER V<br/>PROVISIONS AS TO HEALTH AND SAFETY<br/>19. Drinking water<br/>20. Conservancy<br/>21. Medical appliances 22. Powers of Irrspectors when causes of danger not expressly provided against exist or when employment of persons is dangerous<br/>22A. Power to prohibit employment in certain cases 23. Notice to be given of accidents 24. Power of Government to appoint court of inquiry in cases of accidents<br/>25. Notice of certain diseases<br/><br/>26. Power to direct investigation of causes of disease<br/>27. Publication of Reports<br/>CHAPTER VI<br/>HOURS AND LIMITATION OF EMPLOYMENT<br/>28. Weekly day of rest 29. Compensatory days of rest<br/>30. Hours of work above ground<br/>31. Hours of work below ground<br/>32. Night shift<br/>33. Extra wages for overtime 34. Proltibition of employment of certain persons 35. Limitation of daily hours of work including overtime work 36. Notices regarding hours of work 37. Supervising staff 38. Exemption from provision regarding employment<br/>39. Power to make exempting rules 40. Employment of persons below eighteen years of age 41. [Repealed]<br/>42. [Repealed] 43. Power to require medical examination 44. [Repealed] 45. Prohibition of the presence of persons below eighteen years of age in a mine 46. Employment of women 47. [Repealed] 48. Registers of persons employed CHAPTER VII<br/>LEAVE WITH WAGES<br/>49. Application of Chapter<br/>50. Leave defined 51. Calendaf year defined 52. Annual leave with wages 53. Wages during leave period 54. Payment in advance in certain cases 55. Mode of recovery of unpaid wages<br/>56. Power of exempt mines<br/>CHAPTER VIII REGULATIONS, RULES AND BYE-LAWS 57. Power of Central Government to make regulations 58. Power of Central Government to make rules 59 Prior publication of regulations and rules 60. Power to make regulations without previous pubhcat.on 61": SjilTof regutatte, mtes .nd bye.U«s before 62. Posting up of abstracts from Act, regulations, etc.<br/><br/>CHATTER IX<br/>PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE<br/>Obstruction<br/>Falsification of records, etc.<br/>Use of false certificates of fitness Omission to furnish plans, etc. Contravention of provisions regarding employment of labour Penalty for employment of persorrs below eighteen years of age Failure to appoint manager<br/>Notice of accidents Owner, etc., to report to Chief Inspector in certain cases Obligation of persons employed in a urine Special provision for contravention of certain regulations<br/>Special provision for contravention of orders under section 22 Special provision for contravention of law with dangerous results<br/>General provision for disobedience of orders Enhanced penalty after previous conviction Prosecution of owner, agent or manager<br/>Determination of owner in certain cases Exemption of owner, agent or manager from liability in certain cases<br/>Power of Court to make orders<br/>Limitation of prosecutions<br/>Cognizance of offences [Repealed] Reference to or Committee in lieu of prosecution in certain cases<br/>CHAPTER X<br/>MISCELLANEOUS Decision of question whether a mine is under this Act Power to exempt from operation of Act<br/>Power to alter or rescind orders Application til Act to mines belonging to Government Persons required to give notice, etc., legally bound to do so Signing of returns, notices, etc. No fee or charge to be realised for facilities and conveniences Application of certain provisions of Act 63 of 1948 to mines Protection of action taken in good faith [Repealed]<br/><br/>Rules<br/>THE MINES RULES, 1955<br/>1. Short title and application<br/>2. Definitions<br/>CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY h ■' b-.lit 'r<br/>I.'* t ,1-. r; ■<br/>' •'■i/ ■ . ■ .<br/>•fi * • 'i<br/>/I<br/>52 52<br/>V!<br/>CHAPTER II<br/>COMMITTEE<br/>3. Term of office<br/>4. Secretary of the Committee<br/>5. Remuneration<br/>6. [Omitted]<br/>7. Resignation<br/>8. Absence from India<br/>9. Notification of vacancies<br/>10. Disposal of business<br/>11. Time and place of meetings<br/>12. Notice of meetings<br/>13. Presiding at meetings<br/>14. Quorum<br/>15. Decision by majority<br/>16. Minutes of the meetings<br/>17. Allowances to non-official members<br/>18. Correspondence and accounts 19. Appearance at hearings 20. Proceedings to be in camera<br/>CHAPTER III<br/>COURT OF INQUIRY<br/>21. Court of inquiry to the public 22. Recovery of expenses<br/>CHAPTER IV<br/>CERTIFYING SURGEONS<br/>23. Powers of Certifying Surgeons 24. Duties of Certifying Surgeon<br/>25. [Omitted] -<br/>26. [Omitted]<br/>27. [Omitted]<br/>28. Fresh examination<br/>29. [Omitted]<br/>CHAPTER IVA<br/>MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF PERSONS EMPLOYED OR TO BE EMPLOYED IN MINES<br/>29A. Applicability of this Chapter 29B. Initial and periodical medical examinatioirs<br/>29C. Examining authorities<br/>29D. Notice of medical examination 29E. Failure to undergo medical examination 29F. Standard and report of medical examination 29G. Retention and transfer of medical certificates 29H. Identity of candidates 29-1. Medical examination of women 29J. Appeal for re-examination<br/><br/>29K. ConsKtution of Appellate Medical Board 29L. Standard and report of medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board 29M. Unfit persons not to be employed 29N. Compensation for industrial disease<br/>29-0. Cost of medical examination<br/>29P. Aimual retruns<br/>CHAPTER IVB WORKMEN'S INSPECTOR AND SAFETY COMMITTEE 29Q. Workmen's Inspector 29R. Duties of Workmen's Inspector<br/>29S. Action on the report of Workmen's Inspector<br/>29T. Safety Committee 29U. Composition of Safety Committee 29V. Functions of Safety Committee 29W. Implementation of recommendations of the Safety Committee<br/>CHAPTER V HEALTH AND SANITATION PROVISIONS 30. Quantity of drinking water 31. Storage of drinking water 32. Decision of Chief Inspector hnal<br/>33. Surface laterines and urinals<br/>34. Standards of construction 35. Sign-boards to be displayed 36. Provision of water for washing, etc. 37. Underground latrines<br/>38. Sanitation 39. Obligation of workpeisons<br/>CHAPTER VI<br/>FIRST-AID AND MEDICAL APPLIANCES 40. Arrangements for training persons in first-aid etc. 41. First-aid qualifications 42. First-aid personnel<br/>43. First-aid rooms<br/>44. First-aid stations 45. Carrying of first-aid outfit by officials 45A. Medical attention in case of injury<br/>CHAPTER V!l<br/>EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONS 46. Persons holding positions of supervision or management etc. 47. Weekly day of rest<br/>48. Notice regarding hours of work 49. Compensatory days of rest 50. Exemption from hours and limitation of employment 51. Termination of emplo)rment<br/><br/>52. Employment of apprentices and trainees<br/>CHAPTER VIII<br/>WITH WAGES AND OVERTIME<br/>53. Register of leave with wages 54. Information regarding leave with wages<br/>55. [Omitted] 56. Payment of leave wages due if a person dies<br/>57. [Omitted] 58. [Omitted] . r , ' 59. Overtime register ' '<br/>60. Extra wages for overtime ' 61. Cases of exemption under section 56 • " •<br/>CHAPTER IX<br/>WELFARE AMENITIES<br/>70<br/>62. Provision of shelters<br/>,. .. "■<br/>63. Standards of shelters . ... . . 64. Provision of Canteens 65. Standards of canteen 1/- ' 66. Furniture and equipment ^ lU "/ ; * 67. Cleanliness 68. Maintenance of canteens and provision of staff • '/*»(> ^ ' 69. Canteen Managing Committee -I- ' rifc 70. Prices to be charged 71. Accounts 72. Welfare Officers 73. Duties of Welfare Officer 74. Conditions of service<br/>./OK<br/>CHAPTER X REGISTERS, NOTICES AND RETURNS 75. Maintenance and production of reports, registers and other records 76. Jlegisters of reportable and minor accidents 77. Register of employees 77A. Identity tokens 78. Register of daily attendance 79. Postings of abstracts, bye-laws and notices CHAPTER XI MISCELLANEOUS<br/>80. Observance of local time 81. Intoxicating drugs and drinks 82. Occupational diseases—^Fees of medical practitioner 82A. Disability allowance and compensaHon for occupational diseases 83. Mode of payment of fees etc. 83A. Appeals to the Chief Inspector CHAPTER XII RESCISSION AND SAVINGS 84. Rescission and Savings<br/>80<br/>FIRST SCHEDULE<br/>FORM A.—Notice of commencement and end of work FORM B *'• FORM C.—Register of persons employed below ground during the week commencing and ending FORM D.—Register of persons employed above ground in opencast working during the week commencing and ending FORM E.—Register of persons employed above ground otherwise than in opencast working during the week commencing... and ending FORM F.—Register of Compensatory Days of Rest FORM G.—Register of Leave Account during the Calendar Year. FORM H.—Register of Leave Wages Account during the Calendar Year FORM I.—Register of Overtime Wages FORM J.—Return of Reportable Accidents<br/>FORM K.—Return of Minor Accidents FORM L.—Information regarding leave with wages FORM M.—Notice of initial/periodical medical exanunation<br/>under rule 293 FORM N.—Second and final notice of initial/periodical'' medical<br/>examination under rule 298 FORM O.—Report of medical examination under rule 293 FORM P.—Medical Standard of Fitness for Persons Employed<br/>FORM PI.—Medical standard of fitness for reasons to be employed in mines FORM Q.—Notice of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board<br/>FORM R.—^Second and final notice of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board FORM S.—Report of medical re-examination by Appellate M^ical Board FORM T.—Annual Return for the year ending FORM U.—[Report of the matters ascertained as a result of inspection by the workman's Inspector—See rules 29R and 29S] SECOND SCHEDULE.—Equipment of a first-aid room THIRD SCHEDULE.—Requisites of a first-aid station FOURTH SCHEDULE.—Exemption from hours and limitation of employment<br/>F/FTH SCHEDULE.—Abstracts of the Act SIXTH SCHEDULE.—[Observance of local mean time—See rule 80] .<br/><br/>THE MINES RESCUE RULES, 1985<br/>.1 -1 .((<br/>CHAPTER I<br/>PRELIMINARY<br/>1. Short title, application and commencement<br/>2. Defiiutions<br/>CHAPTER II<br/>RESCUE STATIONS AND RESCUE ROOMS<br/>3. Establishment and location of rescue station<br/>115<br/>115<br/>" 116<br/>/<br/>4. Functions of rescue stations<br/>5. Establishment and location of rescue rooms<br/>6. Functions of rescue ro6m 7. QualiAcations, experience etc. of Superintendent 8. Qualifications, experience etc., of Instructors 9. Selection of rescue trained persons for posting rescue stations 10. Qualifications, experience etc. of rescue room Incharge<br/>11. Equipment<br/>CHAPTER III DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERINTENDENTS ETC 12. Duties and responsibilities of Superintendent<br/>13. Duties of Instructors 14. Duties and responsibilities of rescue room incharge 15. Duties of rescue trained persons posted at rescue station<br/>16. Duties of rescue room attendant<br/>CHAPTER IV<br/>ORGANISATION AND EQUIPMENT IN MINES<br/>17. Telephone communication<br/>18. Rescue tracings 19. Appointment of rescue trained persons in mines, their disposition<br/>and accommodation 20. Selection of persons for training in rescue<br/>21. Instructions and practices etc.<br/>22. Medical examination etc. of rescue trained person<br/>23. Suspension of rescue trained persons<br/>CHAPTER V<br/>CONDUCT OF RESCUE WORK<br/>24. Duties of Maiuger etc. in emergency 25. Accommodation at the belowground mine for persons engaged<br/>in rescue work 26. Entry into belowground mines for rescue or recovery works<br/>27. Fresh air bases<br/>28. Leader<br/>29. Instructions to leader<br/>30. Test of apparatus 31. Duties of leader belowgrouiul ■ 32. Rescue team members and their duties , . 33. Restriction of second spell of work<br/>CHAPTER VI<br/>MISCELLANEOUS 34. Obligation of owner, agent and manager in cerUin situations<br/>35. General management 36. Inspections<br/>37. Power to relax 38. Repeal and saving<br/><br/>Contents ix<br/>Fonns Page<br/>FORM I.—Intiinadon of appointment etc. of Superintendent . . , 126<br/>FORM II.—Notice of accident . . . 127<br/>SCHEDUL£ I.—Equipment to be kept at a Rescue Station . . . 128 SCHEDULE II.—Equipment to be kept at rescue room . . • . 130 SCHEDULE HI.—Minimum equipment to be kept at the surface of mine where<br/>no rescue room is located close to mine entrance . 131<br/>SCHEDULE IV.—^Adjustments and test of Breathing Apparatus, Flowmeter, Bobin meter. Oxygen etc. . . 132 SCHEDULE V.-Code of signs . . . " 133<br/>SCHEDULE VI.—Medical Examination . , 136<br/>SCHEDULE VII.—Courses of Instructions and Practices . . . 138<br/>SCHEDULE W//.-Code of signals . . . 139<br/>
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        Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University General Book Section 29/08/2016 343.54 UNI/M P12677 11/07/2018 11/07/2018 Bare Acts and Legal Education Series
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