KOSMOS:An evolutionary-wholistic account of creation/ (Record no. 144235)

MARC details
fixed length control field 09963nam a2200133Ia 4500
International Standard Book Number 0755202473
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 113
Item number MIL/K
Title KOSMOS:An evolutionary-wholistic account of creation/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Milner, Dennis
Place of publication, distribution, etc. England:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Authors OnLine Ltd.,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2006.
Extent 452 p.
Formatted contents note CHAPTER 1: The Kosmos Stirs and Thereby Begins to Experience a Sense of Self<br/>Going Back as Far as We Can in the Evolution of the Kosmos - To a State of Dormant Energy<br/>The Kosmos Stirs Into Activity and Thereby Experiences Itself<br/>The Activity Becomes Turmoil Which Breaks Down Into "Superstructure-Entities"<br/>CHAPTER 2: The Evolution of the Superstructure Entities Leads to the Beginning of the Universe<br/>The Superstructure Entities Increase in Activity<br/>The Interaction of the Superstructure Entities Creates Turbulence at Their Boundaries<br/>The Turbulence Gives Rise to the Beginning of Galaxies<br/>CHAPTER 3: The Arising of Substances, Stars and Planets Out of An On-going Turmoil<br/>The Formation of Hydrogen - the First Substance of the Universe<br/>The Formation of Stars and Heavier Atoms out of the Hydrogen<br/>The Formation of the Solar System<br/>Summary of the Evolution of the Universe According to hK-M<br/>CHAPTER 4: The Arising and Evolution of Life on Earth<br/>ThP Formation of the Earth with its Atmosphere and Watery Surface<br/>The Ahshg of Life in the Form of Prokaryotic Cells<br/>The Arising of Eukaryotic Cells<br/>The Arising of Multicellular Organisms<br/>The Arising of Hominids ^ , 0 1<br/>The Arising of the Hominid Feeling Soul<br/>The Arising of the Hominid Thinking Spirit<br/>Central Role of the Earth Entity (Memory) Energy<br/>Summary of the Evolution of Life on Earth<br/>CHAPTER 5: The Omniverse and a New Dimension to Hominids<br/>The Formation of the Omniverse and an Omniverse Hierarchy<br/>The Stages of Development of the Omniverse Hierarchy<br/>Three Streams in the Omniverse Hierarchy<br/>The Interaction of the Omniverse Hierarchy With the Earth Situation Gives Rise to Homo Sapr ns<br/>The Neolithic Era<br/>The Unigueness of the Earth Situation and Its Conseguences<br/>The Nature of Existence in the Omniverse Hierarchy<br/>Two Basic Types of Homo Sapiens Experience: Inner-Spiritual and Outer-Material<br/>The Spiritual and Material Viewpoints<br/>The Human Situation<br/>The Purpose of Life In More Specific Terms<br/>Summary of Part I<br/>PART II: APPENDICES AMPLIFYING THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF KOSMIC METAPHYSICS<br/>CHAPTER 6; Appendix to the Introduction<br/>The Universe as 'Purposive' - The Anthropic Principle<br/>The Universe As a Living Entity<br/>The Universe As a Self-Organising System<br/>CHAPTER 7: Appendix to Chapter 1: The Kosmos Stirs and Thereby Begins to Experience a Sense of<br/>Self<br/>The Superstructure Entities<br/>Cyclic Creation<br/>CHAPTER 8: Appendix to Chapter 2: The Evolution of the Superstructure Entities Leads to the<br/>Beginning of the Universe<br/>Kosmic Metaphysics and the Big Bang Theory<br/>Redshift<br/>The Distribution of Galaxies<br/>The Creation of Hydrogen and Helium as Galaxies Break Down<br/>Galaxy Breakdown and the Punctuated Equilibrium Principle<br/>Other Features<br/>CHAPTER 9: Appendix to Chapter 3: The Arising of Substances, Stars and Planets out of an on-going<br/>Turmoil<br/>The Formation of Stars and Heavier Atoms<br/>Planet Formation<br/>The Earth Planet<br/>The Earth's Magnetic Field<br/>The Basic Nature of Substance<br/>The Force Fields of Substances<br/>Types of Atoms and the Periodic Table<br/>Quantisation and 'Wave Packets'<br/>Electrical Conductivity<br/>Magnetism<br/>The Activity Fields of Substances<br/>Space-Time Considerations<br/>The 'Energetics' of the Universe<br/>CHAPTER 10: Appendix to Chapter 4: The Arising and Evolution of Life on Earth<br/>The Arising of the First Prokaryotic Cells (Bacteria)<br/>The Evolution of Prokaryotic Cells<br/>The Arising of Eukaryotic Cells<br/>The Arising of Multicellular Organisms<br/>The Evolution of the Animal Kingdom<br/>Nutritional-Survival Stresses<br/>Procreation Stresses<br/>The Evolution of Plants<br/>The Evolution of Fungi<br/>The Pattern of Life on Earth<br/>Some Specific Aspects of Biological Evolution<br/>Symbiogenesis<br/>The Earth-Memory Energy<br/>The Genetic Viewpoint<br/>/?K-M and the Darwinian Theory of Evolution<br/>CHAPTER 11: Appendix 1 to Chapter 5: The Omnlverse and a New Dimension to Hominids:<br/>The Evolution oiF Humanity and the Human Being<br/>The incarnation of Members of the Omniverse Hierarchy into the Earth Situation<br/>The Development of the Civilisations of the Near East and Western Europe<br/>The Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilisations<br/>The Arising of Self Actualisation<br/>The Greek Culture<br/>The Arising of Philosophical Thinking<br/>The Development of Down-to-Earth, Working-Face Thinking - The Hellenistic Era<br/>The Further Development of Self-Actualisation as Will Power - The Roman Era<br/>The Christ Phenomenon<br/>Western European Civilisation<br/>The Evolution of the Individual Human Being<br/>Our Willing-Feeling-Thinking Development Through Life<br/>CHAPTER 12: Appendix 2 to Chapter 5: The Omniverse and a New Dimension to Hominids:<br/>Psychic and Mystical Experiences<br/>What Exactly Are We<br/>Post-Mortem Existence According to Psychics<br/>Reincarnation<br/>Healing by Past-Life Regression<br/>Historical Value of Recall of Past Lives<br/>Out-of-the Body Experiences (OBEs)<br/>The Worlds of Soul and Spirit According to Mystics<br/>The Cosmology of the Mystics<br/>Two Contemporary Mystics<br/>Sai Baba<br/>'Daskalos<br/>The Viewpoint of /7K-M on These Matters<br/>CHAPTER 13: Appendix 3 to Chapter 5: The Omniverse and a New Dimension to Hominids:<br/>The Energy Fields of the Human Being<br/>The Constitution of the Human Being<br/>The Energy Fields of Organisms<br/>Radionics ,<br/>Electromagnetic Fields Associated With Life<br/>Clairvoyant Observations of the Body's Energy Fields<br/>Registration of the Body's Energy Fields<br/>The Integration of Energy Field Concepts into Medical Practice<br/>The Principles of Homoeopathy<br/>Self Healing<br/>Meridian Energy Healing<br/>Spiritual Healing<br/>CHAPTER 14: Appendix 4 to Chapter 5: The Omniverse and a New Dimension to Hominids:<br/>Phenomena Suggesting Contact With the Omniverse Hierarchy<br/>The Creative Power of Thought<br/>UFO Phenomena As a Possible Manifestation of the Omniverse Hierarchy?<br/>Comments on UFO Phenomena<br/>Channelled Communications<br/>Mindweld<br/>Starseed Transmissions<br/>Agartha<br/>New Teachings For An Awakening Humanity: The Christ<br/>The Wind of Change and The Cosmic Dance<br/>Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleidians & Earth: Pleidian Keys t( the<br/>Living Library<br/>The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings from Deep Space<br/>Conversations With God<br/>An hK-M Evaluation<br/>The Significance of the Channelled Communications<br/>Atlantis<br/>Is there an Impending Catastrophe?<br/>PART III: HOW KOSMIC-METAPHYSICS CAME ABOUT<br/>CHAPTER 15: The Beginning<br/>The Background<br/>The Problem of Mind and the Human Aura<br/>The Problem of Form and Function in Nature<br/>CHAPTER 16: Experiences of Expanded Consciousness (ECEs)<br/>The Expanded Consciousness Technique<br/>Ted's First ECEs<br/>Brian's First ECEs<br/>Andy's First ECEs<br/>Harry's First ECEs<br/>CHAPTER 17: ECEs on the Human Situation<br/>The Incarnation of Egos Into the Earth Situation<br/>The Interaction of the Ego With the Body<br/>Causes of Illness Arising From Disharmony in Ego-Body Interactions<br/>'Spiritual' Healing<br/>ECEs on the Three Paths of Human Development<br/>(i) Andy Visits the Kingdom of Ahriman<br/>(ii)_ Andy Visits the Kingdom of Lucifer<br/>(iiij Andy Visits the Kingdom of Christ<br/>On Sai Baba<br/>CHAPTER 18: ECEs on the Forces of Nature and the Natures of Substances<br/>Cosmic Forces<br/>The Plant<br/>The 'Characters' of Substances<br/>The Basic Nature of Substances :<br/>CHAPTER 19: ECEs and the Experimental Investigations<br/>An ECE Related to An Experiment<br/>Etheric Forces and Steiner's Cosmology<br/>The Formative Behaviour of Substances<br/>Pattern Formation in Crystallisation<br/>Etheric Force Interpretation of Our Experimental Results<br/>An hK-M Evaluation of these ECEs and Etheric Force Concepts<br/>CHAPTER 20: Homoeopathy<br/>ECEs on How Homoeopathy Works<br/>Experimental Researches Into Homoeopathy<br/>ECEs Dealing With Homoeopathic Forces<br/>An ECE-led Experiment<br/>Homoeopathy and the Scientific Viewpoint<br/>CHAPTER 21: An Evaluation of This Phase of Our Work<br/>The Source of the Imagery<br/>The Validity of the Imagery<br/>The Endpoint of This Phase of the Group's Activities<br/>CHAPTER 22: A New Phase of Development<br/>A Different Type of ECE<br/>The Junior School 'Godhead-in-Evolution' Cosmology<br/>The Seven Stages of Creation<br/>Summary of Underlying Principles of Seven Stages of Development and How They Apply to Us<br/>The Seven Stages of Development of Humanity<br/>CHAPTER 23: ECEs Portraying the Christ Path<br/>CHAPTER 24: The 'Senior School' Phase of Development<br/>The Culmination of the Junior School Phase - The 'Absolute'<br/>The 'Senior School' Cosmology<br/>The Primary - Junior - Senior Schools' Progression of Cosmologies<br/>The Nature of God<br/>A Final Comment<br/>PART IV: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS AND KOSMIC METAPHYSICS<br/>CHAPTER 25: The Creation of Etheric Stress Forms<br/>An hK-M Overview of Our Experiments<br/>Forms Produced by Electrophotography<br/>Changing the Response of the Boundary Layer<br/>Multi-differentiated Forms<br/>A 'Field' of Forms<br/>Forms Associated with Liquids<br/>Phenomena Associated with Leaves<br/>Experiments with Magnets<br/>Some Other Phenomena That Registered<br/>CHAPTER 26: Mineral Kingdom Forms Produced by Stress<br/>Forms Produced in a Liquid by Mechanical Stress<br/>The Universality of Stress Forms"<br/>Stress Forms in a Spreading Droplet"<br/>Forms in Capillary Dynamolysis<br/>The Crystallisation of Copper Chloride<br/>The Addition of a Plant Extract<br/>The Crystallisation of Ammonium Chloride<br/>Some Metal Solidification Forms<br/>Forms Produced in a Liquid by Electrical Stress<br/>A Final Comment on Our Researches Into Forms<br/>CHAPTER 27: 'Activity Tracks'<br/>RESUME<br/>Kosmic Evolution<br/>The Evolution of our Universe ahd Planet Earth<br/>The Arising and Evolution of Life on Earth<br/>The Arising of Humanity<br/>Characteristics of Our Life on Earth<br/>A Tentative Look at the Future<br/>TECHNICAL APPENDIX<br/>Electrophotography<br/>The Spreading Drop Technique<br/>Capillary Dynamolysis<br/>references<br/>xii
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