Statistical methods / (Record no. 1171)

MARC details
fixed length control field 09673nam a2200157 4500
International Standard Book Number 9780070083271(pb)
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 001.422
Item number DAS/S
Personal name N. Das
Title Statistical methods /
Statement of responsibility, etc. N.G. Das
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Tata Mcgraw hill ,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2009.
Extent 905 p.
440 ## - SERIES
Volume/sequential V. 1& 2
Formatted contents note 1. Collection of Data: Classification and Tabulation<br/>1.1 Meaning of 'Statistics' 1<br/>1.2 Variable and Attribute 3<br/>1.3 Primary Data and Secondary Data 4<br/>1.4 Population (or Universe) and Sample 6<br/>1.5 Complete Enumeration (or Census) and Sample Survey 7<br/>1.6 Statistical Enquiry 8<br/>1.7 Useful Terms 11<br/>1.8 Classification 14<br/>1.9 Tabulation 14<br/>1.10 Mechanical Tabulation 20<br/>Exercises 21<br/>Answers 24<br/>2. Charts and Diagrams<br/>2.1 Objects of Diagrammatic Representation 27<br/>2.2 Types of Charts and Diagrams 27<br/>Exercises 41<br/>Answers 43<br/>3. Useful Mathematical Devices<br/>3.1 Rounding of Numbers 44<br/>3.2 Absolute, Relative and Percentage Errors 44<br/>3.3 Significant Figures 45<br/>3.4 Some Short Processes of Calculation 46<br/>3.5 Roots and Reciprocals Expressed as Power 49<br/>3.6 Logarithm 49<br/>3.7 A.P. Series and G.P. Series 54<br/>3.8 Sum and Sum of the Squares of Numbers 55<br/>3.9 Simple Interest Law and Compound Interest Law 55<br/>3.10 Permutation and Combination 56<br/>3.11 Binomial Series and Binomial Coefficients 56<br/>3.12 Inequalities 57<br/>3.13 Concept of'Function' 57<br/>3.14 Polynomial 58<br/>3.15 Sigma (E) Notation 58<br/>3.16 Simple Interpolation 63<br/>4. Frequency Distribution<br/>4.1 Observation, Frequency 66<br/>4.2 Simple Series (or Ungrouped Data) and Frequency Distribution 66<br/>4.3 Useful Terms Associated with Grouped Frequency Distributions 69<br/>4.4 Construction of Frequency Distribution 78<br/>4.5 Cumulative Frequency Distribution 81<br/>4.6 Relative Frequency Distribution 87<br/>4.7 Diagrammatic Representation of Frequency Distributions 87<br/>4.8 Frequency Curve 95<br/>Exercises 97<br/>Answers 99<br/>5. Measures of Central Tendency<br/>5.1 Averages or Measures of Central Tendency lOI<br/>5.2 Arithmetic Mean (A.M.) 106<br/>5.3 Important Properties of A.M. 110<br/>5.4 Simplified Calculation for A.M. 115<br/>5.5 Mean of Composite Group 124<br/>5.6 Geometric Mean (G.M.) 126<br/>5.7 Properties of G.M. 127<br/>5.8 Harmonic Mean (H.M.) 133<br/>5.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of A.M., G.M., H.M. 135<br/>5.10 Relations between A.M., G.M., H.M. 137<br/>5.11 Median 140<br/>5.12 Calculation of Median 140<br/>5.13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Median 141<br/>5.14 Mode 152<br/>5.15 Calculation of Mode 152<br/>5.16 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mode 153<br/>5.17 Relation between Mean, Median, Mode 157<br/>5.18 Partition Values—Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles 157<br/>5.19 Calculation of Partition Values 158<br/>Exercises 166<br/>Answers 173<br/>6. Measures of Dispersion<br/>6.1 Meaning and Necessity of 'Measures of Dispersion' 175<br/>6.2 Range 179<br/>6.3 Quartile Deviation (or Semi-interquartile Range) 180<br/>6.4 Mean Deviation (or Mean Absolute Deviation) 182<br/>6.5 Standard Deviation (S.D.) 184<br/>6.6 Important Properties of S.D. 185<br/>6.7 Calculation of Standard Deviation (s) 194<br/>6.8 S.D. of Composite Group 203<br/>6.9 Relation between S.D. and Other Measures 208<br/>6.10 Relative Measures of Dispersion 209<br/>6. 1 I I i'l lMl/ ( "lll\ C J "<br/>lixmnrs 21"<br/>.4/jvui/^ 22.^<br/>7. Moments, Skewnes>s and Kiirtosi.s<br/>7 I McimcntN 22-4<br/>7.2 Relation bctuccn aiul Noiv ccniral MomctUs 22S<br/>12 Beia cocllk icnis ami (iainina'CoelfK ienis 22^<br/>7 4 Sianilarili/cd Variable 2Mi<br/>1.2 Motneiiis of iTeqiiency Disiribulions 220<br/>10 Sbeppard's CmreebtMi Ita brmis due u> (iroupmg 222<br/>1 1 Ske\MK*vs 222<br/>7.x Kurtosis 240<br/>Excrcisv\ 24 /<br/>Answers 244<br/>8. Curve Fitting and Method of I.east Squares<br/>X.I Curve bitting 245<br/>X.2 Straight Line and Parabola 240<br/>X.3 l-ree hand Method of Curve r-itting 240<br/>X.4 Method of Squares 240<br/>8.5 Fitting Straight Line 25/<br/>8.6 Simplified Caleulations 25/<br/>8.7 Fitting Parabola 250<br/>8.8 Fitting F.\ponential and CJeometric Curves 202<br/>Exercises 205<br/>Answers 207<br/>Mathematical Note 207<br/>9. Correlation and Regression<br/>9.1 Concepts of'Correlation'and'Regression' 260<br/>9.2 Bivariate Data 260<br/>9.3 Bivariate Frequency Distribution 270<br/>9.4 Scatter Diagram 272<br/>9.5 Correlation 275<br/>9.6 Covariance 275<br/>9.7 Correlation Coefficient (; ) 276<br/>9.8 Properties of Correlation Coefficient 277<br/>9.9 Calculation of r 277<br/>9.10 Interpretation and Use of r 2H5<br/>9.11 Variance of the Sum (Difference) of Two Series 2H6<br/>9.12 Regression 290<br/>9.13 Properties of Linear Regression 29/<br/>9.14 Explained Variation and Unexplained Variation 301<br/>9.15 Regression Curve in Bivariate Frequency Distribution 303<br/>9.16 Rank Correlation 304<br/>9.17 Multiple Correlation and Partial Correlation 308<br/>Exercises 311<br/>Answers 316<br/>10. Interpolation<br/>10.1 Introduction 318<br/>10.2 Finite Differences: D and E Operators 318<br/>10.3 Differences of a Polynomial Function 322<br/>10.4 Newton's Forward Interpolation Formula 326<br/>10.5 Newton's Backward Interpolation Formula 329<br/>10.6 Central Difference Formulae-Stirling's and Bessel's 332<br/>10.7 Lagrange's Interpolation Formula 333<br/>10.8 Inverse Interpolation 335<br/>11. Theory of Probability<br/>11.1 Introduction 343<br/>11.2 Random Experiment, Outcome, Event 343<br/>11.3 Important Terminology 347<br/>11.4 Techniques of Counting 349<br/>11.5 Classical (or 'a Priori') Definition of Probability 351<br/>ri .6 Theorems of Probability 362<br/>11.7 Drawing without Replacement 373<br/>11.8 Repeated Trials—Drawing with Replacement 377<br/>11.9 Bayes' Theorem 379<br/>11.10 Mathematical Expectation 383<br/>11.11 Other Approaches to Probability Theory 387<br/>11.12 Set Theory 388<br/>11.13 Set and Probability 392<br/>11.14 Axioms of Probability 396<br/>11.15 Finite Probability Space and Assignment of Probabilities 398<br/>11.16 Finite Equiprobable Sample Space and Classical Definition 399<br/>11.17 Conditional Probability 401<br/>11.18 Independent Events 402<br/>11.19 Random Variable 406<br/>11.20 Cumulative Distribution Function (C.D.F.) 410<br/>11.21 Joint Distribution of Two Variables (Discrete) 413<br/>Exercises 415<br/>Answers 425<br/>12. Theoretical Distiibutions-Binoinial, Poisson, Normal<br/>12.1 Random Variable and Probability Distribution 426<br/>12.2 Discrete Probability Distribution 426<br/>12.3 Expectation.s—Mean, Variance, Moments (Discrete Distribution) 429<br/>12.4 Uniform Distribution (Discrete) 432<br/>12.5 Binomial Distribution 433<br/>12.6 Poisson Distribution 441<br/>IfJL<br/>7 "" Approvmiation u» Hinointal Disirilnilmn 44^<br/>I2.S n\pcii!c»>nicliic 1 )isirihiiliiMJ 447<br/>12,'' Disiribuiioii<br/>2 10 Dismbulion nl Iwi* \an;ibk's 4>l<br/>12 1 1 ( ontiiuioiis Probabilil> Distnbulinn 4ft5<br/>2.12 I■mtoriii Dislnbiuiiin (('oniimioiis) 467<br/>2 ! ^ Noimal Distnbiilion 4fhS<br/>2. 14 Appro\imatii)n in l^inntniai (PoissoiO 475<br/>2. 15 ("ntiirni I.irnii Ihcoivin 47"<br/>I-.\tni\t"t 477<br/>Answers 4Sft<br/>13. Sampling Theory<br/>I .VI Meaning aiul Objecls ol 'Sampling" 4cV<S'<br/>I .V2 Sampling Faror and BIAs 4^)0<br/>I .V.^ lypes ol" Sampling 492<br/>I .V4 Mcihod ol' Drawing Random Sample 495<br/>I.V5 Sampling Distribution 499<br/>I.V6 Two Impoitant Sampling Distribution (l.argc Sample) 501<br/>I.V7 Slaiuiard f'irror (S.IV) 501<br/>I .V7A ITobable lirror (l^.li.} 5/6<br/>I3.S Distributions Used in Sampling Theory 5/7<br/> 525<br/>Answers 526<br/>14. Estimation and Test of Significance<br/>14.1 Introduction 52H<br/>14.2 Theory ol" Kstimation 52H<br/>14.3 Point Estimation—Criteria for Good Estimators 52H<br/>14.4 Methods of Point Estimation 554<br/>14.5 Interval Estimation 557<br/>14.6 Theory of Test of Significance 546<br/>14.7 Large Sample Te.sts 554<br/>14.8 Small Sample Tests 572<br/>14.9 Tests for Correlation Coefficient 5H7<br/>Exercises 601<br/>Answers 611<br/>15. Analysis of Variance<br/>15. 1 Introduction 6/5<br/>15.2 Different Sources of Variation 615<br/>15.3 Technique in One-way Classified Data 616<br/>15.4 Steps in Computation (One-way Cla.ssified Data) 618<br/>15.5 Locating Unequal Pairs of Means 619<br/>15.6 Technique in Two-way Classified Data 623<br/>15.7 Steps in Computation (Two-way Classified Data) 625<br/>Exercises 627<br/>Answers 630<br/>16. Time Series<br/>16.1 Meaning and Necessity of'Time Series Analysis' 632<br/>16.2 Components of Time Series 632<br/>16.3 Adjustments to Time Series Data 634<br/>16.4 Secular Trend 635<br/>16.5 Measurement of Trend 635<br/>16.6 Monthly Trend from Annual Data 653<br/>16.7 Seasonal Variation 658<br/>16.8 Measurement of Seasonal Variation 661<br/>16.9 Cyclical Fluctuation 672<br/>16.10 Business Forecasting 673<br/>16.11 Exponential Smoothing 674<br/>Exercises 676<br/>Answers 683<br/>17. Index Numbers<br/>17.1 Meaning of'Index Number' 686<br/>17.2 Problems in Construction of Index Numbers 688<br/>17.3 Methods of Construction of Index Numbers 689<br/>17.4 Quantity Index Number 701<br/>17.5 Tests of Index Numbers 706<br/>17.6 Chain Base Method 713<br/>n.l Cost of Living Index Numbers 715<br/>17.8 Bias in Laspeyres' and Paasche's Formulae for C.L.I. 724<br/>17.9 Base Shifting, Splicing and Deflation 726<br/>17.10 Errors in Index Numbers 730<br/>Exercises 730<br/>Answers 741<br/>18. Vital Statistics<br/>18.1 Introduction 743<br/>18.2 Crude Death Rate 744<br/>18.3 Specific Death Rate 744<br/>18.4 Standardised Death Rate 745<br/>18.5 Life Table 748<br/>18.6 Crude Birth Rate 752<br/>18.7 General Fertility Rate 752<br/>18.8 Age-specific Fertility Rate 753<br/>18.9 Total Fertility Rate 753<br/>18.10 Vital Index 753<br/>18.11 Gross Reproduction Rate 754<br/>18.12 Net Reproduction Rate 754<br/>Exercises 758<br/>Answers 763<br/>19. Statistical Quality Control<br/>19.1 Introduction 765<br/>19.2 Chance Causes and Assignable Causes 766<br/>19.3 Control Chart—How It Works 766<br/>19.4 Control Charts for Variables and Attributes 768<br/>19.5 Formulae for Central Line and Control Limits 769<br/>19.6 Sampling Inspection 777<br/>19.7 Single and Double Sampling Inspection Plans 778<br/>19.8 Important Terms used in Sampling Inspection 779<br/>Exercises 780<br/>Answers 783
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