Coated grains /

Coated grains / edited by Tadeusz M. Peryt. - Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1983. - xi, 655 p. 25 cm.

I Approaches
Classification of Coated Grains
T. M. Peryt
Classification of Coated Grains: Discussion
D. K. Richter
Origin of Coated Grains: Trace Element Constraints
U. Brand and J. Veizer (With 1 Figure)
Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Recent and
Ancient Coated Grains
M. Magaritz (With 4 Figures)
Neritic Macroid Genesis, an Ecological Approach
L. Hottinger (With 30 Figures)
Accretionary Lapilli in Volcanic Ash Falls:
Physical Factors Governing Their Formation
T. O. Reimer (With 5 Figures)
II Goids
Calcareous Ooids: A Synopsis
D. K. Richter (With 4 Figures)
Ferriferous Ooids
M. M. Kimberley (With 3 Figures)
Cortical Fabrics in Calcite and Aragonite Ooids
D. A. Medwedeff and B. H. Wilkinson (With 2 Figures)
Relict Sand Bodies and Bedforms of the Northern
Bahamas: Evidence of Extensive Early Holocene
Sand Transport
A.C. Hine (With 13 Figures)
11.5 The Joulters Ooid Shoal, Great Bahama Bank
P. M. Harris (With 7 Figures)
11.6 Holocene Lacustrine Ooids from Pyramid Lake, Nevada
B. N. Popp and B. H. Wilkinson (With 4 Figures)
11.7 Subrecent High-Sr Aragonitic Ooids from Hot Springs
Near Tekke Ilica (Turkey)
D. K. Richter and H. Besenecker (With 6 Figures)
11.8 Coated Grains Along the Dead Sea Shore
R. A. Garber and G. M. Friedman (With 4 Figures)
11.9 Structural and Geochemical Features of Jurassic Oolitic
Limestones in the Veneto Region (NE Italy)
L. Scudeler Baccelle (With 4 Figures)
11.10 Sedimentary Characteristics of Oolitic Carbonates from
the Jialing-Jiang Formation (Lower Triassic (T?J1)],
South Sichuan Basin, China
Yun Fu Zeng, Nan Hao Lee, and Yang Zhou Huang
(With 8 Figures)
II. 11 Ooid Zonation as Indication for Environmental
Conditions in a Givetian-Frasnian Carbonate Shelf-Slope
T. J. A. Reijers and A. H. M. ten Have (With 10 Figures)
II.12 Ooids and Oolites of the Proterophytic Boomplaas
Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, Griqualand West
South Africa
N. J. Beukes (With 7 Figures)
III Rhodoids
III. 1 Description and Classification of Rhodoliths
(Rhodoids, Rhodolites)
D. W. J. Bosence (With 4 Figures)
111.2 The Occurrence and Ecology of Recent Rhodoliths -
A Review
D. W. J, Bosence (With 5 Figures)
111.3 Rhodoids in Temperate Carbonates from the Cenozoic of
New Zealand
C. J. Burgess and J. M. Anderson (With 10 Figures)
111.4 Early Permian Coated Grains from a Lagoonal
Environment, Laborcita Formation, Sacramento
Mountains, Southcentral New Mexico, U.S.A.
D. F. Toomey (With 6 Figures)
IV Oncoids
Oncoids: Comment to Recent Developments
T.M. Peryt
Cyanoliths (Cyanoids): Oncoids Formed by Calcified
R. Riding (With 5 Figures)
Algal Micro-Reefs - Coated Grains from Freshwater
J. Schneider, H.G. Schrdder, and
Th. Le Campion-Alsumard (With 7 Figures)
Brackish-Water Oncoids Composed of Blue-Green and
Red Algae from a Pleistocene Terrace Near Corinth,
D. K. Richter and R. Sedat (With 4 Figures)
Environmental Significance of Freshwater Oncoids,
Eocene Guarga Formation, Southern Pyrenees. Spain
E. Nickel (With 15 Figures)
Depositional Environment, Diagenesis and Reservoir
Properties of Oncolitic Packstones, Macae Formation
(Albian-Cenomanian), Campos Basin, Offshore
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A.V. Carozzi, F.U.H. Falkenhein, and M.R. Franke
(With 7 Figures)
Albian Pelagic Phosphate-Rich Macrooncoids from the
Tatra Mts (Poland)
K. P. Krajewski (With 10 Figures)
Oncoids and Stromatolites in the Rosso Ammonitico
Sequences (Middle-Upper Jurassic) of the Venetian Alps,
F. Massari (With 6 Figures)
Pelagic Oncoids and Ooids in the Middle-Upper Jurassic
of Eastern Sardinia
F. Massari and I. Dieni (With 6 Figures)
> Depositional Environments of Some Upper Jurassic
K. Dahanayake (With 8 Figures)
Carnian Oncolites of the Northern Calcareous Alps and
the Drau Range (Austria)
G. Tichy (With 4 Figures)
Girvanella Oncoids From Middle to Upper Triassic
Allochthonous Boulders of the Dolomite Alps,
Northern Italy
K. T. Biddle (With 6 Figures)
Triassic Oncoids from Central Balkanides (Bulgaria)
G. A. Catalov (With 7 Figures)
The Genesis of Algal Nodule Limestones from the Upper
Carboniferous (San Emiliano Formation) of N. W, Spain
M. B. J. Bowman (With 6 Figures)
Morphogenesis of Oncoids in the Lower Carboniferous
Llanelly Formation of South Wales
V. P. Wright (With 7 Figures)
T. M. Peryt (With 7 Figures)
Recent Travertine Pisoliths (Pisoids) from Southeastern
Idaho, U.S.A.
H. S. Chafetz and J. C. Meredith (With 4 Figures)
Pisoids in the Caliche Profiles of Tarragona (N. E. Spain)
F. Calvet and R. Juliet (With 7 Figures)
Pisoliths (Pisoids) in Quaternary Travertines of Tivoli,
R. L. Folk and H. S. Chafetz (With 17 Figures)
Quaternary Pisoids of Lau, Fiji
C. J. Burgess (With 11 Figures)
Pisoids and Pisolite Facies (Permian),
Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and West Texas
M. Esteban and L. C. Pray (With 11 Figures)
Vadose Pisolites of the Tongying Formatior
(Upper Sinian System) in Southwest China
Cao Ruiji and Xue Yaosong (With 7 Figures)
A Proterozoic Calcrete in the Amos Formation,
McArthur Group, Northern Territory, Australia
M. D. Muir (With 12 Figures)
Contrasted Occurrences
Coated Grains from the Great Barrier Reef
P. G. Flood (With 4 Figures)
Coated Grains Facies in the Lower Cretaceous of the
Outer Dinarides (Yugoslavia)
J. Tisljar (With 6 Figures)
Coated Grains in Contrasted Environmental Situations:
Norian and Lower Liassic of Northern Apennines
G. Ciarapica and L, Passeri (With 10 Figures)
Coated Grains from the Zechstein Limestone
(Upper Permian) of Western Poland
T. M. Peryt (With 7 Figures)
Unusual Algal-Crystalline Carbonate Coated Grains from
the Capitan Reef (Permian, Guadalupian),
New Mexico, USA
S. J. Mazzullo and J. M, Cys (With 4 Figures)
Contrasted Occurrence of Lower Devonian Coated
Grains, Northeastern Armorican Massif, France
J. Poncet (With 7 Figures)
Accretionary Lapilli and Other Spheroidal Rocks from the
Archaean Swaziland Supergroup, Barberton Mountain
Land, South Africa
T. O. Reimer (With 10 Figures)


Carbonate rocks.

552.5 / PER/C
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