Horticultual reviews /

Horticultual reviews / edited by Jules Janick - New Jersey : John Wiley , 2003. - 482 p.

1. Plant Nomenclature and Taxonomy:
An Horticultural and Agronomic Perspective
David M. Spoonev, Wilbert L. A. Hettevscheid,
Ronald G. van den Berg, and Willein A. Brandenburg
I. Introduction
II. Species Concepts in Wild Plants
III. Classification Philosophies in Wild
and Cultivated Plants
IV. Brief History of Nomenclature and Codes
V. Fundamental Differences in the Classification
and Nomenclature of Cultivated and Wild Plants
VI. A Comparison of the ICBN and ICNCP
VII. Possible New Codes
VIII. Cultivated Plant Nomenclature and the Law
IX. Cultivar Epithets and Trademarks
X. Recommendations for a Universally Stable
Crop Nomenclature Through Changes
and Use of the ICNCP
Literature Cited
2. Grafting of Herbaceous Vegetable
and Ornamental Crops
Jung-Myung Lee and Masayuki Oda
1. Introduction
II. Grafting Technology
III. Physiology of Grafting
IV. Crop Examples
V. Grafting for Crop Improvement
VI. Conclusion and Prospects
Literature Cited
3. Health Promoting Phytochemicals in Vegetables
Mosbah M. Kushad, John Masiunas, Kathy Eastman,
Wilhelmina Kali, and Mary A. L. Smith
I. Introduction
II. Major Classes of Phytochemicals in Vegetable
III. Phytochemicals Content and Health Benefits
of the Four Major Vegetable Croups
IV. Conclusions and Future Research Needs
Literature Cited
4. Detection and Elimination of Viruses and
Phytoplasmas from Pome and Stone Fruit Trees
Margit Laimer
I. Introduction
II. Pathogens
III. Pathogen Detection
IV. Elimination of Viruses
V. Elimination of Phytoplasmas
VI. Indexing, Mass Propagation, and Cermplasm
VII. Conclusions
Literature Cited
5. Pear Fruit Volatiles
Francesca Rapparini and Stefano Predieri
I. Introduction
II. Analysis of Chemical Composition
III. Biogenesis
IV. Factors Affecting Qualitative and Quantitative
Emission of Pear Volatiles
V. Volatile Compounds' Influence on Quality
VI. Summary and Conclusions
Literature Cited
6. The Physiology of Flowering in Strawherry
Rebecca L. Darnell, Daniel J. Cantliffe,
Daniel S. Kirscbbaum, and Craig K. Chandler
I. Introduction
II. Floral Morphology
III. Environmental Effects on Reproductive Growth
IV. Floral Induction Models
V. Genetics of Floral Induction
VI. Conclusions
Literature Cited
7. Flower and Fruit Thinning of Peach
and other Prunus
Ross E. Byers, Guglielmo Costa, and Giannina Vizzotto
I. Introduction
II. Reproductive Physiology
III. Abscission
IV. Thinning Practices
V. Future Prospects
Literature Cited
8. The Reproductive Biology of the Lychee
Raphael A. Stern and Shmuel Gazit
I. Introduction
II. Flowering
III. Pollination
IV. The Fertilization Process and Initial Fruit Set
V. Fruit Development and Abscission
VI. Concluding Remarks
Literature Cited



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