Handbook of behavior genetics /

Handbook of behavior genetics / Yong-Kyu Kim, editor. - New York : Springer, 2009. - xxiii, 560 p. 29 cm.

1 History of Behavior Genetics
John C. Loehlin
Part I Quantitative Methods and Models
2 Biometrical Models in Behavioral Genetics
Michael C. Neale
3 QTL Methodology in Behavior Genetics .
Stacey S. Cherny
4 Multivariate Genetic Analysis
Danielle Posthuma
5 Models of Human Behavior: Talking to the Animals
Gene S. Fisch
Fart H Genetics of Cognition
6 Twin Studies of General Mental Ability
Nancy L. Segal and Wendy Johnson
7 Behavioral Genetic Investigations of Cognitive Aging
Deborah Finkel and Chandra A. Reynolds
8 The Genetics and Environments of Reading: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective
Sara A. Hart and Stephen A. Petrill
9 Behavior-Genetic and Molecular Studies of Disorders of Speech
and Language: An Overview.
Elena L. Grigorenko
10 Human Brain Volume: What's in the Genes?
Jiska S. Peper, Marcel P. Zwiers, Dorret I. Boomsma, Rene S. Kahn, and Hilleke
E. Hulshoff Pol
11 Cognition in Rodents
Christopher Janus, Michael J. Galsworthy, David P. Wolfer, and Hans Welzl
12 Neurogenetic Analysis and Cognitive Functions in Trisomy 21
Pierre L. Roubertoux and Michele Carlier
13 Evolution of Complex Acoustic Signals in Drosophila Species
Anneli Hoikkala and Dominique Mazzi
14 Drosophila Model of Alzheimer's Amyloidosis
Koichi lijima, Kanae lijima-Ando, and Yi Zhong
Part III Genetics of Personality
15 Genotype-Environment Correlation and Family Relationships
Jennifer A. Ulbricht and Jenae M. Neiderhiser
16 Personality
Kerry L. Jang and Shinji Yamagata
17 Molecular Genetics of Personality: How Our Genes can Bring Us to a Better
Understanding of Why We Act the Way We Do
Richard P. Ebstein and Salomon Israel
18 The Genetics of Childhood Temperament
Jeffrey R. Gagne, Matthew K. Vendlinski, and H. Hill Goldsmith
19 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation.
Khytam Dawood, J. Michael Bailey, and Nicholas G. Martin
20 Some Guidelines for Defining Personality Differences in Rats
Peter Driscoll, Alberto Fernandez-Teruel, Maria G. Corda, Osvaldo Giorgi,
and Thierry Steimer
21 The Genetics of Offensive Aggression in Mice
Stephen C. Maxson
22 Sexual Selection and Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila ..
Yong-Kyu Kim
23 Handedness: A Behavioral Laterality Manifestation .
Ira B. Perelle and Lee Ehrman
24 Genetics of Exercise Behavior
Janine H. Stubbe and Eco J.C. de Geus
Part IV (ienetics of Psychopathology
25 Genetics of ADHD, Hyperactivity, and Attention Problems
Eske M. Derks, James J. Hud/iak, and Dorret I. Boomsma
26 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Developmental
Pathways, Genes and Environment
Frances Rice and Anita Thapar
27 Genetics of Autism
Sarah Curran and Patrick Bolton
28 Genetics of Smoking Behavior
Richard J. Rose. Ulla Broms, Tellervo Korhonen, Danielle M. Dick, and Jaakko
29 The Genetics of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
Danielle M. Dick, Carol Prescott, and Matt McGue
30 Genetic Analysis of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Behavior
Soo Hyun Rhee and Irwin D. Waldman
31 Schizophrenia and Affective Psychotic Disorders - Inputs
from a Genetic Perspective
Daniel R. Hanson
32 Genetic Risks in Schizophrenia: Cross-National Prospective Longitudinal
High-Risk Studies
Judith G. Auerbach, L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Barbara Fish, Sydney L. Hans,
Loring J. Ingraham, Joseph Marcus, Thomas F. McNeil, and Erland Schubert
33 Attention and Working Memory: Animal Models for Cognitive
Symptoms of Schizophrenia - Studies on D2-Like Receptor
Knockout Mice
Claudia Schmauss

9780387767260 (hardcover)

Behavior genetics.
Genetics, Behavioral.
Mental Disorders--genetics.

155.7 / KIM/Y
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