The United Nations in the new millennium: a changing scenario

Mehrish, B. N.

The United Nations in the new millennium: a changing scenario B. N. Mehrish - Delhi: Academic Excellence, 2007. - 350 p.

Includes bibliography and index

The Challenges for the UN in 21st Century
The New Image of the United Nations
The Concepfof Global Governance
The Commission on Global Governance
Changing Global Needs and Trends
Emergence of Global Qvil Society:
The UN System and NGOs
Global Security: New Threats and
Challenges to Global Economic Governance
The Need for Restructuring of the
UN System
Key Dimensions and Issues
of Reforming the UN
Complexity of the UN System
The Financing Issue
Non-Payment of Dues
Financing Peace-keeping
Financial Dependency
Volimtary Financing
Proposals on New Financing Methods
Decision-Making Process: The Basic Issues
Strengthening the General Assembly
Democratization of the Security Council
Reform of the UN Bureaucracy: The Basic Issues
Peace and Security Issues
UN Peace-keeping: Recent
Developments and Current Issues
The Role of the Security Council
Peace-keeping in the Borderlands of
Russia (NIS)
The Issue of Financing Peace-keeping Operations
Availability of Troops
Humanitarian Intervention
Administrative, Educational and Training Issues
Restructuring of Peace-keeping
Issues of Global Macro- Coordination and
Cooperation in Economic and Social Fields
Tlie Bretton Woods Institutions and the UN System 137
Protection of the Environment and Global Commons
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
The UN System and Social Development Issues
Empowerment of Women
Relationship of NGOs to the UN System:
Issues of Collaboration and Cooperation
Perspectives on Reforming the UN
for Building Future Global Order
Perspectives of the North and P-5
Perspectives of the South
Discussion in the Open-ended Working Group
Discussion in the Special Committee on the UN
Charter and on the Strengthening UN Role
The NGOs Perspective
A Reform agenda for making
UN more effective
Disaster Relief Fund
Renewal at the United Nations
2005 World Summit Outcome
Peacebuilding, Peacekeeping and Peacemaking
Utility to Protect
Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of La w
Management Reform
International Healtli
Humanitarian Assistance
Strengthening the Role of the UN and its Mechanism
in the Protection of Human Rights
Human Rights Council
Democracy and Development A UN Perspective
Elections to Human Rights CoimcU
Global Counter-Terrorism-Strategy


United Nations Organisation

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