Recent progress in medicinal plants: Phytoconstituents and physiological processes /

Recent progress in medicinal plants: Phytoconstituents and physiological processes / RPMP - USA Studium Press 2012 - 408 p.

Includes author index and subject index.

1. Role of Medicinal Herbs in Treatment Against Methicillin-
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Infections
Ben C L Ch/
, Margaret I P, Clara B S Lau, Q B Han,
Claude Jolivalt, Jean-Marc Paris, Neil E Reiner, Raymond
H See, K P Func. and P C Leung (Canada, Hong Kong, France)
2 /^/-jmonta-Antioxidative Effects and Perspectives for
Medicinal Application
Joanna Kolodziejczyk-Czepas, Marta Lewik-Tsirigotis,
Joanna Saluk, Izabela Pawlaczyk, Michal Bijak,
Barbara Wachowicz and Roman Gancarz (Poland)
3 Syzygium malaccense: Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry
and Pharmacology
Faiyaz Ahmed (India)
4 Chemistry and Pharmacology ofCassia cinnamon: AReview
Feng Sui, Chun Li , Jl^n-You Guo, Ming-Gano Bi and
Yljn-Peng Sui (China)
5 Therapeutic uses of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Ajav Pal, Bharat Bhushan and Farhath Ki-ianUjM (India)
6 Medicinal uses of Ltppio Sidoitfes Cham. (Verbanaceae) 119-125
Marco A Botelho, Samela Gomes, Gisele B Barros and
Dinalva B Queiroz (Brazil)
7 Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley-A Natural Multi 127-155
Therapeutic Agent
B N SiNHA, K JAYAiiAM Kumar AND S D Kulkarni (India)
8 Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities ofDaphne 157-189
Genus: An Overview
Ihek Suntar. Esra Kupeli Akkoi. .and Turhan Baykal (Turkey)
9 Micropropagation of Olive: Perspectives and New 191—218
Opportunities for Versatile Medicinal Plant
Annarita Leva, Laura MRRinai.di and Diego Leva (Italy)
10 Preliminary Investigation on the Antimicrobial Activity of 219-225
Crude Saponins Extract in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
KOSoetan and Ma OvErcuNLE (Nigeria)
11 Comparative Study of Essential Oils from Two Endemic 227-236
Calligonum species from Tunisian Desert
Adel Dhief (North Africa)
12 Oils from Raphia species of Congo Basin: Composition, 237-268
Biodiversity and QuaHty
SiLou Thomas, Goteni SfiRAPifiN, Maicondzo Mondako Clementine,
Kjnicela Therese, Mampouya David, Malumba Muicaya
Augustin and Kabele Ngiefu Christophe (R Congo)
13 Chemical Constituents, Biosjo^thesis and Therapeutic 269-278
Applications of Chaulmoogra Oil
Virendra Singh Rana (India)
14 Polyherbal Drugs as Radioprotective Agents; Present 279-303
Status and Future Directions
Manjesmwar Shrinath Baliga, Anatappa Govindara,ju Rajeev,
Princy Louis Palatty and Rajesh Arora (India)
15 Development and Validation ofan HPTLC Method for 305-312
Estimation of 6-Gingerol in Extracts and Formulations
Farida Begum, Mohammed Shamim Ahmed, J N Narendra
Sharath Chandra, Faiyaz Ahmed and Salma Khanam (India)
16 Antioxidant and Anti—inflammatory Properties of 313—335
Sea-weeds-A Mini Review
RSakthivel, S Karutiia Pandian and KPandima Devi (India)
17 Plant Derived Aphrodisiacs-An Overview 337-383
Shelvi Agarwal and Rajeev Kumar Sharma (India)
18 Medicinal Plants Used in the Practice of Tibetan Medicine 385^02
Tenzin Choedon and Vijay Kumar (India)
Subject Index

0965603857 (series ISBN)

Medicinal plants
Materia medica

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